@Dicey, I did that once - got money from a former employer who couldn't "find me" to pay me back wages. I live in the same town. Said employer did a bankruptcy reorg into a new company, and NEW COMPANY CALLED TO TALK ABOUT HIRING ME FOR A JOB. Um, can't find me, eh?
Today, I saved money a few ways:
1. Did not drive to the YMCA for my body pump class. Nevermind the lost money from not using the membership at all this week, I saved on gas! Because, I was out of gas anyway.
2. Scrounged a sack lunch for work. I usually eat salad every day, but by Friday the fridge is pretty bare. Even moreso this week because husband is traveling and I canceled the Tues produce box. Instead of treating myself (which I sort of wanted, but also knew I'd have to work through lunch because: busy), I made a salmon salad (canned salmon) and grabbed an apple and some leftover roasted potatoes and carrots. I don't normally eat carbs for lunch, but whatever.
3. Turned down a last minute invite to "paint nite" with a group of ladies. I love these things. I suck at painting, but these are like painting for engineers because they tell you what colors to mix and how to paint them. But...since said spouse is not home yet, and it looks like he's not gonna make it (already flight #1 delayed an hour and he only has a 1 hour layover, and there's legit NO WAY to get home tonight from Denver if he misses his connection.) I COULD leave the kids and dog alone for 2 hours, but I won't. The kids need ... well not much really, big one is past snuggles. But the dog will need to be walked.