My work recently started a work from home program. You can only work 2 days per week from home. Most people are saving a lot of money by doing this, sadly I am not. I've minimized my expenses by going to work, by working from home, my expenses can only go up! For example, many people are saving big bucks by not driving their clown trucks and SUVs 30-45 minutes into work, that's roughly a $10 saving for them, for me, I do save gas on my reasonable small sedan, but maybe like $4. They get to enjoy actually using the heat they left on all day at 20 while they were at work. I tired working with no extra heat (turn down to 18 normally in the house (we have a minisplit) and was always off in my office) but the best I could do was turn in on for an hour then off for an hour, etc, so my power bill will only go up! They get to save money by not eating out at lunch time, me, I bring my lunch most days anyway, no new savings. They can now make coffee at home, no more buying coffees on the way to work, me, I only buy 1 coffee a week, so I'm not saving there. At least I'm enjoying the working from home part!