Now I'm really confused. What is the Republican's vision for the US? Roll everything back to 1950 during the post-war recovery?
Good question. Absent and after Trump, I’m not sure there is a cohesive platform anymore.
Honestly, the only thing they have really been consistent about is hamstringing government and tax, financial, and liability policy that benefits corporations and very affluent individuals. The social issues have largely been window dressing to mobilize the masses, though they have done an effective job of stacking the judicial system with people who are unqualified, but have the right mindset to rule in favor of conservative principles where allowed to do so. There are enough single issue religion/abortion voters out there that I wonder what would happen to the electoral map if the GOP were to succeed in overturning Roe v Wade. If that base was untethered, would they stay GOP for other reasons or realize that the social programs of the Dems are both better for them as individuals and more consistent with the Bible? I suspect that social group identity would keep many with the GOP for at least a generation.
But on Trump outrages:
yeah, the MN tweets have been pretty galling.
On the social media regulation front. There is an interesting issue of regulation of content and what regulations apply to social media. If social media are transitioned to being regulated as news outlets in order to prevent them from flagging Trump tweets, it seems like this is a dumb as move. If the regulations are put in place vindictively, as opposed to proactively, pretty much every social media platform will be placed in legal jeopardy. While he might get a moment of joy out of vengeance, it would also shut down all of the internet dark holes of hate at the same time (and nice little patches of the internet like teh MMM forums). Does anyone with better legal knowledge have anything to add?
Also, the Hong Kong situation seems pretty volatile. While the trade status change seems like the responsible and measured response, it is a scary escalation all around. I wonder if China sees a long game in which the Yen becomes a reserve currency and the special trade status change will just expedite that?
Side note: thanks for the clarification on terms relating to bundles of sticks. I did a deeper dive and reading and learned a bit.