One place these all-in-ones are popping up in the US is in large RV's, called Class A's. These behemoths are bigger than many European apartments and even houses. DH and I recently toured a lavish RV park, where the minimum allowable size is 30'. Once inside, we discovered that must be code for "Nothing but fancy deisel powered busses, please." An RV Dealer was having an Open "House" on the property, featuring three such rigs. The prices ranged from $400k to $500k and each of them featured these w/d units. Full size refrigerators, too.
Since this a mustachian blog, I will add that DH and I stumbled on this place during a Random Ramble. We didn't know such a place existed. The lots can cost as much as a new rig and can be improved with permanent structures, including private swimming pools, even though the property has three public pools and a lavish clubhouse. The place has a full-service restaurant, a nine hole golf course and two miles of waterways ( In the Desert!). Of course, that means people have build docks for their fancy-ass pontoon boats.
DH and I are quite FI and could actually "afford" this lifestyle, but why the hell would we choose to massacre our hard earned green soldiers so senselessly? Oh, and the monthly dues were about $550, plus a $1700 minimum monthly spend at the "Country Club". We are still laughing our assets off, especially at those silly all-in-ones.