Not Overheard on FB, but "mysterious changes" to an account.
I don't have a FB account but my wife does. But she never logs into it unless we're going to old country and she wants to let her friends know she's coming over and if they can meet up. She had all notifications switched off (email, SMS). About 2 weeks ago, she started getting about 5-10 notification emails daily. Most of them were stupid like "Joe uploaded a photo" and "Jane commented on Jack's post" and other nonsense. I had to do some reconfiguring on my pi-hole to allow FB on one computer, log into her account. Lo and behold, every single damn notification option was turned up to "hell yeah, hit me baby with that spam".
Went thru all options, there's so many fugging sliders for granularity, but no single shut-that-notification-shit-off.
After changes were done and saved, etc. set the pi-hole back to disallow FB in my home network.
Goddamn FB, you fucking suck like the Zuck!
My IT-sixth-sense says that because she hadn't logged into the account in over a year, FB deliberately reset the notification options in order to make her log in and see activity and get her interested in FB. Rope-a-dope method.