Author Topic: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?  (Read 8520845 times)


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11350 on: May 30, 2018, 04:15:30 AM »
No direct savings today, but I decided to not save for tuition and instead just pay the €24 fee for paying in terms.

I don't know when but something just clicked and I realized I can't plan to join the 'dont payoff your mortgage club' but simultaneously decide to save up a couple thousand and let it rot for a year.


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11351 on: May 30, 2018, 07:28:24 AM »
I overspent during the holiday weekend (worth it!), and to stick to my budget, I'm digging through the cupboards and freezer in lieu of grocery shopping this week. So far, I'm not starving!


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11352 on: May 30, 2018, 08:33:07 AM »
- Went to the craft store with my MIL since she doesn't have one in her town. Resisted buying anything despite her pushing on it. This is a big deal for me.

I get this. My mother is a 'stuff' person, and her love language is gifts, so when she comes to visit all she wants to do is shop. It's been *years* trying to redirect her good intentions, and I feel like we've finally hit a place that is a happy medium for both of us. (I've started making a list of things I need when she comes to visit, like replacement socks for my holy ones or a new casual skirt to replace the three I just cleared out of my closet that were too small, so I can productively focus.)

It helps that she has a grandchild that is growing like a weed and that we just lost the hook-up for his awesome, gender neutral hand-me-downs...

Yesterday I:
--had leftovers for lunch yesterday.
--kept the lights off when I work at home to keep cooling and electric costs down.
--started a list of meal-prep ideas for when I start the new job, to keep the 'eating out' costs to a minimum on my long days! This list will help direct my grocery shopping so I don't 'forget' the groceries I need to make this happen.


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11353 on: May 30, 2018, 03:56:15 PM »
Replaced the toilet fill valve today.   Cost $12 and took around 2 hours,  including time spent learning how to fix it and going to the store to buy new valve.  Probably saved a coupe hundreds.


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11354 on: May 30, 2018, 05:20:14 PM »
Got an e-mail alert for a coupon for - two free tickets to the movies. Yay - I hardly ever go to the movies, but there is a new movie out that I'd like to see and I can invite my gf for free too :) double yay!

Harvested some celery from my garden - for soup tomorrow.

Mr. H. fixed the leaky sink in the kitchen - saved us from calling the plumber.

Keep saving my coffee grounds and leftover tea and tea bags for fertilizer for the roses, geraniums, figs and lime tree.

Tomorrow I plan on harvesting some fresh Mojito Mint - Mojitos:) in the gazebo.

Figured out that the bulky setting on my washing machine will work for a large throw rug that I was considering getting rid off - last ditch effort - worked like a charm.


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11355 on: May 31, 2018, 01:25:31 AM »
Finally, I have the time and the situation to walk to work again. It is still very hot outside, so I hope that in the afternoon I manage to walk up that long hill in the sun without getting a heat stroke. The rest is through a forest and flat. I brought a bottle of water with some sports drink.

Tomorrow I am planning to visit a second hand market to look for certain books. The usually cost about 3 dollars per book during such an event, much cheaper than buying them second hand at an antique book store.


  • Bristles
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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11356 on: May 31, 2018, 10:02:13 AM »
Reviewed my monthly and annual subscriptions (aka leeches) and cancelled annual comic book subscription ($60). Called the NYT to cancel and they gave me 50% off for 52 weeks.

Total savings: $158/year
Still on the books: $712/year :(


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11357 on: May 31, 2018, 10:24:13 AM »
I hate magazine subscriptions. They always want you to renew like 9 months before the subscription ends and they keep pestering you. I used to get so annoyed with my Hubs magazine subscriptions that he insisted I take care of. Hahahaha, when he retired, I told him to take care of them. Well, it didn't take him long to decide he despised the pestering and renewal demands. He has since cancelled about 3 subscriptions. I told him now you know why I was crabbing all the time about these STUPID magazines! Then there are bogus companies that get your name and try to get you to renew thru them instead of the magazine itself. Do not renew thru those jerks!

I got scammed on a low cost subscription by this company that seemed legit. I never got a renewal and never got my money back even though I contacted the BBB and other agencies. These people were evil. They kept telling these agencies they would refund my money and never did. By the way, they were from Arizona. So beware of any magazine renewal companies from there.


  • Bristles
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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11358 on: May 31, 2018, 10:51:23 AM »
ETA: I sauteed the carrot greens in some mushroom and sage-infused olive oil and they were...edible. Barely. I don't think I'll make them again, unless someone has a tried-and-true recipe to share.

I've always found carrot greens too bitter to eat alone.  Small amounts can be added to soups or when you're making broth.  If you grow radishes or get them fresh at the farmer's market, those greens are delicious to me when sauteed.

I save carrot greens in a ziplock bag in the freezer along with onion ends, carrot peelings. When the bag is full, I saute in oil, add water and beef or chicken bones, then simmer for a few hours for stock.

Not a recipe, but, a neighbor made pesto out of carrot tops and gave us a few jars.  Not too shabby.  :)

I recall reading someplace that carrot greens are toxic and contain strychnine. Asked the google and it seems the advice is mixed.


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11359 on: May 31, 2018, 12:40:42 PM »
I hate magazine subscriptions. They always want you to renew like 9 months before the subscription ends and they keep pestering you. I used to get so annoyed with my Hubs magazine subscriptions that he insisted I take care of. Hahahaha, when he retired, I told him to take care of them. Well, it didn't take him long to decide he despised the pestering and renewal demands. He has since cancelled about 3 subscriptions. I told him now you know why I was crabbing all the time about these STUPID magazines! Then there are bogus companies that get your name and try to get you to renew thru them instead of the magazine itself. Do not renew thru those jerks!

I got scammed on a low cost subscription by this company that seemed legit. I never got a renewal and never got my money back even though I contacted the BBB and other agencies. These people were evil. They kept telling these agencies they would refund my money and never did. By the way, they were from Arizona. So beware of any magazine renewal companies from there.

So true. I used to have a subscription. When I cancelled it, they kept calling me with offers for other magazines. After a year or two it finally stopped.

I am slightly thinking about taking a 3 month for cheap subacription offer for a financial magazine. But it is not motivating to know they won't leave you alone after that. I guess I'd better continue to listen to the free podcast from that magazine.


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11360 on: May 31, 2018, 01:27:05 PM »
Spent $34 on plants and DH planted them garden last night (we're in the Rockies, hence the short growing season).

Fingers crossed for a successful harvest and reduced grocery bills later this summer!

La Bibliotecaria Feroz

  • Walrus Stache
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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11361 on: May 31, 2018, 03:10:24 PM »
ETA: I sauteed the carrot greens in some mushroom and sage-infused olive oil and they were...edible. Barely. I don't think I'll make them again, unless someone has a tried-and-true recipe to share.

I've always found carrot greens too bitter to eat alone.  Small amounts can be added to soups or when you're making broth.  If you grow radishes or get them fresh at the farmer's market, those greens are delicious to me when sauteed.

I save carrot greens in a ziplock bag in the freezer along with onion ends, carrot peelings. When the bag is full, I saute in oil, add water and beef or chicken bones, then simmer for a few hours for stock.

Not a recipe, but, a neighbor made pesto out of carrot tops and gave us a few jars.  Not too shabby.  :)

I find that they can be mixed with spinach or other greens and either sauteed or made into pesto. They are not edible alone IMO! Need to be blended with more mild-flavored greens.

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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11362 on: May 31, 2018, 04:17:07 PM »
A neighbor is moving and I mentioned to her that I'd be interested in a any food she was going to throw away. She gave me the contents of her giant freezer. I kept half (threw the bread away) and got tons of meat, fish and veggies. Took all the open bags of fruits and veggies that were freezer burnt and fed them to the chickens. She said she's emptying the fridge tomorrow - I will have to see if I can score that too.


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11363 on: June 01, 2018, 12:29:38 PM »
Had a meeting in the next town over, so come home via Aldi & Wal-mart. I returned an item to Aldi that I bought for just one recipe that I never made, for $6 back. My closest Aldi is closed for remodeling, so they handed out $5/$30 coupons right before they shut down. I used my return and coupon to save $11 on my shop. There's no Aldi close by anywhere I travel until a new store opens later this month, so I was happy to have a meeting 20 miles away so that I could combine the trips!


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11364 on: June 01, 2018, 03:25:09 PM »
I haven't been sleeping well because the sun rises so early here this time of year.  I decided I needed to upgrade my window treatments beyond the cheap Ikea shades that weren't blocking any sunlight.  First I was going to get more expensive shades.  Then I thought about buying some black out curtains.  Then I discovered black out fabric.  Went to the fabric store and got about 2 yards of black out fabric at $7/yard.  Employee informs me they have a 50% off online coupon if I download their app.  Got the fabric home, cut to window size and mounted with push pins.  Their are prettier window treatments but none more price effective.  I've got two black out "curtains" for $7 total and they work amazing.  I had my best night sleep in weeks last night! :)


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11365 on: June 01, 2018, 03:48:53 PM »
Husband is fixing our AC unit. God I love being married to an electrical engineer. This is twice now he's saved our butts on this front. When we moved in, they basically said expect to replace it anytime, it's over 20 years old, parts aren't made anymore, etc etc. 2 years on and it's still working =)

Got some free books on Buy Nothing.


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11366 on: June 02, 2018, 08:33:19 AM »
Made dinner out of the fridge vs going out, even though I'd just flown back from an international flight & I was crazy tired.


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11367 on: June 02, 2018, 04:25:49 PM »
Packed a good lunch for an all-day volunteer retreat instead of relying on a local restaurant.


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11368 on: June 02, 2018, 04:48:10 PM »
Signed up for the public library summer reading program. If I log 10 hours this month, I get rewarded with $6 in fine credit, which could last me a long time. Finally, I found a way to get paid for reading!

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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11369 on: June 02, 2018, 07:06:21 PM »
I had a lot of free time today, so instead of taking a taxi to meet my parents for dinner (because the subway was fucked in such a way that I would have to take something like five trains to get there) I left 90 minutes for transit time and took a bus the whole way. It was actually pretty pleasant, most of the trip was along beautiful Central Park and I was never stressed about traffic delays because I left so much time. I ended up getting there a little early.


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11370 on: June 02, 2018, 07:22:54 PM »
I mathed. 

I am going to paint my garage and needed to figure out how much paint to buy.  I guessed that I would probably need 4 gallons by thumbing it. 

i am so glad I actually figured out the surface area and checked the label for coverage estimates.  Even with two coats and accounting for thirsty cedar shakes I calculated that I only needed 3 gallons and would still have some left for touch ups.  The garage is just not as big as I thought when I really got out the tape and did the area calculation. 

Saved about $50.   


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11371 on: June 03, 2018, 01:34:13 AM »
Got a free ticket to a two-day festival. Knew the person working behind the bar, so got some free drinks. Had a proper breakfast and lunch before I went so didn't have to eat a lot of food while there. Stayed over at a family member's place at night so I didn't have to pay for accomodation. Got a free CD there too. All in all, I spent €28 on food and drinks for the entire festival and it happened to be the best one in years.


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11372 on: June 04, 2018, 10:30:34 AM »
Waited until the leopard sandals I've had my eyes on went on sale to buy. Grabbed them today at 25% off!


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11373 on: June 04, 2018, 12:37:08 PM »
I wasn't organised enough to make my lunch this morning, but I cycled home at lunch instead of buying something at work.


  • Bristles
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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11374 on: June 04, 2018, 02:23:53 PM »
Changed my homeowners insurance deductible to $5000, saving $337/year.


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11375 on: June 04, 2018, 09:50:50 PM »
* Found six unopened packages of disposable diapers in the baby's size at Goodwill. Grabbed them all. Grandparents and babysitters will be very pleased with us for the foreseeable future!

* Refilled the gas tank at the cash-or-debit-only station, which is reliably cheaper by .15c/gallon
« Last Edit: June 04, 2018, 10:02:06 PM by jengod »


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11376 on: June 05, 2018, 02:01:15 AM »
Walked to work. Will walk back again this afternoon.

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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11377 on: June 07, 2018, 03:44:58 PM »
Entered a contest to win tickets instead of buying tix to a concert I want to see... and I won! Again. I think this is the 5th or 6th time I've won tickets in the last 6 months. I must be the only one entering these things.


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11378 on: June 07, 2018, 05:15:58 PM »
Saved $18 on a flight through a combination of buying discounted gift cards & a rebate


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11379 on: June 07, 2018, 08:34:40 PM »
Not a very frugal month or so with a move to a new state and whatnot.  Here I am, back again though!

-- Working on learning good iphone photography skills and editing tricks.  Want to be able to take shots of my art for the website without having to buy anything fancy right away.  We will see how it turns out....
-- Found a free website theme that I liked rather than paying for one
-- Walked the dogs around the neighborhood with a friend.  Mine are smiley and friendly looking, so they always get spoiled from walkers and local business owners.  They got lots of free treats and petting.
-- Went to lunch on a dog-friendly patio.  Restaurants locally are a little pricier than i am used to in our new area, but I managed to get lunch for 12.00 including tip (I tip reasonably well when I have my dogs with me....) by choosing a "smaller plate" option.  The bonus was that it was satisfying without being overfilling, and I had no leftovers to take with me on our trip to the dog park.
-- Biked 4 miles round trip in the afternoon to get to the post office to mail a birthday gift for the niece.  Working hard to avoid gas prices and bus costs. 
-- Made baked chicken legs for dinner with frozen veggies.  Easy and cheap. 
-- Popcorn for an evening snack.  Filling and cheap on the stove!


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11380 on: June 08, 2018, 01:01:41 AM »
A convoluted savings today. We are having a holiday interstate in a few weeks time to watch our daughter play state representative  sport.  We are doing it cheap by camping, even though it will be midwinter.  But - our 25 year old cheap sleeping bags will not be up to the task.  So after much agonising, we fou d a couple we like that can be zipped together, and rated down to -12 degrees Celsius.  $180 each on special, but a good investment for another 20 years or so.

I went to thw shop to look more closely at them, and perfect.  When I enquired about price, having already checked it online, I was quoted half price.

Two sleeping bags purchased immediately and a $180 savings made.  Note to self, always ask for the price.


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11381 on: June 08, 2018, 01:53:02 AM »
Got a free lunch yesterday, when visiting another company. I was smart enough not to bring my own sandwiches, as I had anticipated it.

Walked to work.

Took home some leftover kiwis from work. And as today is Friday, I will look if there is some more fruit left over at the end of the day that I can take home.
In the past few weeks I have been eating jam on my bread, made with plums or kiwis that I took home from work. It is not a lot of work making this jam.

I have also been eating self-picked stinging nettle at home, together with spinach (the frozen type from the store).


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11382 on: June 08, 2018, 03:57:52 AM »
Okay Linda_Norway, what is self picked stinging nettle? Sounds dangerous to eat. Reminds me of a cactus! LOL!

I am from USA, never heard of it!


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11383 on: June 08, 2018, 04:01:46 AM »
Okay Linda_Norway, what is self picked stinging nettle? Sounds dangerous to eat. Reminds me of a cactus! LOL!

I am from USA, never heard of it!

Stinging nettle is the Google translation of a plant that Wikipedia calles Urtica.

Green plant with stinging leaves. The stinging disappears when the leaves are cooked. The plant is nutritious and is edible. Garden lovers and hikers with shorts hate it.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2018, 04:34:04 AM by Linda_Norway »


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11384 on: June 08, 2018, 04:08:51 AM »
I read the wiki article.

Not sure I would try it! Is this something that people typically eat in Norway?


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11385 on: June 08, 2018, 05:33:05 AM »
Okay Linda_Norway, what is self picked stinging nettle? Sounds dangerous to eat. Reminds me of a cactus! LOL!

I am from USA, never heard of it!

Stinging nettle is the Google translation of a plant that Wikipedia calles Urtica.

Green plant with stinging leaves. The stinging disappears when the leaves are cooked. The plant is nutritious and is edible. Garden lovers and hikers with shorts hate it.

Yep, we call it stinging nettle here in the US.  I've never cooked it myself, but several of my friends have and it's quite good!


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11386 on: June 08, 2018, 08:14:27 AM »
-Found a carpool for a birthday party, so I will only need to drive one way, saving on gas (and, time, which is the goal)
-While buying a gift card for said birthday, I noticed that the store was having a Home Depot gift card offer. We're in the process of doing a bunch of house projects, so I did the max. Bought $300 in Home Depot gift cards & earned a $90 Starbucks gift card.
-Used a hotel freebie for 2 free nights on an impromptu adult vacation


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11387 on: June 08, 2018, 08:36:54 AM »
Knocked down two interior walls, instead of paying the contractor to do it for us. We'll use the weekend to dig out the foundation our self as well. Then all the contractor has to do is place to large metal beams, the new doors and a small roof.


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11388 on: June 09, 2018, 07:15:27 AM »
Using coupons and sale prices, bought two bottles of vitamins and two Cokes for the normal price of one bottle of vitamins.

*tiny facepunch for the Cokes

Also--you guys, I think this is the first week *ever* that I've had spending-allowance money left over at the end of the week. Usually I'm running a deficit at the end of the month. Yay! Tiny steps!


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11389 on: June 09, 2018, 07:45:39 AM »
Okay Linda_Norway, what is self picked stinging nettle? Sounds dangerous to eat. Reminds me of a cactus! LOL!

I am from USA, never heard of it!

Stinging nettle is the Google translation of a plant that Wikipedia calles Urtica.

Green plant with stinging leaves. The stinging disappears when the leaves are cooked. The plant is nutritious and is edible. Garden lovers and hikers with shorts hate it.

Yep, we call it stinging nettle here in the US.  I've never cooked it myself, but several of my friends have and it's quite good!

No, Norwegians do not typically eat it. I think most don't. Only those who are interested in eating wild plants. And some restaurants serve it as an exotic dish. Soup made of stinging nettle is quite well known.

As a child, living in the Netherlands, we very often ate cheese with stinging nettle. Something like this:

Nice one!! I never realized stinging nettle would be the English name. I love it as a tea.

One plant I've been collecting recently is elderflower - very yummy to make juice/sirup with :)


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11390 on: June 09, 2018, 08:50:50 AM »
-My previously reported husband saving our heat pump wasn't the whole problem. (He did fix a major thing, though). But, we were able to get a family friend out, and he gave us the friends and family price for the coolant and work. Ended up being $500 for a fix that would have easily been $1500 without. It should buy us a couple years with our current system, and then we'll replace the whole unit.
-Trying to switch back to dairy half and half for my coffee, after using non dairy products for a while. We'll see what my gut thinks of the change, but the price difference is huge, and my stomach won't handle black coffee.
-Instead of using pricey dog treats to train our puppy, we've just been cooking up chicken. It's easier for her to eat, anyway.


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11391 on: June 09, 2018, 03:29:59 PM »
way to go @Vibrissae !! Baby steps, for the win

For today:
-Cleaned our house
-Made snacks for four hungry middle school boys with things from the freezer
-Emailed a camp about a $20 discount I didn't receive
-Posted a bunch of stuff on our neighborhood Facebook swap
-Offered friends all of our Boy Scouts gear for free. Doesn't save us money, but hopefully will save them some money


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11392 on: June 09, 2018, 04:38:25 PM »
Didn't go anywhere or buy anything today,

Worked outside for several hours, moving rubble from our house demo.  Money saved from doing all this work ourselves + fresh air and lots of exercise = double win.   


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11393 on: June 09, 2018, 06:36:41 PM »
Daughter and I installed our new water softener together. It went so well, we also were able to install our new dishwasher as well. We bought the same brand again, so I will be pulling everything I can off the old one to keep as spares for the new one. Hopefully, I won't need any of them for a long time :)


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11394 on: June 09, 2018, 07:48:07 PM »
way to go @Vibrissae !! Baby steps, for the win

For today:
-Cleaned our house
-Made snacks for four hungry middle school boys with things from the freezer
-Emailed a camp about a $20 discount I didn't receive
-Posted a bunch of stuff on our neighborhood Facebook swap
-Offered friends all of our Boy Scouts gear for free. Doesn't save us money, but hopefully will save them some money

Also picked 2 cucumber & 4 strawberries from the garden. Love growing our own food.


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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11395 on: June 10, 2018, 02:39:26 AM »
Okay Linda_Norway, what is self picked stinging nettle? Sounds dangerous to eat. Reminds me of a cactus! LOL!

I am from USA, never heard of it!

Stinging nettle is the Google translation of a plant that Wikipedia calles Urtica.

Green plant with stinging leaves. The stinging disappears when the leaves are cooked. The plant is nutritious and is edible. Garden lovers and hikers with shorts hate it.

Yep, we call it stinging nettle here in the US.  I've never cooked it myself, but several of my friends have and it's quite good!

No, Norwegians do not typically eat it. I think most don't. Only those who are interested in eating wild plants. And some restaurants serve it as an exotic dish. Soup made of stinging nettle is quite well known.

As a child, living in the Netherlands, we very often ate cheese with stinging nettle. Something like this:

Nice one!! I never realized stinging nettle would be the English name. I love it as a tea.

One plant I've been collecting recently is elderflower - very yummy to make juice/sirup with :)

I have a hippie relative who lives somewhere in the countryside and we always used to collect nettles from her back garden for soup. It must be nice living in Norway and being able to pick all kinds of plants. I was raised on a small farm and I know about lots of edible plants, but when I see them I'm often afraid about pollution. I visited an old convent yesterday and had a walk in its herb garden and they have "weeds" like nettles and dandelion for medical and kitchen purposes, which was nice to see.


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11396 on: June 10, 2018, 12:01:06 PM »
We picked a small bowl of straw berries fom our garden. There have been south European temperatures here for 6 weeks or so, like 28C on average each day, so the strawberries are ripe very early.

The rain is supposed to come tonight and tomorrow and I long for it. Who would have thought that?


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11397 on: June 10, 2018, 01:39:52 PM »
Went to collect some mail from our old address and visited parents-in-law by bike instead of taking the car.


  • Magnum Stache
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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11398 on: June 10, 2018, 02:17:17 PM »
-My previously reported husband saving our heat pump wasn't the whole problem. (He did fix a major thing, though). But, we were able to get a family friend out, and he gave us the friends and family price for the coolant and work. Ended up being $500 for a fix that would have easily been $1500 without. It should buy us a couple years with our current system, and then we'll replace the whole unit.
-Trying to switch back to dairy half and half for my coffee, after using non dairy products for a while. We'll see what my gut thinks of the change, but the price difference is huge, and my stomach won't handle black coffee.
-Instead of using pricey dog treats to train our puppy, we've just been cooking up chicken. It's easier for her to eat, anyway.

Try making cold brew coffee.  It's way less acidic than regular coffee so you might not need a creamer to tame it for your stomach.


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: What small things did you do TODAY to save money?
« Reply #11399 on: June 10, 2018, 05:22:31 PM »
-My previously reported husband saving our heat pump wasn't the whole problem. (He did fix a major thing, though). But, we were able to get a family friend out, and he gave us the friends and family price for the coolant and work. Ended up being $500 for a fix that would have easily been $1500 without. It should buy us a couple years with our current system, and then we'll replace the whole unit.
-Trying to switch back to dairy half and half for my coffee, after using non dairy products for a while. We'll see what my gut thinks of the change, but the price difference is huge, and my stomach won't handle black coffee.
-Instead of using pricey dog treats to train our puppy, we've just been cooking up chicken. It's easier for her to eat, anyway.

Try making cold brew coffee.  It's way less acidic than regular coffee so you might not need a creamer to tame it for your stomach.

Also, rice milk is dead easy to make and is cheaper than dairy milk when homemade:


Wow, a phone plan for fifteen bucks!