one of my old roommates had previously posted about how he was going to use his bonus to splurge and upgrade his TV, and then put the rest towards student loans. okay, a compromise, not terrible. the other day he posted again asking for recommendations as he was trying to choose between two TVs. actual response from one girl: "Vizio is worth the extra $. Don't be cheap, you worked hard you deserve it. Why get a dumb TV when you can have a nice smart TV. you have my blessing to be a TV snob. Lol do it up! In fact, throw in the Xbox today!! :)"
ugh, I hope she was kidding/being sarcastic, but I feel like she wasn't. :( anytime I hear someone say "you worked hard, you deserve it!" wrt purchasing something (as opposed to, say, asking for a raise or taking a nap) I feel ill.