That is why I love your updates, always inspiring :)
Thanks for the love,
@Swick, you made my day!
So far today, I have:
*hung up a load of laundry to dry
*re-used my tea bag -- I love strong tea but suffered through it. Haha!
*used up a bag of salmon burgers and buns from the deep freeze for lunch
*while I was digging in the freezer, I took out ground beef for sweet and sour meatballs tonight and a whole chicken for tomorrow night on the rotisserie.
*turning off fans in rooms I'm not sitting in. I read that a fan only keeps you cool if you are sitting in front of it - otherwise, it's just moving the warm air around.
*starting a batch of "Artisan Bread in 5" for eating fresh for the next few days
*sending in claim forms for physiotherapy, massage therapy and chiropractor for our family -- face punching self for leaving that money just sitting there in their bank account instead of mine!
*starting a batch of beans in the crockpot and turning it off when the beans start to boil as suggested by
@2ndTimer. Great idea that I hadn't thought of before.
ETA a few more things I did in the latter part of the day:
*made an apple rhubarb crisp with the 1 1/2 cups of diced rhubarb we were able to get off of our fledgling plant
*made a jar of plum syrup from the mostly sour, slightly sweet plums growing along my driveway.
*made zucchini brownies with 1/2 of a baseball bat-sized zucchini we were given.