I'd argue that you don't understand the mustachian ideals. It's not that work is unhealthy. It's UNCONSCIOUS decisions that are unhealthy, whether that's spending, working, paying for someone to do X. All of these have tradeoffs, and you should try to understand them as best you can. Want to buy a house? Try to understand what it's going to cost you (time, money, repairs, etc.). It's not one cookie cutter "you need to bike everywhere." It's more of a try to figure out what you're paying by driving everywhere instead of biking and decide if that's worth it.
Well, no, it IS all about riding the bike. MMM says it's not just a matter of deciding if riding a bike is worth it. You must ride a bike, all the time.
Here are some quotes from http://www.mrmoneymustache.com/2012/05/07/what-do-you-mean-you-dont-have-a-bike/:
But if I had to strip it down as far as possible, down to just one single action, and I wasn’t allowed to talk about anything else, the choice would still be simple: “Ride a Bike”.
inside I could only scream “WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN YOU DON’T HAVE A BIKE!?!?!?“
It’s time for this silliness to come to an end. You must ride a bike. We all must.
But no, biking is not just about the money.
it’s even MORE than the money and the exercise.
A bike is really an automatic life balancing machine
Not biking because you don’t have a bike is like letting the excrement pile up on your bathroom floor because “I just haven’t flushed the toilet recently”. JUST GET A DAMNED BIKE!! IT’S SO EASY!!!
While I applaud you for your bike-riding lifestyle and believe that our society in general would be better with more bike-riding and less car driving, I have to side with
eyepod and say that I don't view MMM's blog as being all about biking.
For starters, MMM recently tried to clarify the blog's purpose to the mass-media by saying this:
It’s about using logic and science to design a Slightly Less Ridiculous Than Average Lifestyle in order to live more happily.
He mentions using logic and science to increase happiness. Not Bikes.
Riding a bicycle can certainly be
one way that people can make better decisions, but it isn't the only way. Bicycling is just one of many ways to a means. There's also plenty of emphasis on not buying luxury goods, cutting cable, living close to where you work, learning to DIY instead of paying contractors through the nose, maximizing savings, investing in index funds, eliminating debt and curbing spendy lifestyles. All of this is done with the idea that by
"focusing on happiness itself, you can lead a much better life"
Biking is just one small part of being mustachian, and not a requirement.
Also, (while I suspect this will fall on deaf ears), please, please, please understand that using a bike to get everywhere is not a practical option for tens-of-millions of Americans. Over 50M americans live in rural areas, many of whom can't bike everywhere because of distance and safety. Others aren't physically able ride. Still others live urban lifestyles where they can walk just about everywhere (or take public transit)* The list goes on, but I strongly believe every one of these people can follow the 'spirit of mustachianism' even if they never own a bike.
*I have a bike, and I ride a bike, but mostly during the ~7 warmest months of the year. I stow my bike away in the winter simply because I can get virtually everywhere I want to go on foot (including my job, the grocery store and the hardware store). I simply refuse to believe this makes me 'unmustachian' for 5 months out of the year.