...If you've never encountered weaponized gift giving in the wild, good for you, but please don't forget some of us deal with people who turn holiday gift giving into a dread filled morass of unwanted obligations. Suggesting alternate gifts to these givers just feeds into their twisted enjoyment of giving unwanted items.
Excellent post. There was never a gift from Old Mrs Fredbear that didn't require decoding. "What did she
mean by sending the parka with the sleeve sewed shut?" That decoding was exactly what she wanted: some neurotic triangulated involvement with her family, where "family" was understood to span all living generations, that she could play off against one another. I got sick of it.
We all probably continue more family dysfunction than we want or even know, but you get to make some decisions that extricate you from neurotic family involvement and the one I made for my generation of fredbears is that
1) everyone provides a gift list comprising links to Amazon or other online items they actually want,
2) the list has to span 2 orders of cost, ie, there have to be items in the $10s for the family members still in school, up to $1000s for the rich ones, and
3) backchannel, you have to tell the others what you got for X, to avoid duplication.
This has, as I experience it, 2 advantages. 1) It is nearly impossible to buy competently for an expert hobbyist. No way you can hit on the right fly pattern, or feather type, or quilt pattern download, or latin text; this lets your gift be usable. 2) It brings you a step closer to confronting family neuroses directly rather than by proxy.