Wow. An Aussie Trumper. I didn't know such a creature existed.
An American with poor reading comprehension. I did know such a creature existed.
Trump's an idiot. If you re-elect him, it won't be good for your country at all. And the approach you are taking in insulting all his supporters and assuming there's no rational reason anyone could vote for him is
exactly the approach you should use if you want him to be re-elected - because that's the approach you took last time, and it had that result.
Now, I don't mind - whatever is bad for America is probably good for the rest of the world. An isolationist America means less of us get bombed, and we can negotiate trade and other treaties on much more favourable bases for ourselves. But for America? Terrible!
But if you're determined to fuck up your country, just keep on doing what you're doing, and you can see another few years of old Drumpf.