Just sharpened my knives.
They are almost eight years old and I use them constantly, but a quick sharpen and they're good as new.
My DH used to be a speed skater and is good at sharpening irons. So he also sharpens the good knives at home, as well as the chain saw's chain. The only knives that are a challenge are the bread knives. I have no idea if they can be sharpened at all.
You can sharpen serrated knives, but it's a pain in the .. knife block. You use a tool like this:
http://amzn.to/2j7U4GT (basically, a thin rod that tapers a bit towards the end -- starts kinda pencil-thickness and gets narrower), and you then sharpen each serration individually.
The bright side of bread knives is that if you're gentle with them and don't cut on something like a stone or glass countertop, they'll stay sharp for a long time. The pointy bits protect the edge that's deeper in the groove.
To put it in perspective, I tend to steel and/or strop my knives about every second use. About six gentle strokes on each side of the steel is enough to help maintain the blade pretty well. I sharpen them on a stone as needed, but that tends to be every few months, for knives that get a good workout at least 4x/week. I've never sharpened my serrated knives. That's helped by the fact that I accidentally broke my oldest one about 10 years ago and have a "new" one, but close enough.
I have seen serrated blades get dull, though. I brought my stones and sharpened my in-laws knives for them over thanksgiving, and I just.. cried a little bit about their serrated blades and left them alone. They're probably 30 or 40 years old at this point, and have never been sharpened. The knives, not the in-laws.
Oops. I'll stop cooking-knife-geeking now. That got a bit out of hand. :)