Author Topic: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?  (Read 8510406 times)


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11900 on: September 24, 2018, 11:59:03 AM »
Bought six bags of different dried beans and two pounds of brown rice.  Going to learn how to cook it. LOL

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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11901 on: September 24, 2018, 01:08:46 PM »
ate enough (free) delicious pizza at work lunch to not have to eat dinner.


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11902 on: September 24, 2018, 02:51:15 PM »
In a jet lagged stupor when I was unable to focus on any real work, I thought to price match our flights to Hawaii, and received a $140 credit for the difference. (We can use the credit for future travel.)

We also bought prepared Costco food on Saturday vs eating out (not as cheap as making our own, but way cheaper than takeout, and . . . jet lag). My husband cooked on Sunday, using ingredients we already had at the house.

I've already finished my expense report, so should be getting the money back from my trip to Tokyo pretty quickly.


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11903 on: September 24, 2018, 06:13:51 PM »
Did the paperwork for a rebate on the motor oil we bought for an oil change.


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11904 on: September 26, 2018, 06:21:01 AM »
Last evening I saved ~$150 by not calling a plumber and diagnosing the problem and removing clogged pipes in our kitchen.  Last night I saved even more by cleaning up the ten gallons of water I put onto my kitchen floor myself.  Today I'm line-drying all the towels I used to clean up my flood mess created by my plumbing mess.  Yes sir, at this rate of saving money I should be able to FIRE in no time. 


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11905 on: September 26, 2018, 09:15:45 AM »
After countless calls to Xfinity for a reduced bill, all made in vain, canceled cable and home phone.  Saved $50 per month.

Saved an additional $5 per month by adding back cable the next day.  Suddenly after canceling the new customer offers appeared.   


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11906 on: September 26, 2018, 03:24:20 PM »
After countless calls to Xfinity for a reduced bill, all made in vain, canceled cable and home phone.  Saved $50 per month.

Saved an additional $5 per month by adding back cable the next day.  Suddenly after canceling the new customer offers appeared.

I was thinking you saved $50/month by canceling cable and home phone because the bill for those was $50/month.  But that must not be correct, because if you are now saving $5 more by adding it back in they would have to be paying you $5.  Maybe you have internet with them too or something.


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11907 on: September 26, 2018, 10:03:18 PM »
Went to the debit-card-only gas station, saving about $0.20 a gallon.


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11908 on: September 27, 2018, 01:30:55 AM »
  • I lowered my commute expense by 50% just by simply walking halfway to/from work and home!
  • Cut down cable tv subscription (what was I thinking?) and replaced it with Netflix essentially cutting the cost in half.
  • Almost completed my no-softdrinks month challenge which proved to be a double win (great way to save and good for my health) - planning to continue this next month :)
  • Completely cutoff the weekly eat-out habit with my co-workers

« Last Edit: September 27, 2018, 01:32:55 AM by zerothreetwo »


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11909 on: September 27, 2018, 07:42:09 AM »
We did the boring things this week - ate leftovers for dinner (free breakfast/lunch at work for the adults) & charged our electric car for free at work. We also heavily leveraged carpools to avoid lots of driving for kids activities. That said, I screwed up on one of our asks for our nanny (wrong time) & will pay an extra $25 because of my error. Sad. This is what happens when you work on the weekly schedule jet lagged.


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11910 on: September 28, 2018, 02:55:27 AM »
When we started our renovation a year ago, I tried hard to save anything useful for reuse. The bay window system was re-installed and replaced with new triple-glass windows for energy efficiency, and I was able to locate, wash, and reinstall the Ikea Ringblomma blinds today, saving $102 including tax.


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11911 on: September 28, 2018, 01:15:29 PM »
I looked up the cost of an airline flight to compare it to a train I was thinking of taking between two cities and found a direct flight that was only $24 per person!  The next cheapest flight was over $110 for one person and my two tickets cost less than $50! 

Although a train would have been entertaining, I couldn't have passed up that kind of cost savings.  I anticipate the train would have been well over $120 per person.


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11912 on: September 28, 2018, 02:02:07 PM »
My mantra of "it's the little things" this week continues:
-I'm working from home, so husband is driving our electric car to work, where he'll get free charging
-Kids packed leftovers for lunches, & I also ate leftovers for lunch
-I'm making naan pizzas for dinner, which is an excuse to clear out the fridge & use up lots of odds & ends
-I listed 2 items on eBay. I haven't been doing this in a while, so it was good to get a little momentum going again
-Found 2 items I can return to Costco (haven't been used). Changed my mind, & may have just left them lingering in my closet, but re-evaluated whether I really needed them, and have them on the table to leave the house at tomorrow's Costco run
-Planned a menu for the next two weeks, primarily featuring things I'm trying to clear out of the freezer


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11913 on: September 28, 2018, 04:52:13 PM »
Prepping to sell our house.
-The light fixtures out front were original to the house (26+ years old) and looked terrible. Thought we needed to replace them, but with a good clean up they look a million times better.
-Getting bids from multiple places to replace the flooring (this is one area that 'clean it up' won't do- it needed replaced before we moved in frankly, and multiple steam cleanings hasn't improved the staining from the previous owners. Plus, you know, peeling vinyl isn't pretty)

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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11914 on: September 29, 2018, 10:56:24 PM »
Bought a few bottles of black dye and dyed my work pants.  They are in decent condition just faded.  This will easily get me another year without buying new ones.  Only draw back is my hand now has a black cast to it from making sure the fabric was all under water.  Next time I’ll make sure I have an old paint stick on hand for that.


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11915 on: September 30, 2018, 01:59:25 AM »
Been married for almost a year now, but finally got around to having our honeymoon in HI.
  • Flight tickets paid for (mostly) with CC points
  • Stayed at two different places we found online, both with incredible views. We negotiated cash deals with each owner directly to save about 20% on both
  • Bought groceries to cook most meals at our rentals
  • Almost all of our entertainment was hikes/vistas/etc., didn't spend any cash on tours/shows/etc., just national park entry
  • Kept our national park receipt to re-use two days later when we visited the other side of the park
  • Fueled up the rental at Costco to save almost $1.00/gal on gasoline

Things I did to save money, but could have saved even more money if I simply hadn't done them. No ragrets though:
  • Bought a bottle of Lagavulin 16 for $50 at Costco. I've always wanted to grab a bottle, but it's $85 where I'm from, and I could never justify paying that much. So for $50 I decided to go for it.
  • Bought a bottle of Buffalo Trace, a great whiskey for the money. Nearly impossible to find where I'm from, so I'm glad I got to nab one to bring back home.
  • We rented a car for the whole trip. Scooters/ebikes might have been a fun alternative for getting around the island, but we went for a car instead for the comforts. My workplace "perks" offers rental car pricing, but the price is exactly the same as without the perk, so idk what the point is.

Some face punch things we did:
  • Paid to check a piece of luggage "just in case" we need to bring back souvenirs
  • One evening, DW wanted to eat at Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. because she likes the movie, so we willingly overpaid there. Food was good, service was great, but def. overpaid
  • I bought one of those ridiculous half-ounce travel size deodorant sticks, when I should have just dealt with the BO


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11916 on: September 30, 2018, 04:47:11 AM »
Chopped wood for the woodstove. And I will take the train to the next city this afternoon using DH's train card.


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11917 on: September 30, 2018, 07:34:26 AM »
@cliner - congrats on your honeymoon! Sounds like a great experience. With the deodorant, why not just bring a regular size, and not deal with BO or overpaying? :-) Stick deodorant is not considered a liquid, so you can bring even in a carry on. I travel with a backpack only & prioritize packing deodorant for sure!


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11918 on: September 30, 2018, 07:45:51 AM »
Bought a bottle of Buffalo Trace, a great whiskey for the money. Nearly impossible to find where I'm from, so I'm glad I got to nab one to bring back home.

What sad world do you live in where you can't find buffalo trace?! =o

Also, we're totally with you- we were married almost 3 years before we finally took a honeymoon to Maui! It was great though.

-Been cutting our fancy coffee with half costco stuff. Still get a fantastic depth of flavor, and it actually balances the acidity of the fancy coffee well for me.
-I finally had to replace my turby-twist hair wrap. Not exactly savings for today, since I had to replace it, but I just wanted to brag about that thing lasting through daily use for 12 years with long hair! I was able to pick up a 2 pack replacement for ~$5 at TJ Maxx. Hope they last as long.


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11919 on: September 30, 2018, 08:00:43 AM »
Canceled auto renewal for Amazon Prime.  I don't buy enough stuff to justify 2-day shipping and I've watched anything worth watching on their online service. 

The hubby is leveling our future mobile home we got for free himself instead of paying $500 to a company to do it.  Luckily, he has a friend willing to help with experience doing this.  We are also repurposing cabinet doors and some wood flooring instead or buying new to finish some things inside the home.  Yesterday I spent hours scraping carpet pad glue off the linoleum to re-use in a bedroom over ripping it out and replacing. 

We are also still waiting to take our honeymoon, 10 months now.  Have a blast on your trip for me @cliner !


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11920 on: September 30, 2018, 08:01:58 AM »
Found a hole in my sheet and sewed a patch over it. Cut a patch from a worn out shirt and used gifted thread to stitch it. For this kind of repair, a patch from used fabric is actually better than from new fabric, because the used fabric is already soft. You don't want rough fabric on your bed. 


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11921 on: October 01, 2018, 09:18:20 PM »
Biked to work, with snacks from home in my bag so that I wasn't tempted to pay for some.
Used my water bottle that keeps the water *so cold* so that I wouldn't be tempted by soda.
Drank a free soda from the work fridge when I caved on that point. :(
I'm 'dry cleaning' my work clothes in the dryer with Woolite Dry Cleaning Cloths. Much cheaper than taking them to be cleaned.
Used a birthday card from my stash of thrifted cards and a gifted stamp to send to a friend.I think I'm one of the few people who send actual cards instead of just a facebook greeting, and recipients seem to appreciate it.
Figured out I can split my medication pills in half (with my doctor's approval), taking my medication costs to $5/month with insurance.


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11922 on: October 02, 2018, 03:16:47 AM »
  • Bought a half fare card for public transport with a discount - it will be the cheapest way to get to work as long as I only go there for 1 day per week
  • Used an old computer and set it up with a free, very small operating system. It serves now as my music station when I do laundry


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11923 on: October 02, 2018, 11:15:24 AM »
Had a $10 off coupon for Kohl's that was expiring yesterday.  Didn't have time to actually get to a Kohl's and was trying to figure out if I could make it after work and before they closed without being a jerk running in the door at the last minute.  Thought to check their website and they offered free in-store pickup.  I was able to buy a Christmas present for under $10 so my total was $0, and I didn't have to rush there at 9:55 pm.

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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11924 on: October 02, 2018, 11:50:30 AM »
Completed step 1 of emptying out the top drawer of the file cabinet and scanning everything, still need to do the bottom drawer.  This won't save me now, but will when we determine long term storage after we sell our house. 

DH has had several food shows lately and rather than throw away the food he is sampling, he brings it home.  He tries to give it away, but people generally don't want to take it.  We've had three meals this past week where we just had to add vegetables and a salad.  His company has also reformulated a couple products and/or changed the packaging.  He can't give out samples of old packaging or old formulas so he brings those samples home. 

Thankful that Hurricane Florence has only cost me under $2.5k so far, although we have one more huge tree to take care of that will probably be at least $1k to take care of. 


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11925 on: October 02, 2018, 11:56:04 AM »
Power company was selling LED bulbs for 10/$10.  Replaced my aging flickering LEDs.


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11926 on: October 02, 2018, 02:10:50 PM »
~Doing the usual bringing my coffee, breakfast, lunch and snacks to work
~Put $1.11 into my penguin bank
~Declined all the extra warranty stuff for my new car
~Driving responsibly keeps my insurance rates down, even on the new car
~Saved 17% at the grocery store by shopping the sales and using e-coupons
~Saved .03 at the fuel pump using my value card
~(Finally) donated the 6 bags of clothing, etc. for a tax deduction
~Utilizing leftovers to save food waste
~Continuing to pay down my credit card which is reducing the finance charge dramatically


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11927 on: October 02, 2018, 08:49:51 PM »
-Made various dinner leftovers into a dinner that would serve 4
-Drove electric car to work, avoiding commuting costs
-Adjusted the shipping on an eBay item (I'd applied the recommended eBay cost) & immediately received bids. It's a small item (pair of flip flops), but I got them for free at work, so all upside.

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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11928 on: October 02, 2018, 09:15:36 PM »
-showered at the pool, instead of home
- drank a free latte at work
- brought home free yellow squash from a co-workers garden
- returned two items I purchased from amazon in a "I feel sorry for myself" shopping moment


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11929 on: October 03, 2018, 12:41:27 AM »
-Had a free lunch at work yesterday
-Did not go food shopping and raided the cupboards instead
-Will do the same for all meals today. We're both not completely well and we don't want to go out on our day off.


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11930 on: October 03, 2018, 05:10:04 PM »
Sold crap on Facebook for $20 and ate leftover lasagna I made about 10 days ago. 


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11931 on: October 03, 2018, 07:53:54 PM »
-Charged my electric car for free at work
-Ate free breakfast/lunch at work
-Made dinner out of various leftovers. Unfortunately, we've been able to make leftovers last until Thursdays most weeks, but with the kids (2 middle school aged boys) playing lots of sports, we are now running out most days on Wednesdays. Today I had to really cobble together options. One child will have leftover pasta & meatballs. One child will have meatballs with taquitos (freezer). My husband will have leftover soup & taquitos. I had the last hot dog, some hummus & will have a piece of fruit to round things out.


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11932 on: October 04, 2018, 04:05:04 AM »
We have both been feeling a bit ill over the last couple of days (nothing serious, just a bad cold) and that's always a great way to save money ;-) . We've not been anywhere, we haven't bought anything, except for a very quick trip to the grocery store for tissues, paracetamol and fruit. We've mostly eaten soup and bread over the last couple of days, and lots of of tea.


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11933 on: October 04, 2018, 04:34:00 AM »
Biked to and from work today. Saved $0.80 bus fare (round trip) or $14 taxi fare (round trip). But more importantly, saved ove an hour of my time since it’s faster to bike than to bus to work.


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11934 on: October 04, 2018, 04:34:28 AM »
I don't mention it anymore, because I do it every day. But I still eat my 2 or 3 slices of bread from home, instead of buying lunch at the cafeteria at work. I save 2/3 of the price of a bought lunch.


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11935 on: October 04, 2018, 07:50:58 AM »
Just packed up leftovers from last night for husband’s work lunch. He’s gotten much better about taking rather than buying lunch, and even if he forgets to bring something, he’s figured out that he can get a freshly baked pizza roll for a couple of dollars at the bakery across the street rather than spending three times as much at Wendy’s.


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11936 on: October 04, 2018, 08:16:20 AM »
Changed my watch strap myself, DIY style.  The strap itself was however bought online.

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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11937 on: October 04, 2018, 08:24:16 AM »
I don't mention it anymore, because I do it every day. But I still eat my 2 or 3 slices of bread from home, instead of buying lunch at the cafeteria at work. I save 2/3 of the price of a bought lunch.

Do you just eat bread for lunch?  Not sandwiches?  That's pretty hardcore!


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11938 on: October 04, 2018, 02:40:20 PM »
-Standard electric car + free lunch stuff
-Also figured out how to adjust my HSA contribution to hit the yearly max! It will be a huge paycheck adjustment for the last 5 checks of the year, but super pleased with myself for getting off of my butt & making it happen


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11939 on: October 05, 2018, 05:42:45 AM »
I had 5 over ripe bananas and being lazy didn't feel like making banana bread. I peeled them and put them in a ziplock bag and mashed them up then froze them. I found this idea somewhere on the internet on using up ripe bananas. What you do is buy a box of spice cake mix, add in about 4-5 bananas, mix it up. Bake as a cake or muffins as the box instructs. Do not add anything else, no oil, no butter, no eggs. Just the two ingredients, bananas and cake mix!

It came out so moist! I topped it with cream cheese icing. Next time I am going to try a banana cake mix or a carrot cake mix! This is a no brainer! And I didn't toss out the bananas as I have done a thousand times!


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11940 on: October 05, 2018, 06:19:21 AM »
I had 5 over ripe bananas and being lazy didn't feel like making banana bread. I peeled them and put them in a ziplock bag and mashed them up then froze them. I found this idea somewhere on the internet on using up ripe bananas. What you do is buy a box of spice cake mix, add in about 4-5 bananas, mix it up. Bake as a cake or muffins as the box instructs. Do not add anything else, no oil, no butter, no eggs. Just the two ingredients, bananas and cake mix!

It came out so moist! I topped it with cream cheese icing. Next time I am going to try a banana cake mix or a carrot cake mix! This is a no brainer! And I didn't toss out the bananas as I have done a thousand times!

I'm going to try this! I always end up with old bananas, and I typically make muffins with them, but I LOVE spice cake.

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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11941 on: October 05, 2018, 07:28:30 AM »
Sold our unused Wii and accessories for $160.  The majority of the collection was a gift (console) or gathered from a Craigslist free ad (Wii Fit, several games and Rockband setup).  Now on to declutter some more and list another item on Craigslist.   


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11942 on: October 05, 2018, 03:39:31 PM »
I had a friend over for lunch instead of going out to eat.  I also cooked WAY too much food, so I have food for dinner (and I sent dinner home with my friend).


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11943 on: October 05, 2018, 09:07:22 PM »
Butchered a rabbit. All in, he actually cost me a fair amount of money, but I wasn't setup to keep a rabbit at the time I caught him.  I decided I wanted to see if raising rabbits for meat was a thing I wanted to do eventually.  So.  I learned a new skill (thanks, youtube!) and tomorrow I'll see if I actually like the taste,


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11944 on: October 05, 2018, 10:14:30 PM »
Bought a fridge, but got it second hand for a savings of over $500. No more long life milk, and we can keep stuff cold now!


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11945 on: October 05, 2018, 11:43:51 PM »
Instead of buying new underpants, I am using up 3 of my husband's which are too small for him.
Obviously not the perfect fit, but they do the trick.
I do sometimes wonder what I will say if ever paramedics or hospital staff discover that I am wearing men's underpants. 


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11946 on: October 06, 2018, 05:24:32 AM »
Butchered a rabbit. All in, he actually cost me a fair amount of money, but I wasn't setup to keep a rabbit at the time I caught him.  I decided I wanted to see if raising rabbits for meat was a thing I wanted to do eventually.  So.  I learned a new skill (thanks, youtube!) and tomorrow I'll see if I actually like the taste,

Good for you!  Do be aware though, that wild rabbit and raised rabbit don't necessarily taste the same.  (I'm assuming from the comment about catching it that this is a wild bun.)  I've never had wild myself, but I did raise rabbits for a while, and I've been informed by several people that wild is much more gamey than my rabbits were.  Mine were basically weird shaped chicken, I could sub them into any chicken recipe with good results.


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11947 on: October 06, 2018, 08:28:52 AM »
Butchered a rabbit. All in, he actually cost me a fair amount of money, but I wasn't setup to keep a rabbit at the time I caught him.  I decided I wanted to see if raising rabbits for meat was a thing I wanted to do eventually.  So.  I learned a new skill (thanks, youtube!) and tomorrow I'll see if I actually like the taste,

Good for you!  Do be aware though, that wild rabbit and raised rabbit don't necessarily taste the same.  (I'm assuming from the comment about catching it that this is a wild bun.)  I've never had wild myself, but I did raise rabbits for a while, and I've been informed by several people that wild is much more gamey than my rabbits were.  Mine were basically weird shaped chicken, I could sub them into any chicken recipe with good results.

This one is domestic, I'm pretty sure.  They are all over my neighborhood because, as I'm told, an elderly person died just before I moved to the area.  They had a breeding pair of domestics and some dumbass just let them go instead of rehoming them.  FLB (furry little bastard) and his siblings were born under my shed and decimating my garden this spring.  The dogs got two of them.  I caught the one.  I think there's another out there now, as something is chewing up my hopi corn patch.  I may finally spring for live capture traps this fall in hopes of keeping them out of the garden.  And, hey!  Food!


  • Walrus Stache
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    • My Wild Ride to FI
Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11948 on: October 06, 2018, 11:35:37 AM »
Sold a pair of flip flops I got for free at work. Super small $5.91 of earning, but clutter out of my house & a little money in my pocket.


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11949 on: October 07, 2018, 04:23:15 AM »
Hit the flea market that was in town last night that was about to start closing everything up.  Got a pretty nice area rug for $40 that we were needing for one of the rooms in the soon-to-be house.  Everything I've been looking at similar online starts around $100 or more.


Wow, a phone plan for fifteen bucks!