Leashed the dog, grabbed my stroller wagon from the garage, and walked to Trader Joes for groceries -- we saved the gas + wear and tear on the car, got some sunshine, exercised the people and the dog (dog and husband did more walking while I shopped), and I bought several items that are cheaper at TJs than other places. Came home tired and tempted by takeout, but decided a 15 minute rest would put me back into form and I made ravioli as planned.
Trader Joe's had a $20 made in Nepal felted wool ball holiday wreath, and I made the decision to buy that versus ordering our usual Della Robbia wreath from Boys Republic, something we've done since 2007. While it is a fundraising product, last year the wreath arrived really late despite ordering early, it was smaller than previous years, and the quality just wasn't up there. I'd been thinking I would switch to something we could use from year to year, and the TJ's wreath is simple and well-made. That's $65 saved this year, and then it will keep on saving us money.