This one was on my wall today:
Just an observation open to your opinion if you'd like:
Traveling through Colorado recently, I realized the difference between the south and the rest of the country. Location after location, we were seeing where, when waving at people in camp grounds when there was nobody else around ... and when some were nice enough to let us into traffic lines, they showed no response. NONE! When going through doors, there was little effort to hold doors open ... even for [SO]. To top it all off, we were presented with the most welcoming of all liberal gestures one day. [SO] was getting a couple of items in a supermarket while I waited outside in the truck. Instead of the big rig taking up a parking space, I found a big open space off to the side of all the other cars. When I thought [SO] might be exiting the store, I pulled up to where I thought she might exit. 5 minutes passed and I drove around instead of double parking in everyones way. I did this twice. On my third time around, keep in mind I'm trying to be courteous here ... I see this 20'ish year old LOOSER leaving the parking lot hollering "FUCK TEXAS!!". You know the kind of guy. The kind driving a 20 year old import car, it's beat up, big muffler, different colored fenders, ratty looking dirty rims and straight up ghetto. Stunned, I immediately thought "Todays modern Liberal". Is this what America has turned into? Haters who do nothing to better themselves yet hate anyone who has nice material things that they worked hard for??! I think so. I'm still trying to figure out if its just a liberal thing or a Colorado thing. In hind sight, I think its both ... since on the way back in Texas, we stopped at many stores where doors where held open while we said thank you, [SO] had a conversation with two women, total strangers.... in one of the store restrooms, I was nodded at by many along with countless other gestures of kindness and politeness we saw nothing of in Colorado. I pack a lot of things I might need when camping. Can anyone tell me where I can get some thick skin for todays America?
I love how he bragged about his gas guzzler 'big rig', drove around the parking lot 3 times while waiting for his SO, assumed this other person was a vagrant or something, and berated his 20 year old car.
I'm temped to post this back on his wall...
"I think this 'LOOSER' got it right... FUCK TEXAS."
Honestly, I lived in Houston for 13 years... and I'm so glad I left. The pollution, trash, big rigs, traffic, humidity, and racism (yes, racism is HUGE there - still) all make me sick.
[edit] AND I forgot to mention that he posted this jewel to confirm his stupidity.