While I can understand not wanting to elaborate on your method, you have to understand that from an outsider perspective your message rings a bit hollow. Essentially you're saying that at some point the market will drop (which is something just about anyone would agree with). I suppose you go so far as to insinuate that it will be 'soon,' but are unable to define what 'soon' means or give us any clear indicators to watch for. That said, it's obviously not your obligation to prove anything to anyone here - but it seems that without supporting evidence a blanket warning comes off as a bit toothless (no offense intended).
You don't give us enough information to act on, or enough context or timeframe to look back on and determine whether you were right or wrong.
That's fair, I suppose. Though I would say that until cycles repeat and outcomes can be replicated multiple times we should stay away from using terms like "right" and "wrong" and instead perhaps use terms like "lucky" and "unlucky."
Sorry what? I have been consistently bullish as can be seen in my posts. I even stated "to the moon!" here when the upward trend was briefly broken (relatively weak) back in June:
https://forum.mrmoneymustache.com/investor-alley/has-the-market-lost-its-mind/msg1575172/#msg1575172Note: I do not give advices.
Since I have clearly not given the sell signal yet, I do not understand why many members here assume that I am bearish or carry a bearish message. Yes I am saying that at some point the market will drop, but as you said, is something just about anyone would agree, does that mean everyone is carrying a bearish message? Or people just assume market timing = being bearish?
If it is the "soon" part that you took issue with, all I can say is certain indicators have taken the turn for the worse. Unfortunately, as the details relate to my method I will therefore not elaborate. If you seek supporting evidence.... consider my bullishness in the past and how that turned out since I made the sentiment public. After all, it follows the same logic that a guy who could call the top should also be able to call the bottom; a guy who can spot a rally should also be able to notice a decline. I fully intend on "calling the top" here should I find it at our doorsteps (after I get out, of course).
A market timing method that recognizes market strengths when conventional methods scream sell (ie, thorstach) alleviates a big problem of any market timing strategy - missing out. In this regard, my short record is nothing less than stellar if I may say so myself.
You could argue that 1 or 2 year is not enough time period to make a proper assessment, and I agree with you completely. Even though 2015/2016 turned out alright for me (beat index using index funds via mostly timing), I still think a lot of it could be just luck, as I mentioned here:
https://forum.mrmoneymustache.com/investor-alley/i-did-it!-i-beat-the-index-using-index-funds!-(bragging)/msg1336044/#msg1336044https://forum.mrmoneymustache.com/investor-alley/i-did-it!-i-beat-the-index-using-index-funds!-(bragging)/msg1807219/#msg1807219Luck is a funny thing. Buffett himself alluded to luck being something more when he wryly mentioned a group of investors in Omaha was able to beat the index year after year. He talked about luck and other things, such as
intellectual origin.
https://www8.gsb.columbia.edu/articles/columbia-business/superinvestorsA full business cycle can last over 10 years, heck, a full-on bull market could last over 20 years. While it is natural to take a wait and see attitude when it's something we are not comfortable with, we need to ask ourselves, how many 20 years do we have in our lives?