Several number touch pads on our over the range microwave have not been working for some time. For example, to set One Minute, we'd key in 60 seconds since the 1 did not work. Tried Unplugging it, wait, plug it back in -- helped for one number only. Searched the internet and you tube and thought, why not try a fix idea I found. We unplugged the microwave (critical first step!), loosened the control panel, and as suggested on line, loosened, re inserted and re captured the flat ribbon connector. So far, everything except the power percentage control, which we rarely use, is now working well.
The idea was that, over time, opening and closing the microwave door and perhaps steam exposure had degraded the amount of contact the ribbon had with its receiver. I don't know about that, but do love that it's working again.
We're surprised and thrilled by our success!
If it happens again, we will may disconnect all of the wire contact plug ins and wipe them off and reinsert.