Author Topic: Trump outrage of the day  (Read 866517 times)


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #850 on: January 25, 2020, 04:53:10 AM »
Which makes me want to alternately laugh and vomit. Because I would bet money that Donald Trump has personally paid for more abortions than any other president in history.

Hillary has probably paid for more, but she wasn't and won't be President ;)


How do you figure?
The crazy theory that Hillary was enabling and even facilitating her husband's infidelity, including covering up all "evidence". 
It's a frequent trope on the far right; Hillary is actually responsible for everything bad Bill did, and then some.  Or at least so says Hannity.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #851 on: January 25, 2020, 07:16:40 AM »
Which makes me want to alternately laugh and vomit. Because I would bet money that Donald Trump has personally paid for more abortions than any other president in history.

Hillary has probably paid for more, but she wasn't and won't be President ;)


How do you figure?
The crazy theory that Hillary was enabling and even facilitating her husband's infidelity, including covering up all "evidence". 
It's a frequent trope on the far right; Hillary is actually responsible for everything bad Bill did, and then some.  Or at least so says Hannity.

Wow. Good lord, that’s dumb.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #852 on: January 25, 2020, 11:10:15 AM »
Which makes me want to alternately laugh and vomit. Because I would bet money that Donald Trump has personally paid for more abortions than any other president in history.

Hillary has probably paid for more, but she wasn't and won't be President ;)


How do you figure?
The crazy theory that Hillary was enabling and even facilitating her husband's infidelity, including covering up all "evidence". 
It's a frequent trope on the far right; Hillary is actually responsible for everything bad Bill did, and then some.  Or at least so says Hannity.

Wow. Good lord, that’s dumb.

A perfect summary of my reaction when I hear Trump fans talking about him/the truth.

It is a real conundrum. The more illogical and unlikely something is, the more they believe it. I guess they are only not buying unicorn meat because it is not unbelievably enough.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #853 on: January 25, 2020, 11:38:40 AM »
And when you show them that Trump said he was willing to go after Social Security/Medicare/healthcare after the next election, they dismiss it and say he didn't mean it or he was joking. They wont believe that he would do anything to hurt them...even when it comes straight from the horse's mouth.

Just Joe

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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #854 on: January 28, 2020, 03:15:37 PM »
Here's an "outrage" for you"...Alexandra Chalupa posted on FB:

"This isn’t Vlad the Impaler but the President of the United States’ team threatening U.S. Senators who are serving as jurors that if they hold Trump accountable for his crimes against the U.S., by voting against him, then their “head will be on a pike.”

Threatening U.S. officials is a felony.

Threatening jurors is a felony.

This warrants an immediate investigation to confirm these threats are being made, how widely, and who in the White House is involved in this criminal activity."

The GOP is incredibly adept at double standards. Had Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton made a statement like Trump did we'd probably see 'round the clock demands for their resignation if not demands for jail time.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2020, 03:36:54 PM by Just Joe »


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #855 on: January 28, 2020, 04:03:34 PM »
Wondering what people thought of Pompeo’s spat with NPR reporter Mary Louise Kelly
To me it felt hauntingly familiar to when Pence was told to go to an NFL game and then walk out when players knelt - I’m guessing Trump told Pompeo to stare down and walk out on a reporter for asking the obvious reporter questions.  Basically be the bully and bait Trump’s critics.
What do others think?


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #856 on: January 28, 2020, 04:59:13 PM »
I’m guessing Trump told Pompeo to stare down and walk out on a reporter for asking the obvious reporter questions.  Basically be the bully and bait Trump’s critics.
What do others think?

It was 100% an act just like during the Kavanaugh hearings. The correct response is always outrage, swearing and "owning the libs".  NPR proved that Pompeo already knew the agenda. It was all for show.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2020, 05:05:41 PM by Fireball »


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #857 on: January 28, 2020, 07:09:54 PM »
I’m guessing Trump told Pompeo to stare down and walk out on a reporter for asking the obvious reporter questions.  Basically be the bully and bait Trump’s critics.
What do others think?

It was 100% an act just like during the Kavanaugh hearings. The correct response is always outrage, swearing and "owning the libs".  NPR proved that Pompeo already knew the agenda. It was all for show.
I’ve never really understood this version of “owning the libs” - by basically doing something that is wrong, Trump’s critics get justifiably upset.  And then his supporters crow about Trump “owning the libs”. 
...but basically they are reveling in Trump doing just the things they are upset about.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #858 on: January 29, 2020, 06:35:19 AM »
This is not really an outrage but something I find really ironic and hilarious. Is it a bit odd that those closest to Trump end up typically either getting prosecuted and/or turning on him often having written records and even in some cases recording of the President's misdeeds? Trump always complained about "leakers" but essentially everyone around him is leaking information.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #859 on: January 29, 2020, 06:37:55 AM »
When you're dealing with a pathological liar, it proves advantageous to record your conversations.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #860 on: January 29, 2020, 06:47:17 AM »
This is not really an outrage but something I find really ironic and hilarious. Is it a bit odd that those closest to Trump end up typically either getting prosecuted and/or turning on him often having written records and even in some cases recording of the President's misdeeds? Trump always complained about "leakers" but essentially everyone around him is leaking information.

I personally think the biggest single source of leaks in Washington, DC, is Trump himself.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #861 on: January 29, 2020, 06:59:34 AM »
That also makes sense. He loves attention...and Gas-lighting


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #862 on: January 29, 2020, 07:55:42 AM »
So I saw an announcement by McConnell that he doesn't have enough votes (yet) to foreclose calling witnesses.

Do you think he can whip them up? Do you think he's trying to get Biden as a witness?


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #863 on: January 29, 2020, 08:03:06 AM »
So I saw an announcement by McConnell that he doesn't have enough votes (yet) to foreclose calling witnesses.

Do you think he can whip them up? Do you think he's trying to get Biden as a witness?

The fact tat McConnell came out and said as much to a large group of people (albeit being closed doors.... but little in Washington stays secret) leads me to believe McConnell doesn’t expect to get there.
It makes sense - Bolton’s book is going to come out very soon, and they will look like dopes for blocking him when he’s got a written account that will be out in public in a matter of weeks.

Sen. Angus King (I-ME) commented this morning that he thinks its daft how the Senate Intelligence Committee (of which he is co-chair) is learning about these things from the news and has not been able to interview Bolton directly despite his obvious value as a key person during the time in question.

The fall back strategy (on display this morning) is now “the voters should decide Trump’s fate, not the Senate”. 


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #864 on: January 29, 2020, 08:25:44 AM »
I don't know all the details, but it seems the democrats want to maintain 'the moral high ground' (ha ha) by insisting on witnesses to 'reveal the truth', knowing that if republicans refuse, the democrats can be morally outraged about a 'coverup', and if the witnesses are allowed to appear, no new bombshells will explode, but the 'orange man bad' TV coverage will continue, and continue, and continue, which the democrats love.



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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #865 on: January 29, 2020, 08:29:12 AM »
So I saw an announcement by McConnell that he doesn't have enough votes (yet) to foreclose calling witnesses.

Do you think he can whip them up? Do you think he's trying to get Biden as a witness?

A sizable part of Trump's defense has been the argument that no direct witnesses of his crimes have come forward.  Bolton is a direct witness, and has said he'll come forward.  So it makes sense that Republicans don't want to allow this.

The Bidens have nothing to do with this impeachment.  Biden didn't tell the president to extort Ukraine for dirt on himself.  If the Republicans do call him it's solely for partisan theatrics, unrelated to the matter at hand.

If the Republicans to agree to allow witnesses called, I fully expect to see Biden there.  When you don't have a defense, it's important to throw up smoke and mirrors and start screaming about unrelated things.  BENGHAZI, OBAMA, BIDEN, DEEP STATE.  Otherwise people might have a moment to focus on the truth.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #866 on: January 29, 2020, 09:05:19 AM »
I don't know all the details, but it seems the democrats want to maintain 'the moral high ground' (ha ha) by insisting on witnesses to 'reveal the truth', knowing that if republicans refuse, the democrats can be morally outraged about a 'coverup', and if the witnesses are allowed to appear, no new bombshells will explode, but the 'orange man bad' TV coverage will continue, and continue, and continue, which the democrats love.
The basis of every fair trial is that the prosecution presents witnesses and evidence of wrong-doing,and then the defense responds. Here we have (up to today) the defense arguing that the prosecution should not be permitted to present any eve since or witnesses, and that it is not their job to make a decision one way or another


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #867 on: January 29, 2020, 09:28:00 AM »
Here's a great witness exchange idea: Hunter Biden for Jared Koushner. We can finally get some info on the financing of 666 Fifth Ave and what's going on with this Israel-Palestine deal.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #868 on: January 29, 2020, 09:59:12 AM »
Here's a great witness exchange idea: Hunter Biden for Jared Koushner. We can finally get some info on the financing of 666 Fifth Ave and what's going on with this Israel-Palestine deal.
I might take that deal, but the Hunter Biden but still baffles me. Unlike Jarred or Bolton or Mulvany or Giuliani or any of the others being named, Hunter had no position in government, not will he.
It’s highly unorthodox (and against ethical and legal guidelines) for the president or other high- level official to ask a foreign government to investigate a private US citizen. That’s why we have the State Drpartment and DOJ, both under the executive branch, and neither was apparently involved with any such investigation


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #869 on: January 29, 2020, 11:04:34 AM »
hehe, "guidelines"


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #870 on: January 29, 2020, 11:05:28 AM »
Here's a great witness exchange idea: Hunter Biden for Jared Koushner. We can finally get some info on the financing of 666 Fifth Ave and what's going on with this Israel-Palestine deal.
I might take that deal, but the Hunter Biden but still baffles me. Unlike Jarred or Bolton or Mulvany or Giuliani or any of the others being named, Hunter had no position in government, not will he.
It’s highly unorthodox (and against ethical and legal guidelines) for the president or other high- level official to ask a foreign government to investigate a private US citizen. That’s why we have the State Drpartment and DOJ, both under the executive branch, and neither was apparently involved with any such investigation

Trump also sent his operative, Giuliani, to find the misdeeds.

Giuliani has told us multiple times that he has the proof. He's going to reveal it any day now!!11!


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #871 on: January 29, 2020, 11:57:56 AM »
Here's a great witness exchange idea: Hunter Biden for Jared Koushner. We can finally get some info on the financing of 666 Fifth Ave and what's going on with this Israel-Palestine deal.
I might take that deal, but the Hunter Biden but still baffles me. Unlike Jarred or Bolton or Mulvany or Giuliani or any of the others being named, Hunter had no position in government, not will he.
It’s highly unorthodox (and against ethical and legal guidelines) for the president or other high- level official to ask a foreign government to investigate a private US citizen. That’s why we have the State Drpartment and DOJ, both under the executive branch, and neither was apparently involved with any such investigation

Trump also sent his operative, Giuliani, to find the misdeeds.

Giuliani has told us multiple times that he has the proof. He's going to reveal it any day now!!11!
Probably kept in that same folder marked “Birther Proof” (aka Trump’s Proof that Obama was not born in Hawai’i and is in fact a Kenyan, not an American).


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #872 on: January 29, 2020, 01:03:38 PM »
Here's a great witness exchange idea: Hunter Biden for Jared Koushner. We can finally get some info on the financing of 666 Fifth Ave and what's going on with this Israel-Palestine deal.
I might take that deal, but the Hunter Biden but still baffles me. Unlike Jarred or Bolton or Mulvany or Giuliani or any of the others being named, Hunter had no position in government, not will he.
It’s highly unorthodox (and against ethical and legal guidelines) for the president or other high- level official to ask a foreign government to investigate a private US citizen. That’s why we have the State Drpartment and DOJ, both under the executive branch, and neither was apparently involved with any such investigation

Trump also sent his operative, Giuliani, to find the misdeeds.

Giuliani has told us multiple times that he has the proof. He's going to reveal it any day now!!11!
Probably kept in that same folder marked “Birther Proof” (aka Trump’s Proof that Obama was not born in Hawai’i and is in fact a Kenyan, not an American).

Is that the same folder with all the facts and figures proving that Mexico will pay for Trump's wall?


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #873 on: January 29, 2020, 01:06:52 PM »
Here's a great witness exchange idea: Hunter Biden for Jared Koushner. We can finally get some info on the financing of 666 Fifth Ave and what's going on with this Israel-Palestine deal.
I might take that deal, but the Hunter Biden but still baffles me. Unlike Jarred or Bolton or Mulvany or Giuliani or any of the others being named, Hunter had no position in government, not will he.
It’s highly unorthodox (and against ethical and legal guidelines) for the president or other high- level official to ask a foreign government to investigate a private US citizen. That’s why we have the State Drpartment and DOJ, both under the executive branch, and neither was apparently involved with any such investigation

Trump also sent his operative, Giuliani, to find the misdeeds.

Giuliani has told us multiple times that he has the proof. He's going to reveal it any day now!!11!
Probably kept in that same folder marked “Birther Proof” (aka Trump’s Proof that Obama was not born in Hawai’i and is in fact a Kenyan, not an American).

Is that the same folder with all the facts and figures proving that Mexico will pay for Trump's wall?

I think it is the one proving that the Muslim ban is keeping us safe from Christian Americans with guns.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #874 on: January 29, 2020, 01:24:28 PM »
It’s making my head spin just how fast Trump supporters have turned on and are demonizing Bolton.
Here’s a super-conservative Uber-hawk that’s been a mainstay of Fox News for two decades.  Suddenly he’s a turn-coat and part of the ‘deep-state’  and “book-deal Bolton”.... It’s hard to find anyone the epitomized White American Conservative Exceptionalism in the post-Bush (W) era better than Bolton .

Given the response, I wonder why Bolton **wouldn’t** tell all he can for all its worth now.  He certainly won’t get back into the GOP’s good graces anytime soon (or likely never).  Had the twitter-mob kept its cool (ha!) he might have given some unflattering but ultimately non-scandalous accounts of some heated disagreements during his tenure.  Now his best option seems to be to sell and sensationalize what he knows for all its worth because those from his previous world are all on fire.

...with friends like these...


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #875 on: January 29, 2020, 01:46:44 PM »
Sooo.... Dershowitz stated the following during questioning:
“If the president does something that he thinks will help him get elected, in the public interest, that cannot be the kind of quid pro quo that results in impeachment,”
“Every public official I know believes that his election is in the public interest,” he said. “Mostly, you’re right.”

WTF. It is automatically in the nation's best interest for the sitting president to be re-elected? He can cheat to be re-elected and get away with it because it is, at first order, in the national interest? Why even bother with the election then if keeping the incumbent is in the national interest. This is a legal argument that is the road to authoritarianism. What a stinking crock of shit of an argument. Conservatives (in the dictionary sense) in particular should be deeply offended by this.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #876 on: January 29, 2020, 02:27:19 PM »
Sooo.... Dershowitz stated the following during questioning:
“If the president does something that he thinks will help him get elected, in the public interest, that cannot be the kind of quid pro quo that results in impeachment,”
“Every public official I know believes that his election is in the public interest,” he said. “Mostly, you’re right.”

WTF. It is automatically in the nation's best interest for the sitting president to be re-elected? He can cheat to be re-elected and get away with it because it is, at first order, in the national interest? Why even bother with the election then if keeping the incumbent is in the national interest. This is a legal argument that is the road to authoritarianism. What a stinking crock of shit of an argument. Conservatives (in the dictionary sense) in particular should be deeply offended by this.

By this logic, Nixon didn't do anything wrong either . . . so we can finally clear his name!


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #877 on: January 29, 2020, 02:32:41 PM »
Sooo.... Dershowitz stated the following during questioning:
“If the president does something that he thinks will help him get elected, in the public interest, that cannot be the kind of quid pro quo that results in impeachment,”
“Every public official I know believes that his election is in the public interest,” he said. “Mostly, you’re right.”

WTF. It is automatically in the nation's best interest for the sitting president to be re-elected? He can cheat to be re-elected and get away with it because it is, at first order, in the national interest? Why even bother with the election then if keeping the incumbent is in the national interest. This is a legal argument that is the road to authoritarianism. What a stinking crock of shit of an argument. Conservatives (in the dictionary sense) in particular should be deeply offended by this.

By this logic, Nixon didn't do anything wrong either . . . so we can finally clear his name!

Crap, now all we have to append to any scandal is "Clinton," no more "-gate."


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #878 on: January 29, 2020, 02:40:07 PM »
Sooo.... Dershowitz stated the following during questioning:
“If the president does something that he thinks will help him get elected, in the public interest, that cannot be the kind of quid pro quo that results in impeachment,”
“Every public official I know believes that his election is in the public interest,” he said. “Mostly, you’re right.”

WTF. It is automatically in the nation's best interest for the sitting president to be re-elected? He can cheat to be re-elected and get away with it because it is, at first order, in the national interest? Why even bother with the election then if keeping the incumbent is in the national interest. This is a legal argument that is the road to authoritarianism. What a stinking crock of shit of an argument. Conservatives (in the dictionary sense) in particular should be deeply offended by this.

By this logic, Nixon didn't do anything wrong either . . . so we can finally clear his name!

Crap, now all we have to append to any scandal is "Clinton," no more "-gate."
Well, it made the president happy, so it was probably in the national interest. Probably no Clinton scandal either.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #879 on: January 30, 2020, 09:36:33 AM »
Ok, this made me chuckle...

Anthony Scaramucci has written an OpEd dedicated to John Bolton titled: Hey, John Bolton, welcome to life under the bus!


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #880 on: January 30, 2020, 09:43:31 AM »
Sooo.... Dershowitz stated the following during questioning:
“If the president does something that he thinks will help him get elected, in the public interest, that cannot be the kind of quid pro quo that results in impeachment,”
“Every public official I know believes that his election is in the public interest,” he said. “Mostly, you’re right.”

WTF. It is automatically in the nation's best interest for the sitting president to be re-elected? He can cheat to be re-elected and get away with it because it is, at first order, in the national interest? Why even bother with the election then if keeping the incumbent is in the national interest. This is a legal argument that is the road to authoritarianism. What a stinking crock of shit of an argument. Conservatives (in the dictionary sense) in particular should be deeply offended by this.

By this logic, Nixon didn't do anything wrong either . . . so we can finally clear his name!

Crap, now all we have to append to any scandal is "Clinton," no more "-gate."
Well, it made the president happy, so it was probably in the national interest. Probably no Clinton scandal either.

Actually, Clinton broke up with Lewinsky in early 1996, giving the upcoming election as a reason. So the affair was improper, because Clinton believed it damaged his chances at winning re-election (or else he wouldn't have ended it), thus was contrary to the public interest.

Dersh owns the libs again!


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #882 on: January 31, 2020, 08:21:03 AM »
A new outrage. Trump to reduce restrictions on landmines. WTF?


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #883 on: January 31, 2020, 08:22:54 AM »
Landmines are a very efficient way of controlling movement through territories. Trump would probably like to use a bunch at the southern border of the US, actually.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #884 on: January 31, 2020, 08:39:18 AM »
The best part is, Mexico will pay for them.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #885 on: January 31, 2020, 09:08:28 AM »
The best part is, Mexico will pay for them.
I doubt it. The parts of the wall that fell on mexican side during the last storm had to be picked up from the US side! Mexico border guard not doing their job, e.g. shooting the US invaders!!
We must be strong on borders!!!


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #886 on: January 31, 2020, 09:52:35 AM »
A new outrage. Trump to reduce restrictions on landmines. WTF?

He's also rolling back reporting requirements and criminal penalties for bird deaths required under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. 
Since the WH can't change legislation unilaterally, Trump is doing an end-run.  By eliminating the reporting requirement and penalties he is effectively making it impossible to assess and enforce harm to wildlife, despite it being the law.

It's like declaring that no LEOs will pull over motorists for speeding, and they are no longer allowed to record a vehicle's speed.  Sure, the speed limit might still exist - technically - but would those speed-limit signs mean anything anymore?


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #887 on: January 31, 2020, 01:13:29 PM »
A new outrage. Trump to reduce restrictions on landmines. WTF?

He's also rolling back reporting requirements and criminal penalties for bird deaths required under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. 
Since the WH can't change legislation unilaterally, Trump is doing an end-run.  By eliminating the reporting requirement and penalties he is effectively making it impossible to assess and enforce harm to wildlife, despite it being the law.

It's like declaring that no LEOs will pull over motorists for speeding, and they are no longer allowed to record a vehicle's speed.  Sure, the speed limit might still exist - technically - but would those speed-limit signs mean anything anymore?

And a conservative talking point is that wind turbines are bad because they kill birds.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #888 on: January 31, 2020, 01:17:17 PM »
A new outrage. Trump to reduce restrictions on landmines. WTF?

He's also rolling back reporting requirements and criminal penalties for bird deaths required under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. 
Since the WH can't change legislation unilaterally, Trump is doing an end-run.  By eliminating the reporting requirement and penalties he is effectively making it impossible to assess and enforce harm to wildlife, despite it being the law.

It's like declaring that no LEOs will pull over motorists for speeding, and they are no longer allowed to record a vehicle's speed.  Sure, the speed limit might still exist - technically - but would those speed-limit signs mean anything anymore?

And a conservative talking point is that wind turbines are bad because they kill birds.

Don't they cause cancer too?


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #889 on: January 31, 2020, 01:25:06 PM »
A new outrage. Trump to reduce restrictions on landmines. WTF?

He's also rolling back reporting requirements and criminal penalties for bird deaths required under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. 
Since the WH can't change legislation unilaterally, Trump is doing an end-run.  By eliminating the reporting requirement and penalties he is effectively making it impossible to assess and enforce harm to wildlife, despite it being the law.

It's like declaring that no LEOs will pull over motorists for speeding, and they are no longer allowed to record a vehicle's speed.  Sure, the speed limit might still exist - technically - but would those speed-limit signs mean anything anymore?

And a conservative talking point is that wind turbines are bad because they kill birds.

Don't they cause cancer too?

Yes, and they also displace healthy clean coal fumes to make things worse.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #890 on: February 04, 2020, 08:45:56 AM »
As "outrages" go, this might not be a biggie...but what's the deal with the video of Trump "cutting up" during the national anthem at his super bowl party when everybody else has their hand over their heart?

He has to be aware that he is likely to be taped...and that the optics aren't good for somebody who disparages black athletes for taking a knee during the anthem.

Or is his lack of awareness evidence of mental decline?


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #891 on: February 04, 2020, 08:48:39 AM »
As "outrages" go, this might not be a biggie...but what's the deal with the video of Trump "cutting up" during the national anthem at his super bowl party when everybody else has their hand over their heart?

He has to be aware that he is likely to be taped...and that the optics aren't good for somebody who disparages black athletes for taking a knee during the anthem.

Or is his lack of awareness evidence of mental decline?

It might be mental decline in part. My father-in-law has advanced dementia, and this was exactly the sort of thing we saw from him when it was really starting to take hold. I have to admit I got a little freaked out when I saw this video, for that reason.

But I think above all, it's an awareness that he can do no wrong with his base. They will excuse literally everything and anything from him. I honestly believe that if video from Mar-A-Lago emerged of him literally taking a dump on the flag, his base would excuse it somehow.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #892 on: February 04, 2020, 08:49:21 AM »
As "outrages" go, this might not be a biggie...but what's the deal with the video of Trump "cutting up" during the national anthem at his super bowl party when everybody else has their hand over their heart?

He has to be aware that he is likely to be taped...and that the optics aren't good for somebody who disparages black athletes for taking a knee during the anthem.

Or is his lack of awareness evidence of mental decline?

Trump's lack of awareness is not evidence of mental decline, because it has always been there.

And don't you know that Trump cannot be criticized for what might seem unpatriotic to libtards and dumbocrats? It just isn't possible.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #893 on: February 04, 2020, 08:54:03 AM »
Trump knows the gate. Trump is the gate. Trump is the key and the guardian of the gate. Past, present, future, all are one in Trump. Trump knows where the Old Ones broke through...and where they shall break through again. He knows where they have reaped the produce of earth's fields and where they still are enriched, and why no one can behold them as they grift.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #894 on: February 04, 2020, 09:00:52 AM »
Trump knows the gate. Trump is the gate. Trump is the key and the guardian of the gate. Past, present, future, all are one in Trump. Trump knows where the Old Ones broke through...and where they shall break through again. He knows where they have reaped the produce of earth's fields and where they still are enriched, and why no one can behold them as they grift.
WTF?  Can you explain this further...?


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #895 on: February 04, 2020, 09:11:03 AM »
Trump knows the gate. Trump is the gate. Trump is the key and the guardian of the gate. Past, present, future, all are one in Trump. Trump knows where the Old Ones broke through...and where they shall break through again. He knows where they have reaped the produce of earth's fields and where they still are enriched, and why no one can behold them as they grift.
WTF?  Can you explain this further...?

My best guess:


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #896 on: February 04, 2020, 06:20:41 PM »
The NY Times has a good investigative piece on how Trump financed all his properties.   (sorry, it's paywalled)

TLDR version, Deutsche Bank lent him hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars over the years.    Even after he stiffed them on the loans, they kept lending him more money.

It wasn't until Trump sued Deutsche Bank to try and avoid having to repay a loan that they finally refused to lend him more money.

And even that only lasted a few years.

Executive behaviour is often bad, very bad, but this sets a new standard.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #897 on: February 05, 2020, 05:22:01 AM »
I’ve always wondered why Deutsche Bank repeatedly lent Trump money when all the other banks repeatedly refused him. Any indications in this article @scottish ?  (Paywall prevents me from reading it).


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #898 on: February 05, 2020, 06:57:52 AM »
Deutsche Bank was trying to expand into the US market and was looking for investing opportunities which is why they worked with Donald Trump.


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Re: Trump outrage of the day
« Reply #899 on: February 05, 2020, 07:40:56 AM »
Presidential Medal of Freedom given to shock conservative radio commentator Rush Limbaugh, recognizing an especially meritorious contribution to the security or national interests of the United States, world peace, cultural or other significant public or private endeavors.

Let's look at some of the great work that this man has done to benefit America:

This of course, is the guy who began airing the song "Barack, the Magic Negro" in 2007 on his program.

“Look, let me put it to you this way: the NFL all too often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips without any weapons. There, I said it.”

“Have you ever noticed how all composite pictures of wanted criminals resemble Jesse Jackson?”

“Take that bone out of your nose and call me back.”

“I think the media has been very desirous that a black quarterback do well. They’re interested in black coaches and black quarterbacks doing well. I think there’s a little hope invested in McNabb and he got a lot of credit for the performance of his team that he really didn’t deserve.”

"Hu Jintao was just going, “Ching cha. Ching chang cho chow. Cha Chow. Ching Cho. Chi ba ba ba. Kwo kwa kwa kee. Cha ga ga. Ching chee chay. Ching zha bo ba. Chang cha. Chang cho chi che. Cha dee. Ooooh chee bada ba. Jee jee cho ba.” Nobody was translating, but that’s the closest I can get."

"“Holocaust?” Ninety million Indians? Only four million left? They all have casinos — what’s to complain about?"

"Obama’s America, white kids getting beat up on school buses now. I mean, you put your kids on a school bus, you expect safety. But in Obama’s America, the white kids now get beat up with the black kids cheering “Yay! Right on, right on, right on, right on.”"

"When Clarence Thomas said uppity black thinks for himself means he’s off the reservation, so to speak. He’s not following the civil rights speech codes set forth by the Reverend Jackson and Al Sharpton and whoever else is in charge of them. But nobody — Obama is uppity, but not as a black. He is an elitist. He does think he’s smarter and better than everybody else. That’s what he was taught. He’s a Harvard man."

 "How many of you guys . . . have learned that 'no' means 'yes' if you know how to spot it?”

« Last Edit: February 05, 2020, 08:10:09 AM by GuitarStv »


Wow, a phone plan for fifteen bucks!