I had kind of a rough month, and I decided to treat myself by buying myself a little Hanukkah gift, a mug with a funny quote from a fictional character I always liked. NBD, but the kind of thing that's just enough overpriced that you'd never buy it normally. Mustachian run wild, I know!
It came in the mail today and as I was washing it and putting it in the cabinet with the other mugs, I was looking at what was in there and I realized... this is the first mug I have ever purchased. In my entire life. I'm 45. I have this terrible collection of mugs I've been given: one hand-me-down from my mom's old set (used to have two but one broke), two that my aunt gave me that don't fit my aesthetic in the slightest (tall white slanty-shaped things with black swirly shapes on them, kind of Dr. Seussy), one cup and saucer set from a chocolate shop I like which is really impractically shaped, and several mugs that my old boss gave me when I was about 21 - stuff that her husband got for free from various work events, which were all a variety of automotive companies and academia that was mostly in Japanese. So here's me, Slicey, environmentalist who has never owned a car, drinking out of a Harley Davidson mug and a Mercedes Benz mug covered in Japanese writing which I can't read. It's weird.
But you don't throw away perfectly good dishes, and who needs to buy new mugs when you've got plenty of perfectly good ones in the cabinet? I almost wish I was more prone to breaking things.