So many funny stories about heading into Canada.
Canadian border official: “Why is her last name different?” (DW kept her maiden name)
Me: “Because she’s stubborn.”
Him: :|
Me: “Uh, well sir, if you’ll notice, the kids have her last name as their middle name.”
Him: Eye roll, waved us through.
Different trip:
Canadian border official: “Do you have any guns?”
Me: “No.”
Her: “Do you have any alcohol?”
Me: “No, wait, honey, did my dad send that beer with us?”
Her: Eyeroll
DW: “No, we don’t have alcohol.”
Canadian border official: “Okay, let’s try this again. Do you have any guns?”
Me: “No.”
Her: “Do you have any alcohol?”
Me: “No.”
Her: “Welcome to Canada, eh!” Yes, she actually said “eh”.
There are more, but they’re too foamy.