1) Juiced a bunch of wrinkly apples and oranges. They weren't off, but just old and unattractive enough that no one would eat them. The juice was wildly delicious. I learned how to use the juicer today (it was my husband's purchase last year) and will start using it more often, especially when I can find a good, cheap box of apples at the local produce market. Maybe I could even acquire a taste for healthy vegetable juices too? I want to finally work on the payback of this luxury item ... hubs bought it after watching that movie on the guy who did juice fasting. Sorry, the name escapes me.
2) Picked up a HUGE bag of books and movies from the library. I grabbed 2 books that looked interesting to me. I tend to not finish books, but with the library, I have ZERO guilt. In the olden days, pre-MMM, I would buy books and am STILL suffering from buyers remorse as I attempt to de-clutter my home and come across books I HAD to have, and then, never read, or never finished <sigh>.