Author Topic: Trump outrage of the day  (Read 866234 times)


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #2500 on: June 18, 2020, 10:39:30 AM »
Do the Commonwealth countries operate without free expression? Is criticism of the Queen something against which government can sanction?

Here in the US, it feels like criticism of the President is an Olympic sport.

The Queen is pretty irrelevant, the main discussion is do we even bother keeping the monarchy after she is gone.  But that is a constitutional issue and not of major public concern.   A bit more attention is paid to the  GG but again it's basically a ceremonial position.  It's always open season on politicians,  especially the PM and Opposition leader.

I'd like the monarchy to continue for a bit longer for one very stupid reason:  there has never been a King of Canada (or England) in my lifetime, and I'd really like to see either Charles or William photographed with that enormous crown on their head and holding the other regalia.  I mean... that crown is HUUUUUGE!!!

... I said it was a stupid reason...


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #2501 on: June 18, 2020, 10:42:28 AM »
It's not a free pass, though. For Trump to enjoy the support of Republicans--which means accepting whatever corruption he can manage--he has to deliver:

  • Tax Cuts
  • Judges
  • Eternal occupation of the White House

Republican voters or Republican members of Congress? He needs the former to be reelected, and he needs the latter to get through legislation.  Right now he doesn't need the Republicans in Congress on his side. He'll never be in danger from that side of the aisle as long as McConnell is still there to do his bidding.  If he gets reelected, the rest will fall back in line and do what he tells them.

Not sure why you think McConnell is doing Trump's bidding.  Trump is merely a rubber stamp for McConnell.  It's the other way around - Trump is doing McConnell's bidding.

Pretty sure it is a rub my back and I will rub yours feedback loop.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #2502 on: June 18, 2020, 11:55:28 AM »
Do the Commonwealth countries operate without free expression? Is criticism of the Queen something against which government can sanction?

Here in the US, it feels like criticism of the President is an Olympic sport.

The Queen is pretty irrelevant, the main discussion is do we even bother keeping the monarchy after she is gone.  But that is a constitutional issue and not of major public concern.   A bit more attention is paid to the  GG but again it's basically a ceremonial position.  It's always open season on politicians,  especially the PM and Opposition leader.

I'd like the monarchy to continue for a bit longer for one very stupid reason:  there has never been a King of Canada (or England) in my lifetime, and I'd really like to see either Charles or William photographed with that enormous crown on their head and holding the other regalia.  I mean... that crown is HUUUUUGE!!!

... I said it was a stupid reason...

The most important reason to keep the queen . . . is WTF do we put on the back of all our coins without her????  Celine Dion????

Short of that, I can't remember a time in my life where our having a monarch has mattered one iota to me.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #2503 on: June 18, 2020, 11:59:57 AM »

The most important reason to keep the queen . . . is WTF do we put on the back of all our coins without her????  Celine Dion????

Short of that, I can't remember a time in my life where our having a monarch has mattered one iota to me.

I was told Charles would be on the coin as soon as he asends the throne.  And the monarch has always (AFAIK) been the "Head" of the coin, not the 'tail'.  Otherwise its just confusing. 
  I mean, he's already been on a couple of commemerative coins if you need a visual:


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #2504 on: June 18, 2020, 12:15:06 PM »
Nice little twitter commentary from Trump on today's Supreme Court decision regarding DACA.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #2505 on: June 18, 2020, 12:17:57 PM »
Nice little twitter commentary from Trump on today's Supreme Court decision regarding DACA.

"A shotgun blast to the face of conservatives"

...well he's sticking with the violent language theme with immigrants, that's for sure...


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #2506 on: June 18, 2020, 12:31:27 PM »

The most important reason to keep the queen . . . is WTF do we put on the back of all our coins without her????  Celine Dion????

Short of that, I can't remember a time in my life where our having a monarch has mattered one iota to me.

I was told Charles would be on the coin as soon as he asends the throne.  And the monarch has always (AFAIK) been the "Head" of the coin, not the 'tail'.  Otherwise its just confusing. 

Agreed that 'heads' is the side of the coin with the head on it.  But is the head the front of a coin?  I had always assumed that the head was the back and the nature picture (tails) was on the front.  Mostly because who wants to see pictures of a decomposing old lady with a crown?  :P

I mean, he's already been on a couple of commemorative coins if you need a visual

Oh God, it burns!


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #2507 on: June 18, 2020, 04:23:53 PM »
It's not a free pass, though. For Trump to enjoy the support of Republicans--which means accepting whatever corruption he can manage--he has to deliver:

  • Tax Cuts
  • Judges
  • Eternal occupation of the White House

Republican voters or Republican members of Congress? He needs the former to be reelected, and he needs the latter to get through legislation.  Right now he doesn't need the Republicans in Congress on his side. He'll never be in danger from that side of the aisle as long as McConnell is still there to do his bidding.  If he gets reelected, the rest will fall back in line and do what he tells them.

Not sure why you think McConnell is doing Trump's bidding.  Trump is merely a rubber stamp for McConnell.  It's the other way around - Trump is doing McConnell's bidding.

McConnell opposed the nomination of Trump. He admitted in an interview a year or so ago that once his election looked to be a foregone conclusion, he dropped the opposition and ensured the Senate would do whatever he needed.  McConnell has been there for every wacky thing Trump has said on Twitter or at the podium. In the run up to the impeachment McConnell said something to the effect of "We're coordinating with Trump's defense team and we're going to ensure this thing is over with quickly."  McConnell is not driving this train.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #2508 on: June 18, 2020, 06:23:34 PM »
Do the Commonwealth countries operate without free expression? Is criticism of the Queen something against which government can sanction?

Here in the US, it feels like criticism of the President is an Olympic sport.

The Queen is pretty irrelevant, the main discussion is do we even bother keeping the monarchy after she is gone.  But that is a constitutional issue and not of major public concern.   A bit more attention is paid to the  GG but again it's basically a ceremonial position.  It's always open season on politicians,  especially the PM and Opposition leader.

I'd like the monarchy to continue for a bit longer for one very stupid reason:  there has never been a King of Canada (or England) in my lifetime, and I'd really like to see either Charles or William photographed with that enormous crown on their head and holding the other regalia.  I mean... that crown is HUUUUUGE!!!

... I said it was a stupid reason...

The most important reason to keep the queen . . . is WTF do we put on the back of all our coins without her????  Celine Dion????

Short of that, I can't remember a time in my life where our having a monarch has mattered one iota to me.

And if we don't have a monarch, what the H is the role of the Governor General, since she represents the Queen?  And is part of the constitution.  I suppose we could just have a GG to convene Parliament and call the writ for elecitons and welcome foreign dignitaries and all that, all on her own.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #2509 on: June 18, 2020, 08:34:31 PM »
Let's give the man credit. He discovered Juneteenth.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #2510 on: June 18, 2020, 08:37:01 PM »
Let's give the man credit. He discovered Juneteenth.

Put a flag on it and said "MINE" and everything, like any good discoverer of the best things.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #2511 on: June 19, 2020, 04:38:38 AM »
The latest spat with John Bolton is the latest iteration of a well worn pattern with this administration.  Trump hires someone (often controversial). That person drops out of favor and is pushed out. Former employee then says unflattering things.  Trump calls the person a liar and a horrible human (only in less nice words)

What I keep coming back to is that Trump personally selected these people.  It's one thing if an individual comes back to bite you.  It's quite another when its become a trend.  Functional administrations or businesses do not have so many disgruntled employees after such a short time frame.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #2512 on: June 19, 2020, 04:44:48 AM »
Functional administrations or businesses do not have so many disgruntled employees after such a short time frame.
I marked the important word.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #2513 on: June 19, 2020, 04:56:34 AM »
The latest spat with John Bolton is the latest iteration of a well worn pattern with this administration.  Trump hires someone (often controversial). That person drops out of favor and is pushed out. Former employee then says unflattering things.  Trump calls the person a liar and a horrible human (only in less nice words)

What I keep coming back to is that Trump personally selected these people.  It's one thing if an individual comes back to bite you.  It's quite another when its become a trend.  Functional administrations or businesses do not have so many disgruntled employees after such a short time frame.

I've been wondering for months how nobody calls him out on "I have the best cabinet in history" and "I've filled some positions 3 times in 3 years." They're the most qualified ever, and then they're the scum of the earth.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #2514 on: June 19, 2020, 05:06:22 AM »

I've been wondering for months how nobody calls him out on "I have the best cabinet in history" and "I've filled some positions 3 times in 3 years." They're the most qualified ever, and then they're the scum of the earth.

That's basically what I was getting at.  One bad/disgruntled employee is to be expected. When you've got a revolving door organization and they all leave bitter, it's a systemic problem. As Trump claims he's personally selected these people ("the best people"), it's on him.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #2515 on: June 19, 2020, 06:03:35 AM »
Somebody heard us.

With how easily and quickly he throws former staff under the bus, it's a wonder why anybody accepts job offers from him. It's also a wonder why nobody warned him that this treatment might backfire with somebody as experienced as Bolton.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #2516 on: June 19, 2020, 06:06:46 AM »
Somebody heard us.

With how easily and quickly he throws former staff under the bus, it's a wonder why anybody accepts job offers from him. It's also a wonder why nobody warned him that this treatment might backfire with somebody as experienced as Bolton.

Even if they did warn him, would he listen? He’s the best Very Stable Genius.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #2517 on: June 19, 2020, 06:12:11 AM »
My suspicion of Trump meant that I was naturally suspicious of many of his cabinet choices (Rick Perry not exactly nuclear energy material, Ben Carson hand-picked to dismantle HUD, etc.), but...

We have to acknowledge that late in a Presidential term, you have had some turnover because--with the election close--you're not going to get the major policy changes where a competent person really matters anyway.

That said, working for Trump is a natural selection process. People who are principled and competent don't want any part of it. Within my own discipline--Economics--he hasn't hired any of the traditional conservative economists like Marty Feldstein or Greg Mankiw, and he fired Janet Yellen without any good reason.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #2518 on: June 19, 2020, 06:26:04 AM »
My suspicion of Trump meant that I was naturally suspicious of many of his cabinet choices (Rick Perry not exactly nuclear energy material, Ben Carson hand-picked to dismantle HUD, etc.), but...

We have to acknowledge that late in a Presidential term, you have had some turnover because--with the election close--you're not going to get the major policy changes where a competent person really matters anyway.

That said, working for Trump is a natural selection process. People who are principled and competent don't want any part of it. Within my own discipline--Economics--he hasn't hired any of the traditional conservative economists like Marty Feldstein or Greg Mankiw, and he fired Janet Yellen without any good reason.

Late in the term? He's been firing/driving people away from the start. I believe he's also set a record for most positions/days where the person in charge is "acting" because the position went unfilled from the start or he fired them without getting a replacement.

And apparently he's given a personal friend the power to screen and hire sycophants to senior positions.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2020, 06:30:25 AM by Travis »


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #2519 on: June 19, 2020, 09:54:36 AM »
In the case of Trump you have to actually wonder if he "hires" or just takes the first who has the chance to honey him.
I am actually really curious how he does his hiring.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #2520 on: June 19, 2020, 10:10:51 AM »
In the case of Trump you have to actually wonder if he "hires" or just takes the first who has the chance to honey him.
I am actually really curious how he does his hiring.

Well, I think that one of his problems that is merely 2nd-order his fault instead of directly his fault, is that there are actually very few qualified people who would be willing to touch his dumpster fire of an administration with a 10-foot pole. So he's picking from the bottom of the barrel already; opportunists who see a 6-level promotion jump as worth it to put up with the craziness.

And then you add to that his astonishing ability to mismanage his people and make them all hate him and then fire them the first second he doesn't get his way, and we are where we are.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #2521 on: June 19, 2020, 10:41:48 AM »
Trump on tomorrow's rally, via his official Twitter

Any protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes who are going to Oklahoma please understand, you will not be treated like you have been in New York, Seattle, or Minneapolis. It will be a much different scene!


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #2522 on: June 19, 2020, 10:47:40 AM »
Yep, I remember even early on there was a mass of Foreign Service Officers that were resigning, because Tillerson was trying to run the department as a run-of-the-mill republican, but Trump kept doing things that endangered and ran counter to what the officers were told to do on the ground. Even when Trump had decent enough cabinet members, he pushed them all out.

Not that I think Trump has a strong understanding of politics or what his own positions are. I just think that at the time he deeply trusted Steve Bannon who was giving him good election advice, but horrible governing advice. I see Bannon as the one who poisoned the entire admin from the beginning, and after he left, there was no one left willing to touch the admin. Today Trump seems to be trusting Barr more than anyone else, and that seems to keep any reasonable applicants away. (Well that and I think most GOP insiders must be thinking that Trump is going to lose in November)


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #2523 on: June 19, 2020, 10:48:44 AM »
In the case of Trump you have to actually wonder if he "hires" or just takes the first who has the chance to honey him.
I am actually really curious how he does his hiring.

Well, I think that one of his problems that is merely 2nd-order his fault instead of directly his fault, is that there are actually very few qualified people who would be willing to touch his dumpster fire of an administration with a 10-foot pole. So he's picking from the bottom of the barrel already; opportunists who see a 6-level promotion jump as worth it to put up with the craziness.

And then you add to that his astonishing ability to mismanage his people and make them all hate him and then fire them the first second he doesn't get his way, and we are where we are.

He did promise to drain the swamp. So presumably he's been picking around in the muck.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #2524 on: June 19, 2020, 11:08:15 AM »
My suspicion of Trump meant that I was naturally suspicious of many of his cabinet choices (Rick Perry not exactly nuclear energy material, Ben Carson hand-picked to dismantle HUD, etc.), but...

We have to acknowledge that late in a Presidential term, you have had some turnover because--with the election close--you're not going to get the major policy changes where a competent person really matters anyway.

That said, working for Trump is a natural selection process. People who are principled and competent don't want any part of it. Within my own discipline--Economics--he hasn't hired any of the traditional conservative economists like Marty Feldstein or Greg Mankiw, and he fired Janet Yellen without any good reason.
But... if we just look at the National Security Advisor position, Bolton isn’t a late-first-term firing.  Going sequentially, he chose to replace Rice on his Election Day (not terribly unusual, but a lack of continuance none-the-less).  Trump’s first pick was Flynn (now a convicted criminal), then acting Kellogg, who Trump decided NOT to make permanent, then McMaster, (left voluntarily), then Bolton (resigned in protest) putting Kupperman briefly in charge before being replaced by O’Brien.  Six appointed or acting in 3.5 years. 

That’s astounding. Also notable (and mentioned by Travis) is that - unlike all predecessors- the acting person in charge stepped down before a new one could be appointed.   Before Trump, most National Security Advisors stuck around for and entire term and then some (e.g. Lake, Berger, Rice, Hadley).   Obama had 3 (in eight years) ‘W’ had 2 (eight years), Bush Sr 1.  Clinton 2. Carter 1, Ford 2, Nixon 1, LBJ and Kennedy shared 2. Only Reagan had an equal number, and that was over a full eight years, and each had an orderly replacement.

...and that’s just the NSA position.  There’s half a dozen other cabinet-level positions that have similar turnover and turmoil. 


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #2525 on: June 19, 2020, 11:26:49 AM »
Seems some others in the GOP are finally, publicly saying that Trump has made mistakes with whom he has chosen for his administration.

Former [acting] Chief of Staff Mick Mulaney said today:  “If there was one criticism I would level against the president, he didn’t hire very well. He did not have experience at running government, and didn’t know how to put together a team that could work well with him.”

So much for hiring “the best people” and for Trump’s experience as a realty TV and real estate developer translating into effective governance. His entire shtick on ‘The Apprentice” was that Trump could pick out the best talent and the prize was a position in The Trump Organization.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #2526 on: June 19, 2020, 12:34:16 PM »
Trump on tomorrow's rally, via his official Twitter

Any protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes who are going to Oklahoma please understand, you will not be treated like you have been in New York, Seattle, or Minneapolis. It will be a much different scene!

So . . . they'll have their right to protest respected, and not routinely violated?


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #2527 on: June 19, 2020, 12:35:48 PM »
Trump on tomorrow's rally, via his official Twitter

Any protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes who are going to Oklahoma please understand, you will not be treated like you have been in New York, Seattle, or Minneapolis. It will be a much different scene!

So . . . they'll have their right to protest respected, and not routinely violated?


Except, since the author only gets fair and balanced news, Seattle has been abandoned to the Mob.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #2528 on: June 19, 2020, 01:43:43 PM »
Trump on tomorrow's rally, via his official Twitter

Any protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes who are going to Oklahoma please understand, you will not be treated like you have been in New York, Seattle, or Minneapolis. It will be a much different scene!

Regular protesters included on that list, apparently.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #2529 on: June 19, 2020, 01:49:54 PM »
Trump on tomorrow's rally, via his official Twitter

Any protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes who are going to Oklahoma please understand, you will not be treated like you have been in New York, Seattle, or Minneapolis. It will be a much different scene!

Regular protesters included on that list, apparently.
...and not by mistak.
Anytime Trump wants to disparage a perceived foe, he groups them in with criminals and degenerates.  It's a way of throwing shade while not actually calling them lowlife scum directly.  Call it insult by association.
He's done this with immigrants, with black people, with democrats.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #2530 on: June 19, 2020, 01:50:47 PM »
Trump on tomorrow's rally, via his official Twitter

Any protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes who are going to Oklahoma please understand, you will not be treated like you have been in New York, Seattle, or Minneapolis. It will be a much different scene!

Regular protesters included on that list, apparently.
...and not by mistak.
Anytime Trump wants to disparage a perceived foe, he groups them in with criminals and degenerates.  It's a way of throwing shade while not actually calling them lowlife scum directly.  Call it insult by association.
He's done this with immigrants, with black people, with democrats.

"They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #2531 on: June 19, 2020, 02:46:27 PM »
Twitter just labeled another of his tweets as “Manipulated Media”.

The one where the two toddlers playing together was doctored to show one running away in “terror” from the other, with a fake CNN banner.

Amusingly the word toddler was misspelt as “todler”.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #2532 on: June 20, 2020, 05:34:34 PM »
Twitter just labeled another of his tweets as “Manipulated Media”.

The one where the two toddlers playing together was doctored to show one running away in “terror” from the other, with a fake CNN banner.

Amusingly the word toddler was misspelt as “todler”.

FB and T quickly (and probably happily) complied with the copyright notice sent by the owner of the video, one of the fathers. It's been removed.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #2533 on: June 20, 2020, 05:58:04 PM »
The US attorney Geoffrey S. Berman who was investigating Trump's associates has just been fired. This is after Barr announced on Friday that Berman was resigning, and then Berman publicly came out and said no, actually he had no intention of resigning or of dropping the investigations. Trump is trying to distance himself from the decision to fire Berman, saying it was up to Barr, as if that makes it okay.

teen persuasion

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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #2534 on: June 20, 2020, 06:31:06 PM »
The US attorney Geoffrey S. Berman who was investigating Trump's associates has just been fired. This is after Barr announced on Friday that Berman was resigning, and then Berman publicly came out and said no, actually he had no intention of resigning or of dropping the investigations. Trump is trying to distance himself from the decision to fire Berman, saying it was up to Barr, as if that makes it okay.
But Barr's letter said that he asked Trump to fire Berman, and that Trump has done so.  Then Trump said it was up to Barr. Legally, Barr can't fire Berman.  It's not clear whether Trump can either, or whether Berman serves until a presidentially appointed replacement is confirmed by the Senate.

Either way, Barr and Trump have contradicted one another.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #2535 on: June 20, 2020, 10:43:40 PM »
Quote from: trump
Here's the bad part... when you do testing to that extent, you're going to find more people; you're going to find more cases. So I said to my people, slow the testing down please.

Covis strategy: Stick head in sand.*

Testing at the event had 6 staffers and 2 secret service agents test positive.

*I hear this also works with climate change.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #2536 on: June 21, 2020, 03:17:51 AM »
The US attorney Geoffrey S. Berman who was investigating Trump's associates has just been fired. This is after Barr announced on Friday that Berman was resigning, and then Berman publicly came out and said no, actually he had no intention of resigning or of dropping the investigations. Trump is trying to distance himself from the decision to fire Berman, saying it was up to Barr, as if that makes it okay.
But Barr's letter said that he asked Trump to fire Berman, and that Trump has done so.  Then Trump said it was up to Barr. Legally, Barr can't fire Berman.  It's not clear whether Trump can either, or whether Berman serves until a presidentially appointed replacement is confirmed by the Senate.

Either way, Barr and Trump have contradicted one another.

The rally was June 20th.  Will we see a bunch of new cases linked back to it right before July 4th - when Trump wants to forge ahead with another Independence Day celebration, complete with his participation?

This could get even uglier.

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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #2537 on: June 21, 2020, 06:45:06 AM »
I am starting to wonder if the protests are actually going to cause us to endure four more years of this thread.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #2538 on: June 21, 2020, 09:47:59 AM »
Score one for today's youth. Seems thousands of young folks (and even animals apparently) got tickets to Trump's rally with no intention of ever going. Hilarious!


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #2539 on: June 21, 2020, 10:26:31 AM »
Score one for today's youth. Seems thousands of young folks (and even animals apparently) got tickets to Trump's rally with no intention of ever going. Hilarious!

It was a big movement on Tik Tok apparently.  My 14 y.o. daughter had 2 tickets sent to one of her junk email accounts!  Our little micro-influencer :)  I didn't follow all of her explanation, but some 'hype house teens' thing were getting this organized I think.



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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #2540 on: June 21, 2020, 10:41:34 AM »
Score one for today's youth. Seems thousands of young folks (and even animals apparently) got tickets to Trump's rally with no intention of ever going. Hilarious!

It was a big movement on Tik Tok apparently.  My 14 y.o. daughter had 2 tickets sent to one of her junk email accounts!  Our little micro-influencer :)  I didn't follow all of her explanation, but some 'hype house teens' thing were getting this organized I think.


Eh, means the organisators gave away the tickets for free without check to email adresses? And that is why "100000" tickets were "sold" und only one thenth showed up?
Really? And they fell for such a thing?
That is nearly Trump-himself level of stupidity.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #2541 on: June 21, 2020, 04:30:52 PM »
Score one for today's youth. Seems thousands of young folks (and even animals apparently) got tickets to Trump's rally with no intention of ever going. Hilarious!

It was a big movement on Tik Tok apparently.  My 14 y.o. daughter had 2 tickets sent to one of her junk email accounts!  Our little micro-influencer :)  I didn't follow all of her explanation, but some 'hype house teens' thing were getting this organized I think.


Eh, means the organisators gave away the tickets for free without check to email adresses? And that is why "100000" tickets were "sold" und only one thenth showed up?
Really? And they fell for such a thing?
That is nearly Trump-himself level of stupidity.

But now the narrative is "sabotage."


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #2542 on: June 21, 2020, 06:00:03 PM »
Score one for today's youth. Seems thousands of young folks (and even animals apparently) got tickets to Trump's rally with no intention of ever going. Hilarious!

It was a big movement on Tik Tok apparently.  My 14 y.o. daughter had 2 tickets sent to one of her junk email accounts!  Our little micro-influencer :)  I didn't follow all of her explanation, but some 'hype house teens' thing were getting this organized I think.


Eh, means the organisators gave away the tickets for free without check to email adresses? And that is why "100000" tickets were "sold" und only one thenth showed up?
Really? And they fell for such a thing?
That is nearly Trump-himself level of stupidity.

But now the narrative is "sabotage."

Meh. They apparently sold 800,000 tickets to a venue that holds 19,000 - plus an “overflow” outside state of another 10,000. They knew most of the tickets wouldn’t be used. There’s not 800,000 people in Tulsa, not buy a long shot.

Which makes it worse (for Team Trump). Even knowing most of the tickets had to be bogus they still bragged about it before hand and then were shocked (SHOCKED!!) when it turns out not to be true.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #2543 on: June 21, 2020, 07:03:31 PM »
We missed Trump retweeting the “racist baby” video the other day.

Truly the level of offensiveness from this moron has become absurd.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #2544 on: June 21, 2020, 07:17:26 PM »
The video claiming CNN manipulates media is just a distraction from Fox actually manipulating photos.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #2545 on: June 22, 2020, 07:29:10 AM »
Score one for today's youth. Seems thousands of young folks (and even animals apparently) got tickets to Trump's rally with no intention of ever going. Hilarious!

It was a big movement on Tik Tok apparently.  My 14 y.o. daughter had 2 tickets sent to one of her junk email accounts!  Our little micro-influencer :)  I didn't follow all of her explanation, but some 'hype house teens' thing were getting this organized I think.


Eh, means the organisators gave away the tickets for free without check to email adresses? And that is why "100000" tickets were "sold" und only one thenth showed up?
Really? And they fell for such a thing?
That is nearly Trump-himself level of stupidity.

But now the narrative is "sabotage."

Meh. They apparently sold 800,000 tickets to a venue that holds 19,000 - plus an “overflow” outside state of another 10,000. They knew most of the tickets wouldn’t be used. There’s not 800,000 people in Tulsa, not buy a long shot.

Which makes it worse (for Team Trump). Even knowing most of the tickets had to be bogus they still bragged about it before hand and then were shocked (SHOCKED!!) when it turns out not to be true.

So 99.4% of the tickets they assigned were not used. But even under the best case scenario (full auditorium, plus sizable overflow crowd), 97.4% of the tickets they assigned would not have been used. What does the ticket even represent in this kind of world?

Answer: they're collecting data. Which is what campaign ground games do, only less efficiently than this rally, apparently. I've had openly anti-Trump friends admit to registering for tickets on facebook, claiming that they're trying to screw with the campaign. But the campaign was clearly already planning for an environment in which the overwhelming majority of tix were never going to be used.

As for the speech itself, I didn't find any policy details I thought were informative.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2020, 09:03:48 AM by talltexan »


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #2546 on: June 22, 2020, 07:35:29 AM »
I understand the spin machine will try to make it look like sabotage as the main reason why no one showed up at the rally. Brad Pascale even tried to make it seem as though entrances were shut down and "antifa" was preventing people from coming to the arena. It's all bullshit...but regardless...that didn't stop anyone from actually attending the event. Knowing that...and seeing that only 6,200 people actually showed out for Trump...has got to be concerning for his campaign. That they couldn't get a 3rd of the way to capacity inside the building seems to indicate that either support for Trump is eroding, or that despite all the bluster about the corona virus being a hoax by Trump supporters, they actually believe its real and are scared of it. Either answer isn't good for Trump


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #2547 on: June 22, 2020, 12:06:39 PM »
Brad Pascale even tried to make it seem as though entrances were shut down and "antifa" was preventing people from coming to the arena. It's all bullshit...but regardless...that didn't stop anyone from actually attending the event.

I think Pascale is suggesting that the really tough alpha-male MAGAs are scared of snow flakes. ;-)


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #2548 on: June 22, 2020, 01:35:16 PM »
Brad Pascale even tried to make it seem as though entrances were shut down and "antifa" was preventing people from coming to the arena. It's all bullshit...but regardless...that didn't stop anyone from actually attending the event.

I think Pascale is suggesting that the really tough alpha-male MAGAs are scared of snow flakes. ;-)
I thought the MAGA gear gave them super duper powers.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #2549 on: June 22, 2020, 01:51:00 PM »
Today's Outrage: 
Citing the ongoing pandemic which he also has claimed to be "almost over" and a "hoax" - Trump has extended iimmigration restrictions by EO (as part of his 'Emergency Powers') through December 2020.

Look: either the pandemic is an emergency or it's not.  The official WH position seems to be "it's both".  I expect this to get shot down in the courts, but not until the fall.  Steven Miller is probably giddy with delight.


Wow, a phone plan for fifteen bucks!