@cutenila, Good for you for trying to use while chickens! I've been using them for many years now. For ease of use, I cook up a whole thawed chicken, breast side down, in the crockpot
On high. I put an onion in the cavity and typically sprinkle on some salt, pepper, rosemary and a few garlic cloves sliced on top. Cook all day. Then I let it cool on a plate and debone it. I chuck all the bones and skim and any icky bits back in the crockpot. Tomorrow those bones and juices will become stock! Yum! Add salt, basil, oregano, peppercorns, garlic, a few stalks
Of celery, a few carrots. Cook all day again. Strain and freeze or use. The meat that you pulled off keeps great in the fridge and can be used in so many dishes. Practically
Instant chicken!