While I agree that the actions made towards Assange deplorable, how he has acted is critical as well. Whereas Snowden did everything he could to ensure that classified and personal information was protected when revealing illegal government activity to authorities, Assange took no such precautions.
That is another smear the messenger point.
In fact it was Assange that begged to not release one of the involved jourmalists that a certain headline was the passphrase for the full file that was already out in the while.
The Journalist said he would not. And did it.
He was accused of rape and sexual assault, and hid himself away in a tiny room for years to avoid having to face the charges.
Now there is a really complicated story behind this.
However, don't you think he might have hid to not get sentenced to death in the US? (Especially since it seems that the accusations of sexual assault were mostly hot air and very convenient to the US at the time.)
In NY poll watchers are pre-selected by county Dem/Repub chairs. You can't just show up and declare yourself a poll watcher, that is a fast way to arrest for voter intimidation.
Um.... do I get this right? A poll watcher is someone who watches that everything goes according to rules, right? Someone that does not do anything in the process of voting itself, right?
Here in Germany it is a right everyone has, and no one has to register before. Because, you know, does the police tell a suspect they are watching him??
If you can't do that in the US than the "democracy" there is even worse than.... wait, I forgot you use voting machines. You don't need a watcher for those things. Watching them does not change anything if they screw up the votes.