-Sad way to save money, but... our dog passed last month, and we've both been working a ton ever since. Since no living thing is home (other than the house plants), we're using the heat very very little right now. When Dog was around, we would keep at least a bottom threshold so she didn't get too cold (old and skinny).
-We turned off our sprinklers at our first possible opportunity this year. That's been working out well, there's been just enough rain the lawn is fine.
-When pulling out our tomato plants, I saved all the green tomatoes. Made green tomato salsa for the first time ever and canned it. Before processing it had great flavor but was a little too crunchy, so hopefully coming out of the jars it'll be perfect. It's kinda a weird brown color from the red onions the recipe called for though! Oh well, just not a "gifting" recipe.
-Husband was able to move a meeting by a day this week, so I could have the fuel efficient car yesterday for *my* long drive day, and he could have it today for *his* long drive day. Since the car gets 40mpg but the truck only gets 20mpg, this is a very useful savings. Splitting the car up like this has worked out really well. We've only put like 2k miles on the truck this year, but are up to 21k on the car. (We both work with various clients all over, and he gets reimbursed for gas at the IRS rate while I get a flat (smaller) bonus toward it. Not just long commutes, don't worry! But it means we can just pocket the fuel efficiency difference).