Was planning on going to an old friends party next weekend, despite the drive and expense, aise we use to be very close and I miss them and I'm not going to reliably see them after giving birth. Last night, said friend, and their roommates/new friends, ganged up on someone in a FB argument because that person claimed that biological sex existed as a more-or-les-general binary (lots of men, lots of women, some intersex people making up a percentage of the population). Apparently acknowledging the existence of biological sex is bigoted and transphobic and generally worth fighting? (Note: the person was very clear that sex =\= the social construct of gender or most things socially associated with gender. The argument was over whether biological sex EXISTED. Like... there's open-minded, and then there's brainless?)
I... decided that I live 2 hours away, and I'm NOT interested in driving 4 hours, including gas and wear and tear on the car, in order to spend an evening with people who will call other people names in response to a statement like "biological sex differences exist". I let Old Friend know I wouldn't be going, best of luck, also I'm very busy these days and won't be seeing them much, cheers. 40$ gas not spent. Wine party contribution not needed. An evening and 4 hours of driving not spent.
I've decided that, instead, I'm going to spend 2$ on mulled cider ingredients and spend that time sitting in front of the fireplace with my husband, enjoying the peace and quiet before the second child comes along next month. Somehow, that seems a lot better than spending $ to spend time with Tumblr activists. Ugh. Escape achieved. 60+ dollars not spent. Time is miiiiine. Nonsense is avoided. Good lord, welcome 2017.