At the end of my holiday around Southern Africa I was sitting in Johannesburg airport with USD$120 and a receipt for a R500 jacket in my wallet.
The receipt had VAT R61.28 stamped on it and I figured I'll get the refund on that and go buy myself a semi-decent dinner with the proceeds.
20 minutes waiting in line at the counter and I'm beginning to wonder whether this is worth it. Never mind, push on I'm hungry and need the cash.
Man hands me back a summary page with R51.28 written on it. Ok, they've taken a R10 fee, still got enough. After more photocopying of passports and what not he comes back around and hands me a cheque.
I asked him what am I supposed to do with that? He says "go downstairs to the currency exchange bureau. They'll cash it for you."
I went down to said bureau. Waited in line for another 20 minutes. Lovely young woman served me. I said.. ."look, I know it's not much, but I can I cash this?"
She's ok with it, takes the check and comes back with a summary sheet and cash R26.28.
I said what? She says "there's a fee".
Ahh... we all have to get paid somehow I guess. Fees clipped at every turn.
With my $2 equivalent of cash I start hunting around for a coffee shop. I then thought the ice cream parlour would be my saviour. The cheapest scoop was a small vanilla cone costing.... R30!
Gave up, came to my senses and remembered I had an Airline Lounge Pass! I had scored a platinum access pass through my credit card, and was carrying it around for the 3 weeks of camping.
The bastards wouldn't let me in. Said because I only had an economy ticket I had to go to the general airport lounge for the plebs.
Better than nothing, hot food, nice toilet, free booze, wifi and snacks.
Boarded somewhat happy, and donated the R26.28 to charity.