The convoluted logic of this just leaves one's head spinning:
Trump, a one-term president, called McConnell (the longest-serving senate party leader in person) an "unsmiling political hack and if Republican Senators are going to stay with him, they will not win again" in a statement released today. Further, he said McConnell has "no credibility on China" because his wife - who was Trump's own cabinet secretary for Transportation and immigrated from Taiwain - has family financial holdings in China. For his part, as recently as 2016 Trump outlined plans to open Trump-branded hotels in as many as 30 Chinese cities.
McConnell can't say I didn't warn him: email to his account at on February 1, 2021
Senator Mitch McConnell Markbike528
317 Russell Senate Office Building actual address redacted for this post.
Washington DC 20510
Senator McConnell:
If you care about the United States Constitution, then you will take the opportunity to remove the cancer of Trump-ism from the body politic, by affirming measures to censure and remove Donald Trump from any public office or position of influence. This action is on the grounds of insurrection against the United States of America.
Failure to censure Trump will result in _you_ being remembered in the same vein as Paul Hindenburg in 1933, as tired old men who gave up after being badgered by a demagogue.
Donald Trump uses intimidation, humiliation and lies to gain and keep power.
Lies as modus operandi for TrumpTrump: "Ted Cruz is a total hypocrite and, until recently, a Canadian citizen who may not even have a legal right to run for president."1
Self projection as modus operandi for TrumpTrump: "He'll [Senator Cruz] say whatever he wants to say. I actually think he's a very unstable person. I really believe that. I think he's a very unstable person. But I've never had somebody take something that you believe in and just say the exact opposite."
1Donald Trump has infected the Republican Party with Stockholm Syndrome. As noted previously, vile attacks on others result in the victim being devoted to the person of Donald Trump.
Those quotes from Trump are about someone who actually did his bidding on that awful January 6th
Does anyone truly believe that Trump’s opinion of these useful tools have changed? Does anyone believe their loyalty would be reciprocated by Donald Trump? --- added bold for this post.
Donald Trump wields a stick of bluster and intimidation, but no carrot for the Republican Party.
The mid-term elections under Trump in 2018 resulted in 41 extra Democrats being seated in the House. The gubernatorial elections resulted in a 7 extra Democrats gaining seats. The Senate was the only Republican gain of 2 seats.
The 2020 elections resulted in a gain for Republicans of 13 seats, which did not make up for the losses of 2018. The Senate lost 3 Republican seats, losing the majority control.
If all you care about is the Republican Party, or if you care at all for the Republican Party, then you will take the opportunity to remove the cancer of Trump-ism from the Republican Party, by affirming measures to censure and remove Donald Trump from any public office or position of influence.
Sincerely Yours in hope for the United States and its Constitution,
markbike528..... redacted actual name.
Registered Voter in "The Everbrown section of the Evergreen State" --- city redacted for post.
1) Congressional Record --- Senate January 6, 2021 pages S31, S32 and S38.
Added thoughts not in the letter:
To be a Republican, one must stand separate from the cult of Trump.
Despite what Trump and Democrats may say, there is no equivalence between a Trump cultist and a member of the Republican Party.
Trump did not have "70+ million votes", he had votes of the Republican Party, a minority of whom are Trump cultists.
Tl;Dr If I was a trump supporter, I'd be on the lookout for rogue buses, because tRUMP has not and will not hesitate to throw anyone under the bus.