My MPP: We cannot justify replacing our soon-to-be 20yo car, although we could easily afford to.
Together, DH and I don't drive enough. It's an only car and has been for most of its career. It's starting to act/show its age with some paint decay and some new rattles, but it's still basically reliable, and mechanic visits still cost less than an upgrade.
We both bike most places and only resort to driving when the distance is excessive, the weather is terrible, or we have passengers or cargo to transport, often less than once per week. I'm not sure an EV would be happy sitting there, being ignored most of the time. We don't want to bike less or drive more just to keep a car in shape. (Related sub-problem: our insurance company's lowest annual mileage threshold is 7000 miles per year, and we drive less than half that.)
If local public transportation and car share were enough to make up the difference, we'd have figured that out by now. Also, we kind of like our existing car, not least because it has no screen.