Author Topic: Trump outrage of the day  (Read 866521 times)


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #7700 on: April 12, 2021, 08:15:06 AM »
Trump gave us a long list of outrages this weekend at a RNC Donor retreat.
A few headlines:

  • Trump refused to give a speech unless his business profited
  • He had attendees bussed from the Four Seasons to his Mar a Lago property for his 50 minute speech (billing the RNC in the process)
  • Called Mitch McConnell a "dumb son of a bitch" and a "stone cold loser"
  • Continued to call the 2020 election results a "fraud" and "bull___t"
  • Said we should be calling the vaccine the Trumpcine (not clear which vaccine he was talking about)
  • Mocked Fauci, said he is "full of crap" and blamed him for half a million deaths
  • Complained McConnell "never thanked him" for hiring his wife, Elaine Chao
  • He recycled his claims from 2016 about immigrants: They’re coming in from the Middle East. They’re not sending their best people. You have murderers, you have rapists, you have drug dealers,

Such a class act and godly Christian man. At least, that's what the GQP keeps telling us.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #7701 on: April 12, 2021, 08:41:10 AM »


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #7702 on: April 12, 2021, 08:43:52 AM »

A riff on GOP: Grand Qanon Party.

I've seen politicians like Marjorie Taylor Greene and Ted Cruz referred to as Q-GA or Q-TX (rather than R-GA or R-TX).


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #7703 on: April 12, 2021, 10:08:21 AM »

A riff on GOP: Grand Qanon Party.

I've seen politicians like Marjorie Taylor Greene and Ted Cruz referred to as Q-GA or Q-TX (rather than R-GA or R-TX).

I don't like this naming.  It pretends that mainstream Republicans haven't accepted and embraced Qanon lies.  That's simply not the case.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #7704 on: April 12, 2021, 10:23:25 AM »

A riff on GOP: Grand Qanon Party.

I've seen politicians like Marjorie Taylor Greene and Ted Cruz referred to as Q-GA or Q-TX (rather than R-GA or R-TX).

I don't like this naming.  It pretends that mainstream Republicans haven't accepted and embraced Qanon lies.  That's simply not the case.

The GEP (Grand Establishment Party)? for the 15 or so Republicans in Congress who have spoken against Q and Trump?


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #7705 on: April 12, 2021, 10:30:29 AM »
I just always thought “grand old party” was a bit sardonic to begin with...


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #7706 on: April 12, 2021, 11:17:22 AM »

A riff on GOP: Grand Qanon Party.

I've seen politicians like Marjorie Taylor Greene and Ted Cruz referred to as Q-GA or Q-TX (rather than R-GA or R-TX).

I don't like this naming.  It pretends that mainstream Republicans haven't accepted and embraced Qanon lies.  That's simply not the case.

Even if it's applied to the party as a whole? I don't personally discriminate. Anyone still in the GQP at this point has drunk the kool-aid.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #7707 on: April 13, 2021, 01:58:38 PM »
Funny you should bring that up. I happened to renew my driver's license last month, so I was able to take advantage of the opportunity to change my party affiliation away from "Rep".


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #7708 on: April 13, 2021, 05:30:17 PM »
Funny you should bring that up. I happened to renew my driver's license last month, so I was able to take advantage of the opportunity to change my party affiliation away from "Rep".

One down, 74,216,153 to go...

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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #7709 on: April 13, 2021, 05:54:49 PM »
Funny you should bring that up. I happened to renew my driver's license last month, so I was able to take advantage of the opportunity to change my party affiliation away from "Rep".

One down, 74,216,153 to go...

Subtract three Trump voters I knew about who died from a super-spreader event at a small church in the midwest. Don't forget to subtract Herman Cain, too.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #7710 on: April 13, 2021, 06:53:05 PM »
The three people I know who died of Covid were Trump supporters. I wonder what percentage of covid deaths are Republicans.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #7711 on: April 13, 2021, 07:02:17 PM »
Funny you should bring that up. I happened to renew my driver's license last month, so I was able to take advantage of the opportunity to change my party affiliation away from "Rep".

One down, 74,216,153 to go...

Subtract three Trump voters I knew about who died from a super-spreader event at a small church in the midwest. Don't forget to subtract Herman Cain, too.

Oh well in THAT case, we’re almost there!


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #7712 on: April 14, 2021, 03:25:55 AM »

Did this loser ever look in the mirror? He is the last person on earth to poke fun at anyone's appearance.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #7713 on: April 14, 2021, 03:54:53 AM »

Did this loser ever look in the mirror? He is the last person on earth to poke fun at anyone's appearance.

Trump rule no. 3: If he says something is bad about another person, he wants to deflect from himself doing that (addition: also true for looks)

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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #7714 on: April 14, 2021, 07:34:51 AM »
The three people I know who died of Covid were Trump supporters. I wonder what percentage of covid deaths are Republicans.

The two-three that I know of were Republicans too.

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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #7715 on: April 14, 2021, 07:44:20 AM »
The three people I know who died of Covid were Trump supporters. I wonder what percentage of covid deaths are Republicans.

The two-three that I know of were Republicans too.

If the person dying of COVID doesn't believe in COVID is it still a COVID death?

I think it was on this forum that I had heard of people being told they needed to be intubated still no believing they had COVID. 


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #7716 on: April 14, 2021, 08:00:34 AM »
The three people I know who died of Covid were Trump supporters. I wonder what percentage of covid deaths are Republicans.

The two-three that I know of were Republicans too.

If the person dying of COVID doesn't believe in COVID is it still a COVID death?

I think it was on this forum that I had heard of people being told they needed to be intubated still no believing they had COVID.

Related, the MyPillow guy is being sued for libel. Libel requires that the defendant actually be cognizant of the untruths being untruths. Is it libel if the defendant is a true-believer cultist?

A great article about it:

tl;dr It's not looking good for Lindell.

* Lindell's autobiography sounds like a trip. The guy's had miracle after miracle happen to him.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #7717 on: April 14, 2021, 08:29:06 AM »

Related, the MyPillow guy is being sued for libel. Libel requires that the defendant actually be cognizant of the untruths being untruths. Is it libel if the defendant is a true-believer cultist?

IIRC, the "reasonable person" statue applies for libel as well.  As in: "If a reasonable person would be certain that the things being said were untrue with the information at hand...[it's libel]"
Or put another way: "extreme ignorance is not a sufficient legal defense"


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #7718 on: April 14, 2021, 09:04:13 AM »
Speaking of the pillow dude, he has a website and he is selling various oddball things. If you want a chuckle:

Hahahaha, check out Donald the Cave Man Books!


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #7719 on: April 14, 2021, 10:25:29 AM »
Wouldn't it be great if there were Covid stats collected based on the political views of those infected? 

Sort of like a list based on "Stupid should hurt."

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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #7720 on: April 14, 2021, 11:59:37 AM »
Speaking of the pillow dude, he has a website and he is selling various oddball things. If you want a chuckle:

Hahahaha, check out Donald the Cave Man Books!

Not a damn thing anyone needs on his website.


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #7721 on: April 14, 2021, 12:07:05 PM »
Speaking of the pillow dude, he has a website and he is selling various oddball things. If you want a chuckle:

Hahahaha, check out Donald the Cave Man Books!

Not a damn thing anyone needs on his website.

Wow. No kidding. Talk about a carnival of bullshit for gullible people. Not to mention completely unmustachian.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #7722 on: April 14, 2021, 12:43:48 PM »
The original carnival barker has his own official website and I half expected to see some kind of trinkets, MAGA hats, being sold there. In my Sunday paper every once in a while I see these 'collectibles' of 45 like coins with his face on them and then I saw one of those collectible dolls of 45's wife. Gag me! I wouldn't take that junk if it was free or if they paid me!


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #7723 on: April 14, 2021, 01:24:22 PM »

Did this loser ever look in the mirror? He is the last person on earth to poke fun at anyone's appearance.

Trump rule no. 3: If he says something is bad about another person, he wants to deflect from himself doing that (addition: also true for looks)

Trump is the master of projection.  I don't understand how people don't notice that almost everything he says is just him projecting. 


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #7724 on: April 14, 2021, 05:18:09 PM »
Speaking of the pillow dude, he has a website and he is selling various oddball things. If you want a chuckle:

Hahahaha, check out Donald the Cave Man Books!

God damn you people! Now I’m getting my pillow ads in my feeds!  Y’all suck. That goes for you too, google. Fix your stupid algorithms!!


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #7725 on: April 15, 2021, 10:08:45 AM »
Speaking of the pillow dude, he has a website and he is selling various oddball things. If you want a chuckle:

Hahahaha, check out Donald the Cave Man Books!

God damn you people! Now I’m getting my pillow ads in my feeds!  Y’all suck. That goes for you too, google. Fix your stupid algorithms!!
Nice! Since I block all ads that doesn't happen to me but...
think it this way: Every time you see such an ad, that pillow website loses money.

But yes, why do you get ads for a washing machine for weeks starting 2 hours after you bought one?

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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #7726 on: April 15, 2021, 10:28:10 AM »
Speaking of the pillow dude, he has a website and he is selling various oddball things. If you want a chuckle:

Hahahaha, check out Donald the Cave Man Books!

God damn you people! Now I’m getting my pillow ads in my feeds!  Y’all suck. That goes for you too, google. Fix your stupid algorithms!!
Running adblock works pretty well. Ublock Origin and Adguard are my favorite!

Trump is the master of projection.  I don't understand how people don't notice that almost everything he says is just him projecting. 
That's the beauty of faith, it doesn't require anything more than faith and a suspension of disbelief...


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #7727 on: April 15, 2021, 10:34:00 AM »
Speaking of the pillow dude, he has a website and he is selling various oddball things. If you want a chuckle:

Hahahaha, check out Donald the Cave Man Books!

God damn you people! Now I’m getting my pillow ads in my feeds!  Y’all suck. That goes for you too, google. Fix your stupid algorithms!!
Nice! Since I block all ads that doesn't happen to me but...
think it this way: Every time you see such an ad, that pillow website loses money.

Especially if you click it but then you get MORE ads for pillows. Could you fill up all of the ad space with ads for bedding if you frequently clicked on the pillow ads? Let us know, nereo.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #7728 on: April 15, 2021, 11:25:06 AM »
Speaking of the pillow dude, he has a website and he is selling various oddball things. If you want a chuckle:

Hahahaha, check out Donald the Cave Man Books!

God damn you people! Now I’m getting my pillow ads in my feeds!  Y’all suck. That goes for you too, google. Fix your stupid algorithms!!
Nice! Since I block all ads that doesn't happen to me but...
think it this way: Every time you see such an ad, that pillow website loses money.

Especially if you click it but then you get MORE ads for pillows. Could you fill up all of the ad space with ads for bedding if you frequently clicked on the pillow ads? Let us know, nereo.
Yes, but how much effort is it worth to extract 35 cents of ad dollars from MyPillow?

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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #7729 on: April 15, 2021, 11:48:09 AM »
Thought Experiment: Imagine on April 15, 2017, Trump proposed expanding the Supreme Court to 13 members.  How many replies would this topic receive.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #7730 on: April 15, 2021, 12:06:47 PM »
Thought Experiment: Imagine on April 15, 2017, Trump proposed expanding the Supreme Court to 13 members.  How many replies would this topic receive.

People would have lost their sh*t. I'd like to believe they would have on both sides, but I know better than that.

Personally, after the Republicans refused to do the hearing for Merrick Garland, rushed through the Kavanaugh nomination without thorough vetting, and then rammed through Amy Coney Barrett, I'm pretty much out of outrage for Biden having a committee explore the merits of expanding the court.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #7731 on: April 15, 2021, 12:12:53 PM »
Thought Experiment: Imagine on April 15, 2017, Trump proposed expanding the Supreme Court to 13 members.  How many replies would this topic receive.

People would have lost their sh*t. I'd like to believe they would have on both sides, but I know better than that.

Personally, after the Republicans refused to do the hearing for Merrick Garland, rushed through the Kavanaugh nomination without thorough vetting, and then rammed through Amy Coney Barrett, I'm pretty much out of outrage for Biden having a committee explore the merits of expanding the court.

Same.  I don't think we'll actually expand the court, but I guess we'll burn that bridge when we get there.  If Trump had proposed it, I would have been like, well, I guess he's going to get away with stealing another x # of seats.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #7732 on: April 15, 2021, 12:38:06 PM »
Thought Experiment: Imagine on April 15, 2017, Trump proposed expanding the Supreme Court to 13 members.  How many replies would this topic receive.

Yeah, I would have exploded in rage.
Of course I feel compelled to point out the obvious here - Biden hasn't proposed expanding the Supreme Court. He's created a committee tasked with writing what's essentially a research paper on ways which the supreme court could be reformed. It's got 36 members and it's findings are just an analysis - not proposed legislation. The committee is actually notable in that there's some heavy-hitting conservative legal minds on it in addition to a bunch of centrist and progressive scholars. 


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #7733 on: April 15, 2021, 12:44:33 PM »
Thought Experiment: Imagine on April 15, 2017, Trump proposed expanding the Supreme Court to 13 members.  How many replies would this topic receive.

People would have lost their sh*t. I'd like to believe they would have on both sides, but I know better than that.

Personally, after the Republicans refused to do the hearing for Merrick Garland, rushed through the Kavanaugh nomination without thorough vetting, and then rammed through Amy Coney Barrett, I'm pretty much out of outrage for Biden having a committee explore the merits of expanding the court.

Same.  I don't think we'll actually expand the court, but I guess we'll burn that bridge when we get there.  If Trump had proposed it, I would have been like, well, I guess he's going to get away with stealing another x # of seats.

The expansion to 13 Justices is from a House bill, not Biden.

The commission will suggest age limits or term limits. I'm ok with that.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #7734 on: April 15, 2021, 01:05:23 PM »
Thought Experiment: Imagine on April 15, 2017, Trump proposed expanding the Supreme Court to 13 members.  How many replies would this topic receive.

People would have lost their sh*t. I'd like to believe they would have on both sides, but I know better than that.

Personally, after the Republicans refused to do the hearing for Merrick Garland, rushed through the Kavanaugh nomination without thorough vetting, and then rammed through Amy Coney Barrett, I'm pretty much out of outrage for Biden having a committee explore the merits of expanding the court.

Same.  I don't think we'll actually expand the court, but I guess we'll burn that bridge when we get there.  If Trump had proposed it, I would have been like, well, I guess he's going to get away with stealing another x # of seats.

The expansion to 13 Justices is from a House bill, not Biden.

The commission will suggest age limits or term limits. I'm ok with that.

The poster mentioned Trump proposing the shift in his/her 'thought experiment'.  The obvious parallel would be if Biden did the same - which he hasn't (neither have).
FWIW Pelosi says she won't bring the Dem proposal to the floor for debate; unless that changes it's a non-issue, like so much other "look at me!" legislation which need makes it to even a floor vote.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #7735 on: April 16, 2021, 03:04:46 AM »
Thought Experiment: Imagine on April 15, 2017, Trump proposed expanding the Supreme Court to 13 members.  How many replies would this topic receive.

Also Obama did not install several Anti-Trump judges by ignoring the rules of procedure while the whole Democrativ Party loudly applauded the de-facto coup on the judicial system.

An increase would just put the supreme court back in the intended shape. Of course the gaping holes in the system would still be there, so a reform could help.

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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #7736 on: April 16, 2021, 03:16:43 AM »
Thought Experiment: Imagine on April 15, 2017, Trump proposed expanding the Supreme Court to 13 members.  How many replies would this topic receive.

Also Obama did not install several Anti-Trump judges by ignoring the rules of procedure while the whole Democrativ Party loudly applauded the de-facto coup on the judicial system.

An increase would just put the supreme court back in the intended shape. Of course the gaping holes in the system would still be there, so a reform could help.
One of the main problems of the Supreme Court is that the legislature has been so disfunctional for so long it is leaving big gaps in the law which the Supreme Court has no way to avoid filling.   If the legislature got its act together on matters such as abortion, voting rights, political funding and health care the political importance of the Supreme Court and the appointments to it would diminish.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #7737 on: April 16, 2021, 12:02:47 PM »
"No collusion."

It is clear that Manfort was deeply compromised, and this is just another piece of that. The unanswered question is still how much DJT knew and when did he know it.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #7738 on: April 16, 2021, 01:15:35 PM »
I think the answers to those questions are "all of it" and "from the very beginning"

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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #7739 on: April 16, 2021, 01:23:59 PM »
I think the answers to those questions are "all of it" and "from the very beginning"
It's not like anyone would have felt the need to hide it from him either because he might stop them or tell the FBI...


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #7740 on: April 16, 2021, 01:55:52 PM »
"No collusion."

It is clear that Manfort was deeply compromised, and this is just another piece of that. The unanswered question is still how much DJT knew and when did he know it.

“Feds finally link Trump Campaign to Russian spies”

Didn’t that happen four years ago?  Did not the national security forces jointly testify that Russia actively interfered? Didn’t Mueller already document this with painstaking detail and a number of indictments?  Seems like a “finally” and more of “yet another brick in this massive wall”


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #7741 on: April 16, 2021, 01:58:45 PM »
Yes...Mueller laid it out fairly clearly. Unfortunately, Bill Barr was Attorney General and he effectively killed it. Now, it's almost like it never happened


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #7742 on: April 16, 2021, 02:12:16 PM »
Mueller laid out very clearly that Russians wanted Trump as president, that Trump's children held clandestine meetings with Russians, that a large number of people in Trump's inner circle were indebted to Russia or working for Russian interests (quite a few of whom went to jail for these actions), that there were many reasons why colluding with the Russians would have benefited Donald Trump both personally and in his presidential campaign.  He also conclusively proved that Trump both planned and acted to obstruct obstruct his investigation in multiple ways.

However, he did not draw any conclusion regarding Trump colluding with Russia.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #7743 on: April 16, 2021, 02:58:38 PM »
I'd disagree that no conclusions were reached. Mueller avoided explicitly stating in the report what his conclusions were...but it was essentially "2 + 2 =" and all a non-corrupt Justice Department had to do was say "4"

Everything was there

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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #7744 on: April 16, 2021, 04:41:45 PM »
I'd disagree that no conclusions were reached. Mueller avoided explicitly stating in the report what his conclusions were...but it was essentially "2 + 2 =" and all a non-corrupt Justice Department had to do was say "4"

Everything was there

Mueller fucked up by not drawing conclusions.  He could not have honestly believed Justice was in good shape and they would take it from there with flying colors.  He had an opportunity to be clear, concise and honest with the American people and he didn't take the hard stand.  Now people legitimately believe that Russian collusion is a hoax, and will never change their mind.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #7745 on: April 16, 2021, 04:50:42 PM »
This isn't specifically a Trump outrage, but the venn diagram has a lot of overlap:

Following on the heels of Tucker Carlson talking about white replacement (a semi-quiet echo/dogwhistle of the chant in Charlottesville "we will not be replaced"), I'm disgusted that they have enough support to either be in congress or have a large media following.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #7746 on: April 16, 2021, 10:31:04 PM »
This isn't specifically a Trump outrage, but the venn diagram has a lot of overlap:

Following on the heels of Tucker Carlson talking about white replacement (a semi-quiet echo/dogwhistle of the chant in Charlottesville "we will not be replaced"), I'm disgusted that they have enough support to either be in congress or have a large media following.

Wow. Yeah, that's the Klan without the hoods, eh?


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #7747 on: April 17, 2021, 08:31:55 AM »
I think it's time for some Tucker Carlson replacement....


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #7748 on: April 17, 2021, 07:17:11 PM »


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #7749 on: April 18, 2021, 09:35:57 AM »
I'd disagree that no conclusions were reached. Mueller avoided explicitly stating in the report what his conclusions were...but it was essentially "2 + 2 =" and all a non-corrupt Justice Department had to do was say "4"

Everything was there

I'm going to put this here.

Mueller did not have much to go on.


Wow, a phone plan for fifteen bucks!