But I don't think anyone believes that the current stimulus negotiations were about helping people. Dems want bail outs for poorly run states and Reps want liability protection to protect businesses.
Tactically, I think this move helps Trump because it looks like it puts him more on the side of the people than the politicians .
But, I think ruling by EO sucks and erodes the system in the medium to long term. Even when the policy is good (see buying prescription drugs from Canada). I also thought the same thing when Obama was ruling by EO or rules changes.
I'm sorry but this is false. This isn't about states being poorly run or not. Even states like California who were running a surplus and putting aside extra money in a rainy day fund are now hurting, because the scale of this crisis far surpasses normal emergency savings. The way to help individuals is to make sure that the states remain solvent so they can continue providing all of the social services so urgently needed right now.
Look at New Zealand. Another poster around these parts summarized it for us saying that the way they got and are keeping COVID under control in that country is simple. Pay people 80% of their salary for x weeks to stay home so they can put a clamp on transmission. Use that time to put in place a robust trace-and-test scheme, and then slowly open up with appropriate measures in place to stamp out any little fires that pop up.
Compare that to the US: no comprehensive shutdown, no comprehensive financial support for people who are then made to choose between keeping food on the table or risking their lives and others, insufficient testing, insufficient tracing. There was no possibility for us to get anything other than a resurgence of disease after states started opening up because we never closed sufficiently to begin with in many states, and didn't use that time to put a correct system in place to protect us after opening.
I know I'm wandering a bit off topic here, but the common thread is that our government wasn't willing to spend what it took to get this under control and wasn't willing to sacrifice to actually help the individual people who are now suffering. So as a result we are all suffering a neutered economy, global shunning, and a disease that will likely continue to run rampant for the next 6-12 months leaving hundreds of thousands dead.
It wasn't quite that simple.
The reason it worked was that we shut the country and the borders when we had 100 or so cases. Bam, just like that, shutdown. Yes, there was an 80% subsidy that employers got to pay to staff, to keep people employed. Thousands of businesses still went under and unemployment has still spiked massively. There was also a subsidy for people unemployed as a result of covid, and a boost to the base unemployment benefit. Yes, a lot of money was spent and continues to be spent, but what actually worked was WHEN we shut down. If it had been even a few days later, we may not have made it. It took months of lockdown just to get rid of the results of 100 cases. And it was also critical when we reopened. We had no active cases when we reopened. We locked down early, hard, and we reopened as late as we could. That's actually what made the difference in terms of the pandemic. The money helped people comply, and moved social issues until after we had dealt with the primary issue, which was covid.
Now we have the other issues. The borders are closed and will be for a long time. They might open at some point to some pacific islands, but that's it. Whole sectors of the economy are crippled. Tourism is a big deal here. A number of very large employers have either gone under or shed thousands of staff. MANY people are finding that they have to shift and adapt careers or ways of generating income. It's not the same as in the US, because we have a comprehensive social safety net that's easy to access, but people are still hurting. Better to be unemployed and alive than dead of a bloody pandemic.
Annnnnnnnd.... we're back in lockdown..... But the good news is that 4 people in the same family tested positive this afternoon, and by 10pm tonight we're in lockdown. No fucking around.