Got the lambs butchered and got 4 off to people who put dibs in... Low-priced enough to be appealing, priced high enough that we off-set the cost of the one we raised for ourselves. Free leg of lamb, omnomnom. :)
Traded my husbands help painting my sisters new apartment for her help painting the walls and furniture I'm building for the new baby's room -paint fumes ain't great for me, so that works! Also we can build nice pine bookcases/cubbies (think the IKEA Expedit units) for about 1/3 of what ikea charges for pressed wood and crap veneer, so, doing that. Yay nicer furniture AND saving money. Yay skills. :)
Started building a dollhouse for my daughter for Christmas. We wanted something durable that would hold up to Toddler and be thin enough to store easily and not take over a room. Apparently the second requirement can't be find, and a dollhouse that would hold up (without furniture or dolls!!) is around 200$CAD. Um, no, 10 hours and 30$ will do, and be much cuter AND storable.
Oh, and I took the toddler shopping for winter boots and snowsuit that would hold up to playing outside in a Quebec winter (aka: it's effing cold, this is not the place to cheap out). Discount warehouse-type places got us excellent quality snowsuit and boots for about 60$ cheaper than I'd have paid in nicer places, and we came out with cute and gender-neutral clothing (I'm pregnant with a boy and NOT keen on setting myself up to re-buy all this gar just for colour purposes, because that's nonsense). A planned expense, but we got great quality for lowest price. Win?
And that's all today: I'm exhausted and about to keel over, so we're making pizza and spinach salad for dinner (all available ingredients in the fridge) and then we're gonna stay in and have an early bedtime - cheap evening too. ;)