MPP: I won't qualify for any help/relief.
Not even that annoyed to be honest. It's a testament to the awesome power of Mustachianism.
I am not annoyed at all that I don't qualify.
What I am annoyed about is the - predictable - "solution" the neolib party FDP leader has proposed. They only know one solution to everything: lower taxes (I am sure you know the song).
This time it was in the variant: Give people back their income tax!
Which, of course, means that rich people, who don't need any help, get a lot of money, while poor people (or relaxed mustachians in FIRE) don't get any meaningful amount.
(In my case, because of several month unemployment, moving costs, private pension savings (all lower tax), I would get about 200€. How many month worth of rent should that cover??)
As far as "solutions" (I cannot write that without the quotes) go, this is probably the most expensive while innefficient method you could think of besides just burning up the money.