We have four different possible income streams. Our stocks and bonds are one of the four and it's usually superfluous. I like drama-free income.
Define drama-free
The market drops 50% and I won't sweat it because we don't depend upon that income for our usual expenses.
Or if, instead, our farm income drops to $0 for a year or two.
Or if, instead, the 82nd Airborne Division gets deployed en masse to Goddamitstan and the rental housing market in our city collapses, with all our rental homes going vacant and staying that way for a year or two.
Or if, instead, the Republicans cut social security payments by 25% because stiffing working people is how they do things. (Don't kid yourself there aren't folks in the GOP that don't want to gut or destroy social security so regular folks will have to work till they drop.)
Any one of those happens and we don't have to really pay attention.
If two happen at the same time, we tighten our belts and use up our current stockpile of art supplies instead of buying more, but we don't sweat it.
If three happen at the same time, we pay serious attention and have some drama.