I read a reasonably crappy book (Total Power by Kyle Mills) a few weeks ago about this guy who hacked the US electric grid and tried to sell it around, eventually partnering with some middle eastern terrorists to actually bring down the grid. Chaos ensues, violence, looting, government on the verge of collapse, the usual fiction stuff. The premise seemed plausible and then the rest of the book went downhill.
In any case the author had a note at the end in which he commented that he was surprised how vulnerable our grid is as part of the research he did for his writing.
Now we have proof that we have been hacked and much more than what the book imagined, and I’m thinking back to what the author had imagined happening to our society should do one actually choose to pull the plug.
Can someone give me reasons why I shouldn’t think we could have things collapse around us should whoever holds the keys to the kingdom now think it would be fun to watch us struggle?