Well it is logically inconsistent that to look and say the market goes up long term because it always has because see the pattern, but then to dismiss the patterns that develop otherwise along the way.
The advice seems to be "watch out for market drops/volatility when VIX peaks". And it then proceeds to list all the VIX peaks. The problem is those peaks are totally random and can't be identified until they are already past. So the advice is pretty worthless.
Seems the problem is that human minds are too good at finding patterns and find them where they are not. That is why we need the mighty Thorstach.
Well, how do we know that the market will always go up and this thread is just pure parody because the market will always go up? The only proof we have is in the pattern, but apparently, in every other case, the pattern is unreliable. We all could lose everything, but we'd rather not believe that, and stick our fingers in our ears and make these goofy threads to ignore that. I know if the stock market goes to zero, clearly other things to worry about, but that doesn't mean it could not happen just because we would rather not believe that it would. And it does not mean that if the stock market went to zero that it would not recover. But would it recover in a timeline relevant to you personally? That's all that REALLY matters. Even the most of the ardent Boglehead followers on their own forum admit that. It is why some people obsess endlessly over sequence of return risk.
I have no idea about the future. I have definitely NOT pulled all of my money out of the market (just only recognized my own risk tolerance over the weekend in taxable), but I have plenty of friends my own age (early millennials) who just said fuck it after losing everything in the economic crash of 2008-2009 to never invest again, not taxable, not retirement, nothing. Nothing I have said would convince them to ever put another dime in the stock market. It is a rigged game and they are going to lose and fuck it and fuck them. Yes, they lost out on all the gains, but they don't care because they don't believe the stock market is real (fair), that it isn't rigged, and that you won't get hosed in the end when you finally need to realize those gains. Are they dumb? Maybe, but it also took me a long time myself to get over my distrust and I don't think I really completely have. But I have no other choices and unlike my friends and family, cannot stand to watch my money do nothing but lose to inflation. But I could lose it all anyway. What kind of shit situation is this for ALL of us? That we have no choice but to either risk our hard earned money in the stock market or doom it to inflation? But life isn't fair, blah, blah, blah.