just fyi, you can do the W-4 correctly and it will still screw things up for you. The withholding tables are screwy now. I didn't change anything, in 2021 I got $400 back and in 2022 I owe $400. It should have been consistent between both years. So, when you do your w-4, after the next paycheck run the numbers and adjust your w-4 if necessary.
The withholding tables changed in 2022; 2021 had plenty of stimulus changes that lapsed in 2022. They are also adjusted for inflation.
I have a spreadsheet, where I do the math:
+ My income
+ DH's income (minus equipment costs, 1/2 SE taxes, 20% off the top not taxed)
+ Interest income
- Subtract all tax deferred expenses: 401(k) contributions, medical premiums, parking, FSA.
= Adjusted Gross Income.
- Subtract the Standard Deduction, giving the Taxable income.
Then I do the math:
Up to $22,000 (10%) $2,200.00
$22,001-$89,450 (12%) $8,093.88
$89,451-190,570 (22%) $22,246.18
So in January, once I have all the changes to my medical premiums, parking, LT and ST disability premiums, I can see what the current W-4 assumes is enough.
And then I subtract the January taxes from the annual estimated amount - say $2500. So with $2500 paid from $32,500 owed, I need to withhold $30k over the rest of the year.
I divide the $30k above by my remaining number of paychecks (11) and come up with $2727.27. So I then go to the employer's site, and record that I want an additional $227.27 withheld from all future paychecks, on top of what was already in the system. That gets me pretty close!
I owe the Feds $203 this year.