Indeed it was a logical absurdity.
It was media savvy.
A common narrative is that Trump has somehow 'mastered' the news cycle by dominating the news cycle saying one controversial or uninformed thing after another. I don't think this is truly the case. Yes, he can keep everyone talking about the latest outrageous thing he has said, but it has cost him - dearly - in building broadscale support. His support levels keep reverting to ~42%, even during the most favorable of circumstances... a roaring market rising wages and a big tax cut. When tragedies/national-emergencies hit the normal bump ("rally around the flag") has been noticeably tiny and short-lived.
I think his constant bombardment of insane asnd inept things DOES draw suck all the air out of the room, but its a short term gain for the WH but a long-term and additive loss for him as well. We got a glimpse of the consequences during the 2018 "blue tidal wave", which wound up being one of the largest changes ever, despite some of the best economic conditions and favorable business regulations we had seen.
The 2020 election is going to get much uglier, but to me he has always seemed extremely vulnerable (based largely on polling and the previous election) even when conditions should have made it a cakewalk. The GOP will spend record amounts to defend an incumbent... most likely far more than in any other election in history. Down-ballot races are similarly competitive even in districts where they ought not to be.
Don't underestimate the long-term consequences of people being so disgusted of all the outrageous s**t he says on a daily basis. It might saturate the airwaves and suck out all the oxygen and divert from other scandals, but it's still a net-negative for them.