I think a man who is willing to work hard outside the home so his wife can work part time or not at all when the kids are small is very attractive! I would take it as an insult if my husband felt someone else could raise his kids better than me. Does that make sense? Really you typically can have money or time - hard to have both at the same time.
I'm slightly embarrassed to admit this but it took me a few years (Yes, years!) to finally be able to cook, clean, etc without feeling like I was doing everything. For our first six years of marriage We both worked full time but I was always home first so typically I would start dinner, etc...So, one day I freak out "I'm doing everything" my poor husband is stunned he had no idea I was pissy about it. We get in a massive fight, I go home and rant to my Dad. After my Dad stops laughing at me He says - "You work 35 hours a week he works 50 and you want to sit there until he comes home and cooks for you? Give your head a shake! He can cook on the weekend!"
So, I am stunned silent I realize I probably should be doing most of it - I have more time!! I go back home, my sweet husband has cleaned everything apologizing for not doing more and is completely confused when I say No, no, I am being unreasonable! Give him the spiel my Dad gave me....
Long story short - it really is about being a 'helper' to your spouse and if that troubles you, you're probably not going to be married very happily. Of course this goes both ways. There are many things I don't do because my husband does them better, quicker, or I simply hate doing them. Just like I don't ever "make" him do things he hates, I just do them so he doesn't have to.
Fast forward, we're now married over 20 years, have two kids and things are pretty good. We have a decent balance of work/life responsibilities and everything gets done.
I for one am glad my husband works hard outside of the home so I can balance the other side of things. I can't imagine being in a relationship where someone is keeping "score" If you see something that needs to be done and you can do it - then do it. Simple as that.