-Wanted some seating in the front room where we will be placing christmas tree, etc, as we'll be hosting quite a few people, some with mobility issues. Hadn't found a solution- couch won't fit in there, tree won't fit in living room, etc. In-Laws are moving and couldn't sell their big purple leather sectional they'd had in their "bonus room". Really the height of 90s decor, but still in good shape- I think they had it restuffed at one point. Took it and it fits (dimension wise) perfectly in that room. Bonus, long enough to serve as a guest bed to friends/BILs who don't care about "real" beds. Now I just have to get over having a giant grape in my house =P But the price was right!
-Had friends over for dinner, rather than go out anywhere. Also continued talking personal finance with this friend- he's slowly pulling his finances together. This month he's spent $400 on eating out, vs $1000 last month. Shocking numbers, but a huge improvement! And makes me feel good hosting not only helps *us* save money, it helps him feel like cutting restaurant spending is more doable.
-Put up some hand me down Christmas decorations! Embracing the mindset of "nostalgia" rather than "old and kitschy" haha. Don't let perfect be the enemy of frugal!