For the last year, I've been keeping up with an Amazon wish list of things I would like, but can't bring myself around to purchase myself. Anytime I'm asked for a gift idea for Christmas/Birthday, I refer them to the list. Well, since my graduation is coming up, a few people have asked what I would like and I referred them to my list. On the list at the time was a card game - ~25, board game ~fifty dollars, a box of tea around 9 dollars, and a handheld vacuum cleaner for the car for 19 dollars. Apparently none of these gifts were "good enough", so I added a new fit bit at 125. Thankfully one family member realized that I'm harder to shop for now, and just opted into cash... which I spent on a different but similar card game, which will be awesome because we'll be together this coming week and play that together. The other family member that prompted me to add something "better" likely got me the fitbit.
But, it just makes me wonder... why ask me what I would like, and then disapprove of my choices?