Not sure if this is a MPP, but here it is, hopefully someone will get a chuckle.
I generally try to arrange our finances so that we owe the IRS instead of getting a refund (since achieving zero seems to be impossible). Then come tax time I would send in an echeck (via the IRS treasury website). No problem, except that this is the IRS and DH and I are filing Married Filing Jointly and we all know this is a rare filing status....
So on the taxes DH is listed first, but we are both listed. I do the check writing. Since it is an echeck via the IRS treasury website, it is done via my SSN, which is listed on all documentation, you know, parted of the married filing jointly part.
Well every so often, with DH being listed first, and me sending in the echeck, the IRS doesn't know to apply the check to OUR taxes and we get a bill (with all the fees etc). They totally cash the check, maybe its a donation for the amount we owe? It isn't often, just twice in the last 15 years, but then again, I've only been doing the echeck (instead of physical check) for maybe 5 or 6 of those years. 2/5, 1/3?
Its such a fun game we play.