You have to be popular to subvert the democratic process and rule of law, now? I better chuck out those history books.
I love how the reasoning goes.
"This one is awful because he violates the Constitution!"
"So he could stay in power after his term ends?"
"No! That would violate the Constitution, which is impossible to violate!"
"But -"
"He violates it in that way, but could never violate it in this other way!"
Anyway, it can be changed, and has been many times. That's why I said, "if his followers are ambitious enough."
That's the problem after your current problem, though. You must get through 2020 before worrying about 2024. You current problem is an inability to understand why abusing a large chunk of the electorate and ignoring their issues, and that there issues are now no longer as bad as a result - they believe - of policies instituted by Drumpf - why doing that is going to make them vote the "wrong" way, for him. Tens of millions of working class Americans are, you say, horribly racist. But these same people - for example, in Michigan - voted for Obama last time. So not only are you insulting potential voters, you're ignoring reality.
"Hey, we tried this in 2016, and we lost. Let's try it again! Hey, let's double down and impeach him!"
I recognise this kind of stupidity, because it's shared by the left here in Australia in the form of the ALP. When a left-wing party takes the group historically their strongest supporters - the working class - and by its policies makes them unemployed and poor, and then abuses them as racist - well, that party tends not to do so well at the ballot box.