And that reminds me of an MPP I'm having right now, lol: since I'm leaving this job in six weeks, I've been working on using up this year's health insurance coverage for various things. Dental, vision...I've stocked up on contact lenses and I have a final dental cleaning/checkup scheduled right at the end, even though it'll only be five months since my last one.
I was reading over the benefits coverage info to see if there was anything I was missing that I ought to be using, and I ran into this line: we get $2750 a year to cover...osteopathy, homeopathy, traditional Chinese medicine, chiropractors, acupuncture, and...podiatry*.
I have never in my life been tempted to visit an alternative medicine practitioner (what do you call alt-medicine that's been proven to actually work? Conventional medicine!) But now I find I almost am, lol. Our insurance company has sufficiently offended me via some sketchy behaviour that I find myself motivated to charge them as much as I can, while I can. Despite that, I don't think I can bring myself to go see someone who might talk at me about magic energy flows or magic water pills. (I do 100% believe in the placebo effect, so I am sure some people are genuinely helped by this sort of thing, but I'm definitely not the intended audience.)
*Podiatry? Huh? That made me laugh. One of these things is not like the others! I can't quite figure out what podiatrists ever did to deserve getting lumped in with homeopaths...if I were a podiatrist, I'd probably be sufficiently offended to write in and complain.