It wasn't necessarily overheard on facebook so much as directly requested on messenger, but ...
I have a friend from high school that has been having a hard time making ends meet lately. With cold weather coming up a couple weeks ago, she was afraid the old tires on her car wouldn't hold up to the cold/rain/snow/ice of an unpredictable Ohio winter, and asked me to borrow a couple hundred dollars for new tires with the promise of paying me back by the end of the month (December). Did a little digging and found out that her boyfriend has been "unexpectedly" unemployed for a couple months and she has been supporting him. He has a house with a mortgage and all of the normal bills (doesn't seem to be too wasteful) but she still stays with her parents until such a time that she is "financially stable" enough to move out.
I was kind of uncomfortable letting somebody borrow money when they are spending their own money supporting somebody else, but figured what the hell. It's just money, and I would rather her be safe than me have the couple hundred dollars. There is kind of a complicated story behind it, but let's just say I feel very passionately about y friends and family not driving with old/bald tires.
Fast forward to the end of the month. It's been a fairly mild winter, not much snow. She still hadn't gotten her tires because her "friend" at the shop kept cancelling on her. Ok, whatever, as long as she gets them.
Fat forward again to last weekend. She has had new tires for a few weeks. has been offering to take me out to dinner as a "thank you." I would rather just have my money back, but whatever. I politely decline for the time being. She asks if she can pay me back at the beginning of February. We will see if it actually happens, but I'm not holding my breath.
Oh well. A couple hundred dollars isn't very much to learn what type of person somebody is I guess.