Author Topic: Overheard on Facebook  (Read 6316596 times)


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Overheard on Facebook
« Reply #1300 on: December 14, 2014, 07:00:33 AM »
Maybe it was for a gift exchange with a range? I know always  have a hard time  finding something  appropriate in the range for those and also  don't want to cheap out.


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Re: Overheard on Facebook
« Reply #1301 on: December 14, 2014, 10:56:00 AM »
Another option is to unplug your electronics. A little inconvenient  but typically works. Books and board games can help you pass the time until you can plug back in to the grid. On a side note how is it the power company's fault ? Why should they be liable?
Ok, I missed it.  Where did I mention the power company?  The UPS warranty was used and the UPS manufacturer replaced the unit.

The original post says, "electric company won't replace with out receipts and not even the full amount. Sorry for any confusion.


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Re: Overheard on Facebook
« Reply #1302 on: December 14, 2014, 05:19:44 PM »
Maybe it was for a gift exchange with a range? I know always  have a hard time  finding something  appropriate in the range for those and also  don't want to cheap out.

If it's scanning at $20 less than the list price, that's one expensive exchange! The two exchanges I'm in all have an (admittedly soft) limit of $10, or half the 'savings' on that one item!


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Re: Overheard on Facebook
« Reply #1303 on: December 14, 2014, 05:25:32 PM »
Not shameworthy, but I did see a facebook conversation about people 'saving' so much buying Chtistmas presents at Target and how much they love their red card.  It made me smile since I'm a shareholder.

Although I did see someone use the term "retail therapy" in a seemingly serious manner the other day.  Ew.


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Re: Overheard on Facebook
« Reply #1304 on: December 15, 2014, 06:51:49 AM »
Read today on FB: My friends are generally not an issue, but I am on a couple of message boards.  This one...just made me shake my head:

"I am asking for everyone's help as a lot of you may know recently there was a power outage due to a lightening strike that caused major loss to several families on the block, including us.  We lost our OVEN / MICROWAVE / 2 X- BOXES / STEREO SYSTEM / ALL THREE HOME PHONES / AND THREE FLAT SCREEN TV'S !! Due to our situation we can't afford to buy what we lost. Electric company won't replace without receipts, and not even full amount!  So if you have any of the items above that you wish to donate or sell at reasonable price please help"

I can understand the micro and oven.

But the rest? I have one home phone and one TV.

This happened to my MIL.  After a huge fight with the power company, she was able to get reimbursed.  Although she was only seeking [eta: reimbursement for] a box TV I think.  Tell your friend to spend her time fighting the electric company and for any warranties and such instead.

Homeowners/renters insurance should pay for damage caused by electrical surges, less the deductible.

What happened to common sense of plugging valuable electronics into these <$5 items called "surge protectors"...that, you know, protect sensitive electronics from power surges?  My electric utility hands out 2 heavy duty smart ones (the kind that turn off other electronics if the master outlet stops drawing power) for free to anyone doing a free home energy audit.

Honestly, you spend $200 on a video game console, probably another $200 on a TV, another $200 on a stereo, etc. but are too cheap to plug $600+ of devices into a $4.99 device to protect against power surges blowing out those valuable electronics?  It just blows my mind.

Asked my husband abt what happened to his mom (it was pre-me) re reimbursement for her tv. I had it wrong, not lightning. Her town did work on the wires and when they reconnected them, plugged the residential line for the street back into the industrial power.  Big oops.   Obviously, none of the houses could handle it and things blew up. I don't know if she had one (or many, for everything plugged in), but I doubt a surge protector would have helped a continuous surge.  Despite this obvious negligence, it was quite a fight to get any money out of them.


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Re: Overheard on Facebook
« Reply #1305 on: December 15, 2014, 12:14:07 PM »
I see this post from someone I barely knew in college today:

"To the really concerned people out there...I'm expressing myself in a way most people don't, I'm not gonna harm myself or do anything crazy, I'm just angry and sad at mistakes I have made and things I can't fix. I feel like everybody cares about themselves. Nobody wants to give me a chance for work and won't hire me. I can't go back to school cause I don't have money or the time cause I have to work. To pay bills I can't even afford to pay! I'm 31 years old living at home with a wonderful husband and the best parents, but we have to live together cause both parties can't afford to move, I have a 97 Toyota that's about to shit the bed, I pray everyday it doesn't brake down cause I have 50 bucks in a savings account. I owe 20 thousand dollars to just my school bill, 8000 dollars to a credit card that I had no choice to use when I got out of college to buy food and clothes and medical bills. ..... "
I scroll down on her wall and see this post (with picture that is NOT posted here):

"My husband so happy about his Black Friday TV!!!" Picture is of said husband hugging a 60" TV.


Wow, that reeks of classic Sucka Consumer.


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Re: Overheard on Facebook
« Reply #1306 on: December 15, 2014, 12:47:37 PM »
I see this post from someone I barely knew in college today:

"To the really concerned people out there...I'm expressing myself in a way most people don't, I'm not gonna harm myself or do anything crazy, I'm just angry and sad at mistakes I have made and things I can't fix. I feel like everybody cares about themselves. Nobody wants to give me a chance for work and won't hire me. I can't go back to school cause I don't have money or the time cause I have to work. To pay bills I can't even afford to pay! I'm 31 years old living at home with a wonderful husband and the best parents, but we have to live together cause both parties can't afford to move, I have a 97 Toyota that's about to shit the bed, I pray everyday it doesn't brake down cause I have 50 bucks in a savings account. I owe 20 thousand dollars to just my school bill, 8000 dollars to a credit card that I had no choice to use when I got out of college to buy food and clothes and medical bills. ..... "
I scroll down on her wall and see this post (with picture that is NOT posted here):

"My husband so happy about his Black Friday TV!!!" Picture is of said husband hugging a 60" TV.


Ah, the good old "unfriend" button does wonders. FB has been notifying me of all of these people's birthdays. I use that as a time to really think about whether I want that person to know about what we're doing in life. Most of the time, I don't!


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Re: Overheard on Facebook
« Reply #1307 on: December 21, 2014, 08:02:14 AM »
An old acquaintance posted that her mother was visiting from out of town and "needs" Kangen water. I had to look it up--it's some scammy MLM where you buy a $1200-$4000 water ionizer that increases the alkalinity of the water, or some such. All that is bad enough, but I just shook my head at the idea that someone couldn't bear to drink regular tap (or even bottled) water for a week and instead asked her daughter to track down (during the holidays no less) someone local who has the ionizer.
My mom is addicted to her keurig, which sadly does save her money because at least she has stopped going to Starbucks.  So when she came here, and we did not have a keurig she had to find a solution.  Her solution was to order one shipped to my house.  Not the cheapest way to do it (she could have just bought a cheap coffee machine) but at least she put it on herself not me.

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Re: Overheard on Facebook
« Reply #1308 on: December 22, 2014, 11:15:14 AM »
Maybe it was for a gift exchange with a range? I know always  have a hard time  finding something  appropriate in the range for those and also  don't want to cheap out.

If it's scanning at $20 less than the list price, that's one expensive exchange! The two exchanges I'm in all have an (admittedly soft) limit of $10, or half the 'savings' on that one item!

I assume it was more of a "I'm spending X on each kid" sort of target.

I had that target for all my Christmas presents, but if I found it on sale, I didn't  go buy something else to make up the amount. The list price of the gifts I bought was about $25 per kid, so everything was equal. They don't  get to know what I actually paid.

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Re: Overheard on Facebook
« Reply #1309 on: December 22, 2014, 01:21:27 PM »

If a girl received flowers (like a bouquet, not just a single flower) while I was working with them, I'd immediately wonder what the guy did wrong (terrible first thought, but it's true).
When my SO and I first started dating, he left a super pretty flower on the windshield of my car while I was working. The only person who noticed was me, after driving halfway down the street without noticing it, haha.

I'd assume it was her birthday. That's the only time I've seen it.

My husband has never sent me a bouquet of flowers, like others here, I just see money wasted. When we dated, I'd sometimes get one or two cut roses, but even that was rare. My parents have sent me flowers a few times, and I really appreciate the thought, but I hate the waste of money, especially on delivered flowers!  (I THINK I've finally talked my mother out of sending me cards for my birthday and anniversary. Greeting cards are like $3-4 each now. That's ridiculous.)

All this reminded me of an Aunt I had. We got $15 from her each Christmas, but we always visited her on New Years. If we'd let her hand us the check on New Years, instead of mail it down, she would add 25 cents to it.  I guess that was lazy, since it didn't save her money, but I always wanted my extra 25 cents, a lot of my cousins wanted the money on Christmas (so they had day after Christmas shopping money).


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Re: Overheard on Facebook
« Reply #1310 on: December 22, 2014, 06:02:59 PM »
Someone I know on facebook posted a link to with the comment:

This is the stupidest thing I've read all day. All my 25-year-old friends know the basic concepts of compound interest, investment, etc. We're not doing it because we don't have a spare $5000 a year!

OK, moderately complainypants, but here's the kicker: later in the comments section, same person:
It just infuriates me that when so many of my friends and colleagues I know are living basically paycheck to paycheck, or on a kind of budget where your monthly savings get blown when you have to buy a new coat or something necessary, this article took the attitude that the reason we aren't saving is that we don't know we should! I can't believe some people actually think we don't know we're supposed to save!

Blowing your monthly savings on a "necessary" new coat?


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Re: Overheard on Facebook
« Reply #1311 on: December 22, 2014, 06:11:36 PM »
Blowing your monthly savings on a "necessary" new coat?

Coats are totally necessary!  Why, just last winter I had to retire my coat that I bought 10 years ago.  And the new one cost 35 dollars!  Obviously, I couldn't save anything that month.


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Re: Overheard on Facebook
« Reply #1312 on: December 22, 2014, 06:38:31 PM »
I couldn't imagine spending my monthly savings $$$ on a new coat. It would have to be one amazing coat lol.


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Re: Overheard on Facebook
« Reply #1313 on: December 22, 2014, 06:47:08 PM »
I couldn't imagine spending my monthly savings $$$ on a new coat. It would have to be one amazing coat lol.

A technicolor raincoat?


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Re: Overheard on Facebook
« Reply #1314 on: December 22, 2014, 07:37:41 PM »
If a girl received flowers (like a bouquet, not just a single flower) while I was working with them, I'd immediately wonder what the guy did wrong (terrible first thought, but it's true).
When my SO and I first started dating, he left a super pretty flower on the windshield of my car while I was working. The only person who noticed was me, after driving halfway down the street without noticing it, haha.

I went on a date once and the guy showed up with a bouquet.  I thought he was trying too hard, until I looked beyond the paper wrapping and realized it was a head of broccoli that he had wrapped up to look like a bouquet.  He was a fun date.


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Re: Overheard on Facebook
« Reply #1315 on: December 22, 2014, 08:10:53 PM »
If a girl received flowers (like a bouquet, not just a single flower) while I was working with them, I'd immediately wonder what the guy did wrong (terrible first thought, but it's true).
When my SO and I first started dating, he left a super pretty flower on the windshield of my car while I was working. The only person who noticed was me, after driving halfway down the street without noticing it, haha.

I went on a date once and the guy showed up with a bouquet.  I thought he was trying too hard, until I looked beyond the paper wrapping and realized it was a head of broccoli that he had wrapped up to look like a bouquet.  He was a fun date.
What a unique offering!
I'm jealous now.


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Overheard on Facebook
« Reply #1316 on: December 23, 2014, 11:43:56 AM »
A Facebook friend got engaged...a whole bunch of pictures were shown of him giving her the ring:

OP. "My 'omg I'm going to cry' face!"

Friend's comment: "Did [he] cry too? It looks like he's about to cry!"

OP:  "Of course he cried!  Every time he looks at the ring he cries!  Poor kid now has a lifetime of debt. But he got me so it was worth it!"


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Re: Overheard on Facebook
« Reply #1317 on: December 23, 2014, 12:21:44 PM »
A Facebook friend got engaged...a whole bunch of pictures were shown of him giving her the ring:

OP. "My 'omg I'm going to cry' face!"

Friend's comment: "Did [he] cry too? It looks like he's about to cry!"

OP:  "Of course he cried!  Every time he looks at the ring he cries!  Poor kid now has a lifetime of debt. But he got me so it was worth it!"

HA!  As one who years ago took out a 5-figure personal loan to buy an engagement ring, I can empathize a bit.  Thankfully, my financial decisions since then have been far more sound!  But God, that was dumb of me.  I'd sell that fucker in a heartbeat if I could convince the wife.


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Re: Overheard on Facebook
« Reply #1318 on: December 23, 2014, 01:22:47 PM »
A Facebook friend got engaged...a whole bunch of pictures were shown of him giving her the ring:

OP. "My 'omg I'm going to cry' face!"

Friend's comment: "Did [he] cry too? It looks like he's about to cry!"

OP:  "Of course he cried!  Every time he looks at the ring he cries!  Poor kid now has a lifetime of debt. But he got me so it was worth it!"

That sounds like she's very... aware. You know?


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Re: Overheard on Facebook
« Reply #1319 on: December 23, 2014, 01:58:19 PM »
A Facebook friend got engaged...a whole bunch of pictures were shown of him giving her the ring:

OP. "My 'omg I'm going to cry' face!"

Friend's comment: "Did [he] cry too? It looks like he's about to cry!"

OP:  "Of course he cried!  Every time he looks at the ring he cries!  Poor kid now has a lifetime of debt. But he got me so it was worth it!"

HA!  As one who years ago took out a 5-figure personal loan to buy an engagement ring, I can empathize a bit.  Thankfully, my financial decisions since then have been far more sound!  But God, that was dumb of me.  I'd sell that fucker in a heartbeat if I could convince the wife.

Life time of debt? How the hell much did he spend? Meanwhile when we had the getting married discussion I told my boyfriend my mom would probably give him her engagement ring to give me if he asked. He stood up and went 'Woohoo!"


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Re: Overheard on Facebook
« Reply #1320 on: December 23, 2014, 02:44:38 PM »
A Facebook friend got engaged...a whole bunch of pictures were shown of him giving her the ring:

OP. "My 'omg I'm going to cry' face!"

Friend's comment: "Did [he] cry too? It looks like he's about to cry!"

OP:  "Of course he cried!  Every time he looks at the ring he cries!  Poor kid now has a lifetime of debt. But he got me so it was worth it!"

HA!  As one who years ago took out a 5-figure personal loan to buy an engagement ring, I can empathize a bit.  Thankfully, my financial decisions since then have been far more sound!  But God, that was dumb of me.  I'd sell that fucker in a heartbeat if I could convince the wife.

Life time of debt? How the hell much did he spend? Meanwhile when we had the getting married discussion I told my boyfriend my mom would probably give him her engagement ring to give me if he asked. He stood up and went 'Woohoo!"

Facebook kids be exaggeration', yo!


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Re: Overheard on Facebook
« Reply #1321 on: December 23, 2014, 02:59:29 PM »
A Facebook friend got engaged...a whole bunch of pictures were shown of him giving her the ring:

OP. "My 'omg I'm going to cry' face!"

Friend's comment: "Did [he] cry too? It looks like he's about to cry!"

OP:  "Of course he cried!  Every time he looks at the ring he cries!  Poor kid now has a lifetime of debt. But he got me so it was worth it!"

That sounds like she's very... aware. You know?

I doubt it's a "lifetime" but just by eyeballing it it's probably a 10k ring.  They are very spendy...BMW, dogs, I think 3 European vacations this year.  Always out at some fancy pants restaurants.  I mean they may make a lot of money...but they are in their 20s so I can't imagine they are making hundreds of thousands...but who knows maybe they do and I'm jelly.  More likely they spend most of what they make.


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Re: Overheard on Facebook
« Reply #1322 on: December 23, 2014, 07:15:29 PM »
A Facebook friend got engaged...a whole bunch of pictures were shown of him giving her the ring:

OP. "My 'omg I'm going to cry' face!"

Friend's comment: "Did [he] cry too? It looks like he's about to cry!"

OP:  "Of course he cried!  Every time he looks at the ring he cries!  Poor kid now has a lifetime of debt. But he got me so it was worth it!"
The "lifetime of debt" comment was probably unwittingly honest.  A person who expects that sort of bling for an engagement ring is more likely to expect a life filled with antimustachian trinkets.


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Re: Overheard on Facebook
« Reply #1323 on: December 24, 2014, 10:10:25 AM »
My cousin was complaining that her four kids had gone together and only spent $60 each on her for Christmas.  The come the comments... that's to bad blah blah blah, then my aunt(not her mom) says wow they must really love you a lot to spend that much on you.

My question is since when did the cost of the present represent how much you love some one? and if that is the case I may be in a lot of trouble this year.  I bought for my 2 kids, niece, nephew my kids for each other my wife and she ought for me for under 300...  I mustn't love my family much by that logic I guess.


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Re: Overheard on Facebook
« Reply #1324 on: December 24, 2014, 10:41:27 AM »


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Re: Overheard on Facebook
« Reply #1325 on: December 24, 2014, 07:05:57 PM »
My cousin was complaining that her four kids had gone together and only spent $60 each on her for Christmas.


Like wtf. If she complains about that of Facebook, I wonder what complainy pants shit the kids have to put up with at home.


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Re: Overheard on Facebook
« Reply #1326 on: December 25, 2014, 08:49:19 AM »
My feed has most of the annoying people filtered out so I dont get the worst if it but yesterday a good friend from college posted a pic of his brand new F150.  50 likes and 20 congratulations.  He has had some financial problems in past, makes good money but got hurt in the SoCal housing market-not sure of the details.  The truck will be used exclusively for commuting to an office job. 

Is a very smart guy and somehow I had convinced myself that all these 'as read on FaceBook' stories could not happen to me.  Guess I am not above it.


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Re: Overheard on Facebook
« Reply #1327 on: December 26, 2014, 12:08:55 AM »
A Facebook friend got engaged...a whole bunch of pictures were shown of him giving her the ring:

OP. "My 'omg I'm going to cry' face!"

Friend's comment: "Did [he] cry too? It looks like he's about to cry!"

OP:  "Of course he cried!  Every time he looks at the ring he cries!  Poor kid now has a lifetime of debt. But he got me so it was worth it!"

I would be pissed if my boyfriend spent 10k on an engagement ring! We could put that into the investment property I want to buy! Actually we just recently had a chat about this, no pricy rings wanted/expected. Better to invest it now and spend it later after fi.


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Re: Overheard on Facebook
« Reply #1328 on: December 27, 2014, 06:08:53 PM »
Saw a good anti-antimustachian one on Facebook today. Someone was talking about the deals they got at various Boxing Day sales. One of the replies was:

"I save a ton of money every year on Boxing Day.  Haven't been in a store on Boxing Day in decades."


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Re: Overheard on Facebook
« Reply #1329 on: December 27, 2014, 07:42:25 PM »
Saw a good anti-antimustachian one on Facebook today. Someone was talking about the deals they got at various Boxing Day sales. One of the replies was:

"I save a ton of money every year on Boxing Day.  Haven't been in a store on Boxing Day in decades."

That is true. Just because it is on sale you don't have to buy it. If you really need the item wait for the sales and buy it then! I tell my wife that the only things I want for christmas is items I use and have worn out. This year I got a new pair of slippers from my wife (the old ones had holes in them) and a new robe from my mother (the old one was 10 years old and well worn).


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Re: Overheard on Facebook
« Reply #1330 on: December 29, 2014, 07:46:08 AM »
Ah, shit, a perpetually-broke family friend just announced via Facebook that she has become a Jamberry "sales consultant".

At least when her sister was selling that Pampered Chef crap we got some decent stoneware out of it.
Friend of mine is doing that too. My wife talked me into buying her a small Xmas gift via friend's Jamberry store since she's dealing with great hardships right now (dog has cancer, boyfriend has cancer, broke as hell, etc). Wish it were socially acceptable to just send money.


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Re: Overheard on Facebook
« Reply #1331 on: December 29, 2014, 08:33:20 AM »
Ah, shit, a perpetually-broke family friend just announced via Facebook that she has become a Jamberry "sales consultant".

At least when her sister was selling that Pampered Chef crap we got some decent stoneware out of it.
Friend of mine is doing that too. My wife talked me into buying her a small Xmas gift via friend's Jamberry store since she's dealing with great hardships right now (dog has cancer, boyfriend has cancer, broke as hell, etc). Wish it were socially acceptable to just send money.

send money. don't put a return address on it.


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Re: Overheard on Facebook
« Reply #1332 on: December 29, 2014, 08:35:40 AM »
"Santa was good to the Joneses*!" (pic of brand-new SUV)
(following standard Xmas blowout, thousands spent on children, etc)

Family CC debt is well into five figures and poor Mr. Jones just took a pay cut... *sigh*


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Re: Overheard on Facebook
« Reply #1333 on: December 29, 2014, 08:38:16 AM »
send money. don't put a return address on it.
FACEPALM! How didn't I think of that?
She'd actually stand a pretty good chance of guessing it was us, but who cares, right?


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Re: Overheard on Facebook
« Reply #1334 on: December 29, 2014, 11:43:22 AM »
Saw a good anti-antimustachian one on Facebook today. Someone was talking about the deals they got at various Boxing Day sales. One of the replies was:

"I save a ton of money every year on Boxing Day.  Haven't been in a store on Boxing Day in decades."

Love this! I saved a fortune this year's Black Friday, of course I spent it by sleeping in, and then when I was up I ate leftovers and read a book.


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Re: Overheard on Facebook
« Reply #1335 on: December 30, 2014, 09:11:55 AM »
A Facebook friend got engaged...a whole bunch of pictures were shown of him giving her the ring:

OP. "My 'omg I'm going to cry' face!"

Friend's comment: "Did [he] cry too? It looks like he's about to cry!"

OP:  "Of course he cried!  Every time he looks at the ring he cries!  Poor kid now has a lifetime of debt. But he got me so it was worth it!"

That sounds like she's very... aware. You know?

I doubt it's a "lifetime" but just by eyeballing it it's probably a 10k ring.  They are very spendy...BMW, dogs, I think 3 European vacations this year.  Always out at some fancy pants restaurants.  I mean they may make a lot of money...but they are in their 20s so I can't imagine they are making hundreds of thousands...but who knows maybe they do and I'm jelly.  More likely they spend most of what they make.

I debated posting this because it's sad, but now I see the poster has a "gofundme" to raise 10k because the ring giver with the lifetime of debt's father now has some sort of medical issue and is likely not going to live long.  They need the 10k for "the extras" because "disability just about covers the mortgage".  I'm very sympathetic towards people becoming ill and being short on money, but to go online and beg for money while every other post you put up involves fancy pants cars, vacations, eating out, pets, big diamond rings, just leaves an awful taste in my mouth.


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Re: Overheard on Facebook
« Reply #1336 on: December 30, 2014, 10:33:38 AM »
A Facebook friend got engaged...a whole bunch of pictures were shown of him giving her the ring:

OP. "My 'omg I'm going to cry' face!"

Friend's comment: "Did [he] cry too? It looks like he's about to cry!"

OP:  "Of course he cried!  Every time he looks at the ring he cries!  Poor kid now has a lifetime of debt. But he got me so it was worth it!"

That sounds like she's very... aware. You know?

I doubt it's a "lifetime" but just by eyeballing it it's probably a 10k ring.  They are very spendy...BMW, dogs, I think 3 European vacations this year.  Always out at some fancy pants restaurants.  I mean they may make a lot of money...but they are in their 20s so I can't imagine they are making hundreds of thousands...but who knows maybe they do and I'm jelly.  More likely they spend most of what they make.

I debated posting this because it's sad, but now I see the poster has a "gofundme" to raise 10k because the ring giver with the lifetime of debt's father now has some sort of medical issue and is likely not going to live long.  They need the 10k for "the extras" because "disability just about covers the mortgage".  I'm very sympathetic towards people becoming ill and being short on money, but to go online and beg for money while every other post you put up involves fancy pants cars, vacations, eating out, pets, big diamond rings, just leaves an awful taste in my mouth.

As it should, they should be ashamed.


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Re: Overheard on Facebook
« Reply #1337 on: December 30, 2014, 10:40:23 AM »

A Facebook friend got engaged...a whole bunch of pictures were shown of him giving her the ring:

OP. "My 'omg I'm going to cry' face!"

Friend's comment: "Did [he] cry too? It looks like he's about to cry!"

OP:  "Of course he cried!  Every time he looks at the ring he cries!  Poor kid now has a lifetime of debt. But he got me so it was worth it!"

That sounds like she's very... aware. You know?

I doubt it's a "lifetime" but just by eyeballing it it's probably a 10k ring.  They are very spendy...BMW, dogs, I think 3 European vacations this year.  Always out at some fancy pants restaurants.  I mean they may make a lot of money...but they are in their 20s so I can't imagine they are making hundreds of thousands...but who knows maybe they do and I'm jelly.  More likely they spend most of what they make.

I debated posting this because it's sad, but now I see the poster has a "gofundme" to raise 10k because the ring giver with the lifetime of debt's father now has some sort of medical issue and is likely not going to live long.  They need the 10k for "the extras" because "disability just about covers the mortgage".  I'm very sympathetic towards people becoming ill and being short on money, but to go online and beg for money while every other post you put up involves fancy pants cars, vacations, eating out, pets, big diamond rings, just leaves an awful taste in my mouth.

As it should, they should be ashamed.

Ashamed and already $2500 richer apparently.


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Re: Overheard on Facebook
« Reply #1338 on: January 01, 2015, 11:09:32 PM »
Just popped up on my feed:

Foolish Female Friend's Name feeling confused
10 mins · Super Expensive City, NY ·

I think I'm being convinced to lease another friggen minivan! At Toyota and wish I had Hubby's name with me!!!

Took me a moment to realize she was wishing for her hubby, not her hubby's name, haha.

Protip: brackets help a bit with clarity. [Foolish Female Friend], [Hubby]


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Re: Overheard on Facebook
« Reply #1339 on: January 01, 2015, 11:38:35 PM »
The lady looked right at her and said "But you don't understand.  I have NO money"  Then took a nice long sip of her $5 starbucks coffee.

I went to Dunkin Donuts on a whim today for the first time in months to purchase a latte. I gave the cashier my card without looking, and then had to do a double-take when I saw it came out to $3.80. What in the actual fuck? I can't believe I used to buy these things daily...


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  • What the deuce?!?!?
Re: Overheard on Facebook
« Reply #1340 on: January 03, 2015, 08:15:01 AM »
A friend posted:

At the PX with a coworker and he drops this, "I don't know why I buy shampoo, I'm bald. I guess I like my head to smell different than the rest of my body."


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Re: Overheard on Facebook
« Reply #1341 on: January 07, 2015, 11:23:33 AM »
Here's an anti-anti-mustachian one!

[25 year old friend]: I have less than 3k owed on my LAST student loan in my name. Planning to be done by the summer, if not sooner! :) — feeling determined.


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Re: Overheard on Facebook
« Reply #1342 on: January 07, 2015, 12:03:28 PM »
The lady looked right at her and said "But you don't understand.  I have NO money"  Then took a nice long sip of her $5 starbucks coffee.

I went to Dunkin Donuts on a whim today for the first time in months to purchase a latte. I gave the cashier my card without looking, and then had to do a double-take when I saw it came out to $3.80. What in the actual fuck? I can't believe I used to buy these things daily...

I was given a Dunkin Donuts gift card for xmas for $10 and I decided to use it this morning and even though it was a gift card, I was still feeling a bit upset that I was paying $1.99 for a medium coffee.  A good 6 months ago, I was there every morning buying the XL coffee and a muffin for $5.89. I can't believe I was that stupid...

A lifetime and a marriage ago I commuted to work via train and bike (or bus when the weather was too bad/cold- this was Southern CT....). For a stretch, almost every morning I would stop at the DD at the main train station I had to transfer at and get a Chai latte or the likes (may not have been a latte since I don't like coffee...) when it was cold out. Had to have been $3-4 each. This went on for a while until one day for some reason I looked up the number of calories that was in one of them and my jaw hit the floor. From then on, I just bought tea bags and made a thermos of tea to take with me on the train each morning. The cost should have made me balk too, but that was quite a while ago and I had a different outlook on money...


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Re: Overheard on Facebook
« Reply #1343 on: January 07, 2015, 12:46:31 PM »
I couldn't imagine spending my monthly savings $$$ on a new coat. It would have to be one amazing coat lol.

Like this -


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Re: Overheard on Facebook
« Reply #1344 on: January 07, 2015, 02:15:22 PM »
I have a $400 parka. Cheaper than a car, and you need one or the other when it's routinely -40. 


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Re: Overheard on Facebook
« Reply #1345 on: January 07, 2015, 02:50:05 PM »
I have a $400 parka. Cheaper than a car, and you need one or the other when it's routinely -40.

I don't doubt you need a parka, but I can see on Amazon good ones can be found for $100-200. Was a $400 one necessary? Not trying to criticize your purchase, just genuinely curious if a $400 parka is way better at keeping you warm.

I have a coat I use for snowboarding and I doubt it cost more than $50. I bought it over a decade ago so I've forgotten the exact price.


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Re: Overheard on Facebook
« Reply #1346 on: January 07, 2015, 06:17:05 PM »
I don't recall Amazon (Canada) having the kind of parka I was looking for when I looked (this was 5 years ago) but it is possible that I didn't look hard enough.  I might have been able to find a sufficiently warm one at a cheaper price, but apart from internet reviews I had no way of telling if the discount parka would be sufficiently warm (I grew up in a more moderate climate, so had no experience with dressing for -40 or even -20C.)  I went with North Face due to it's cold temperature durability ratings (which I had heard and read many positive things about) and the amount of time I knew that I'd spend outside.

Since then, I've happily spent many a winter hour outside (winter is my favorite season) and have had friends in less expensive parkas refuse to spend more than 10 minutes outside. 

That said, if you can source me a North Face/ Canada Goose/ Marmot parka (or one of similar quality, don't care about the brand name) for $100-$200 I will seriously pay you a finders fee. :)


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Re: Overheard on Facebook
« Reply #1347 on: January 07, 2015, 06:44:13 PM »
I had a $200 parka for the last 10 years.    It was on its last legs.    The only replacement I could find that I liked was $425 CDN.

I was skeptical, but it's a night and day difference.   The old parka was sort of warm.   The new one is cozy.   

The hood on the old one was loose and drafty.   The hood on the new one snugs up around my face.

It's -25 here today.    Best coat I've ever purchased.


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Re: Overheard on Facebook
« Reply #1348 on: January 07, 2015, 07:14:56 PM »
That said, if you can source me a North Face/ Canada Goose/ Marmot parka (or one of similar quality, don't care about the brand name) for $100-$200 I will seriously pay you a finders fee. :)

I usually check or Sierra Trading Post or Campmor to get good quality gear and outdoor clothing at a fair discount. So you can still get North Face or Mountain Hardwear (my favorite), or Columbia, or Marmot, or whatever and still get a good price.


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Re: Overheard on Facebook
« Reply #1349 on: January 07, 2015, 10:01:35 PM »
That said, if you can source me a North Face/ Canada Goose/ Marmot parka (or one of similar quality, don't care about the brand name) for $100-$200 I will seriously pay you a finders fee. :)

I usually check or Sierra Trading Post or Campmor to get good quality gear and outdoor clothing at a fair discount. So you can still get North Face or Mountain Hardwear (my favorite), or Columbia, or Marmot, or whatever and still get a good price.

Check the "damaged and returned" as well as the sales racks at REI, and do it in the spring or summer.   We found a women's North Face down parka for $25 at REI in Bellingham two years ago.  Admittedly, it was a size XS.  We saved it for our son, who grew into this year.  When he's done with it, we'll ship it off to his godmother, who is a perfect size for it.  It will last her a decade or more.