I'll be up there this weekend to visit my mom, so part of me is wondering if I should do anything. This is all a catastrophe of her own making but my fear is that she will go suicidal, and as much as I may dislike her personal choices I wouldn't wish that upon anyone. She still hasn't said why it's not an option to go back to her parents house, and they are on FB, so they can see her posts, and none of her family have done/said anything to support her which makes me leary. And again, I've offered help in a minimal fashion, and she's turned it down since I don't think it was the "help" she's looking for so at this stage would you folks attempt to help, or just wash your hands of it all?
You can bring a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.
Indeed not, Pooperman... and if you hold its head underwater too long you have to start having a conversation about glue.
Seriously, though... MishMash has done everything that a sane and healthy friend can be expected to do. The drama queen in question (let's call her "Madame Bovary") is looking for another meal ticket. There's a reason she's "not able" to move back with her parents, or back with her soon-to-be-ex. She's burned those bridges at some point on purpose. By the time someone like this has "hit rock bottom" and is desperate, it's generally because Madame Bovary has not only used up and discarded every single friend or family member willing to help, but spurned the friendship of every responsible person in the area.
The fact is that nobody is ever capable of giving enough, or caring enough, or providing enough to Madame Bovary. Nobody will ever be exciting enough, generous enough, or awesome enough because eventually the bloom wears off the rose. That's why Madame Bovary saw fit to cheat on a loving, caring husband and provider, and it's one possible explanation as to why the man she cheated with dumped her in short order. She's not necessarily mentally ill, just phenomenally self-absorbed. Unfortunately, she learned earlier in life that if she's pathetic and miserable enough, someone will "help" her by meeting her needs. She prefers to use that strategy instead of meeting her own needs, and will therefore actively sabotage herself.
People who think and act like Madame Bovary often do end up attempting suicide, if they have the nerve and if everything they've done up to that point hasn't caused a Knight In Splendid Shining Armor Support System (KISSASS) to appear out of the woodwork. No KISSASS sticks around for long, because their resources get drained almost immediately and they are unable to sustain the level of giving and support that a Madame Bovary character "needs". So, every time a KISSASS wises up and refuses to be a meal ticket anymore, there's another, bigger drama fit in which the heroine becomes even more desperate. The goal is to draw a new KISSASS out of the woodwork and into her life. Over time, the people a Madame Bovary burns out withdraw and aren't willing or able to give anymore, so the amount of drama needed to produce a new codependent KISSASS increases. It can be fatal.
MishMash has a few options:
1) Sign up to be the next KISSASS, sacrifice savings and other luxuries in order to subsidize Madame Bovary's somewhat more lavish lifestyle, and get burned out just like every other KISSASS who has come before, or
2) Give Madame Bovary at least some of what she wants, and subject MishMash not only to Madame Bovary's own pressure but the entire Greek chorus of Facebook sycophants who bleat and bray their support every time Madame Bovary does something self-absorbed or asinine, or
3) Watch the train wreck from a safe distance. Continue to only offer what's reasonable, such as garden vegetables or actual food, but do not offer luxuries, and if an offer of what's reasonable is rebuffed, do not step forward, or
4) Close the book and read something besides Flaubert
MishMash does not have the power to prevent a suicide attempt by Madame Bovary.
MishMash does not have the power to prevent a suicide attempt by Madame Bovary.
MishMash does not have the power to prevent a suicide attempt by Madame Bovary.
MishMash does not have the power to prevent a suicide attempt by Madame Bovary.
MishMash does not have the power to prevent a suicide attempt by Madame Bovary.
MishMash does not have the power to prevent a suicide attempt by Madame Bovary.
MishMash does not have the power to prevent a suicide attempt by Madame Bovary.
If every single person on Madame Bovary's Facebook friend list were to give her a thousand dollars, she'd burn through it in short order and scale up her consumption to match her income, so as to be in the same kind of crisis, or worse, a year from now. This is a woman who, in every single possible situation, deliberately chose not to provide for herself (much less her kids) or to consider the effect her actions have on others. Expecting her to suddenly start to have empathy or to value others would be like expecting her to sprout feathers or develop the ability to breathe underwater. It's not going to happen.
A suicide attempt (possibly not an actual deliberate act of self-destruction so much as suicide by lifestyle) will occur if and when a Madame Bovary character gives herself permission to throw the ultimate drama fit. Since drama fits are intended to produce KISSASS behavior, when the last KISSASS is exhausted and no more come out of the woodwork the drama fits always escalate. Becoming the next KISSASS will not save Madame Bovary: it will only drain and exhaust MishMash and postpone what might be inevitable.
It may be prudent to stay in close enough contact to provide a crisis hotline number, or to call an emergency number for a safety or welfare check if Madame Bovary drops out of contact.