From someone who I considered a friend years ago:
30% of posts: therapy for her autistic toddler would cost SO MUCH and they can't afford it (desipte the friends who have offered to chip in), disabled people have it so rough, life is unfair, woe is me...
30% of posts: pictures from large stadium concerts, usually front-row seats
30% of posts: rants about how poor people can never get ahead.
Remaining 10% of posts: pictures of packaged meal kits (that go for 10$/portion...) because with those Disabled Spouse can cook dinner (grocery delivery would accomplish the same result, but who asked me)
... Now, to be fair: therapy IS expensive (and necessary), disabled people DO have a harder time and it sucks, and it IS hard to be poor. But those 800$ concert ticket prices could seriously be applied to other areas of life, thereby making them easier. It sucks not to have the things that are important to you, I totally get it... but y'know, I have a family income at least 3x theirs, and I never, EVER have the money for 800$ tickets - hell, more than 5$ and I'm like naaaaaah. (But if one of my kids needed therapy, I could pay for it upfront...)
It's just hard to watch.