Busy around the house yesterday, had CNBC on. I kept seeing one of the regular contributors hammering the Delta variant as being the big unknown and unaccounted-for aspect that was crashing the market. He was too clever by half, as usual, sounding the warning about how people had been getting this whole thing wrong and there was finally a reckoning. Hang on to your butts, it's chaos!
Same guy sat there today, mocking everyone who was selling yesterday. He is above it all and knows the traders are just so foolish. See? Looky! Here is a belabored list of 20 stocks that are up today the precise percentage they were down yesterday. You were all fools worrying your little heads. His tone was pedantic, smug, and utterly nauseating.
They are certain that no one keeps score of their bullshit and simply make up new headlines at any moment that they believe will make them look smart. Good reminder it is better to leave the volume muted if that channel is on.
The Top is In.