Author Topic: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)  (Read 5432679 times)


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #6650 on: September 16, 2019, 11:11:19 AM »
Cross-posted from the anti anti Mustachian overheard at work thread...

For our company retreat, employees can volunteer to lead breakout sessions on whatever they like. Most people do shopping/sight seeing outings, craft beer, baking, yoga, sewing, etc. Just for kicks, because I’m extremely introverted and have two left thumbs and I do not like the social events or the crafty events, I put in a proposal to discuss the FIRE movement and talk about ways to calculate when you can retire. I said I would lead the group if there were a minimum of two people (one person being myself). Imagine my surprise when I checked the sign up sheet and realized my session was full! Apparently there are a lot of people at work who are interested in personal finance.

Now I actually have to prepare a presentation instead of just sitting around chatting with my friend about index investing and our rental properties. Being Mustachian is such hard work...

Nice job!
DW and I invited a few friends over last winter to sit next to the wood stove and discuss finances. More than a dozen people showed up and most of them came back again every couple of weeks until we all got busy with summer... One friend even decided to max out his 401k with his overtime pay this year. I had no idea it would be so popular, but now I've been asked to host another more official group this fall... See bold section above.


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #6651 on: September 16, 2019, 11:22:12 AM »
I occasionally fly to remote places for work, and a plane ticket can easily cost $2500. My boss offered to get me a corporate card "just in case you need a ticket last minute, you can cover it". I told him that between the three cards I carry, I could cover $34k without breaking a sweat, and that I could easily pay $2500 myself while waiting for the company to reimburse me. He didn't have an answer. I seriously don't want a corporate card. $2500 is $50 cashback if I use my own...

Also, big numbers are not scary. I find myself rationalizing things like "$10k? Oh, that's three or four months of savings. $75k? Might delay FI by a year or so."

I used a personal card for work trips for several years. Saved enough miles to fly halfway around the world when things started to go south at the company. I did worry a bit about being left with an unpaid expense like SwordGuy mentioned. Fortunately I'd moved on before they went under. Unfortunately I was doing some contract work with them at the time that will likely never be paid...

You wouldn't by any chance be a fellow Alaskan mustachian?


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #6652 on: September 16, 2019, 11:24:13 AM »
Cross-posted from the anti anti Mustachian overheard at work thread...

For our company retreat, employees can volunteer to lead breakout sessions on whatever they like. Most people do shopping/sight seeing outings, craft beer, baking, yoga, sewing, etc. Just for kicks, because I’m extremely introverted and have two left thumbs and I do not like the social events or the crafty events, I put in a proposal to discuss the FIRE movement and talk about ways to calculate when you can retire. I said I would lead the group if there were a minimum of two people (one person being myself). Imagine my surprise when I checked the sign up sheet and realized my session was full! Apparently there are a lot of people at work who are interested in personal finance.

Now I actually have to prepare a presentation instead of just sitting around chatting with my friend about index investing and our rental properties. Being Mustachian is such hard work...

I would love to see what you come up with.

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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #6653 on: September 16, 2019, 12:00:42 PM »
You wouldn't by any chance be a fellow Alaskan mustachian?
I'm Canadian! But I do fly to Alaskan latitudes. Just on the Canadian side in Nunavut!


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #6654 on: September 16, 2019, 04:36:25 PM »
You wouldn't by any chance be a fellow Alaskan mustachian?
I'm Canadian! But I do fly to Alaskan latitudes. Just on the Canadian side in Nunavut!
I figured that was more probable but thought I'd ask. Between the name and flying into remote locations it seemed likely to be one or the other. Hopefully one of these days I will make it over there.


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #6655 on: September 18, 2019, 02:18:29 AM »
I lost my access card from work. On it was a QA sticker for my cafetaria account. I have of course been bringing lunch from home for a long time now, but 3 times a year or so, I still buy lunch, when I forgot my lunch at home or so. I have the suspicion that there were a few (3?) dollars left om my account that I now can't access anymore. Or could they print a new sticker for me???


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #6656 on: September 18, 2019, 08:49:13 AM »
I opened a Delta credit card a few months ago to get some bonus miles. After the initial spend, I've switched back to my normal cash rewards card. Well, I ended up getting one of the charges on the Delta card refunded last week. I keep forgetting to use the Delta card instead of the cash rewards card to actually use up the credit....


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #6657 on: September 18, 2019, 01:47:45 PM »
I opened a Delta credit card a few months ago to get some bonus miles. After the initial spend, I've switched back to my normal cash rewards card. Well, I ended up getting one of the charges on the Delta card refunded last week. I keep forgetting to use the Delta card instead of the cash rewards card to actually use up the credit....

I had this problem earlier this year.  I ended up loading my Amazon gift card account with the amount of the credit just to use it.


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #6658 on: September 18, 2019, 03:01:45 PM »
I opened a Delta credit card a few months ago to get some bonus miles. After the initial spend, I've switched back to my normal cash rewards card. Well, I ended up getting one of the charges on the Delta card refunded last week. I keep forgetting to use the Delta card instead of the cash rewards card to actually use up the credit....

I had this problem earlier this year.  I ended up loading my Amazon gift card account with the amount of the credit just to use it.

I've had a $276 credit balance on one card for several months now. I was using a card that required a hefty $5k minimum spend, so I didn't want to put any spending anywhere else. We just got the bonus, so we can finally go back and use that old card for a bit. And I also have a $1 credit balance on my SW card. I should probably spend that before I cancel it here in a month or two.


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #6659 on: September 19, 2019, 06:01:30 AM »
I opened a Delta credit card a few months ago to get some bonus miles. After the initial spend, I've switched back to my normal cash rewards card. Well, I ended up getting one of the charges on the Delta card refunded last week. I keep forgetting to use the Delta card instead of the cash rewards card to actually use up the credit....

I had this problem earlier this year.  I ended up loading my Amazon gift card account with the amount of the credit just to use it.

I do this whenever I have a Visa giftcard with just a few dollars left on it.


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #6660 on: September 20, 2019, 10:49:47 AM »
My Mustanchian problem is when this forum went own for the day I had nowhere to read or post that only us Mustachians get.   


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #6661 on: September 20, 2019, 10:40:25 PM »
I opened a Delta credit card a few months ago to get some bonus miles. After the initial spend, I've switched back to my normal cash rewards card. Well, I ended up getting one of the charges on the Delta card refunded last week. I keep forgetting to use the Delta card instead of the cash rewards card to actually use up the credit....

I had this problem earlier this year.  I ended up loading my Amazon gift card account with the amount of the credit just to use it.

I do this whenever I have a Visa giftcard with just a few dollars left on it.

My MPP is that I tried this to drain the last 3 cents from a visa gift card but it didn’t go through because I entered the wrong zip code or whatever.  So I resubmitted it and it worked.  But it wouldn’t let me cancel the old order and it eventually processed with my default credit card.  This would royally piss me off if.. well if it was more than three cents


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #6662 on: September 21, 2019, 08:37:03 AM »
I have a budget this year for planned maintenance on the house. It is necessary, it will add comfort, and it has been planned for 5 years. I have the money. And I keep postponing it because I just do not want to spend all that lovely money that I could also invest 😄


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #6663 on: September 21, 2019, 03:28:52 PM »
I have a budget this year for planned maintenance on the house. It is necessary, it will add comfort, and it has been planned for 5 years. I have the money. And I keep postponing it because I just do not want to spend all that lovely money that I could also invest 😄
Get outta my head!  That is an apt description of many intended purchases in our household!


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #6664 on: September 21, 2019, 06:53:11 PM »
I have a budget this year for planned maintenance on the house. It is necessary, it will add comfort, and it has been planned for 5 years. I have the money. And I keep postponing it because I just do not want to spend all that lovely money that I could also invest 😄

That is definitely a MPP I can relate to. Sometimes it's hard to remember that spending money really can make things better... After all, isn't that why we save it?


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #6665 on: September 21, 2019, 07:09:56 PM »
I have a budget this year for planned maintenance on the house. It is necessary, it will add comfort, and it has been planned for 5 years. I have the money. And I keep postponing it because I just do not want to spend all that lovely money that I could also invest 😄

That is definitely a MPP I can relate to. Sometimes it's hard to remember that spending money really can make things better... After all, isn't that why we save it?

I had $10k saved with the intent of building a covered back porch, but decided that I'd rather have that money in the market...

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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #6666 on: September 22, 2019, 09:02:07 AM »
Had to pay for braces. Paid all at once to get the discount, rather than paying monthly for a year. But now my spreadsheet says that I spent half a year's budget last month, and my average yearly expenses, which I use to calculate my FI date, is all out of whack.

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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #6667 on: September 23, 2019, 02:10:26 PM »
Had to pay for braces. Paid all at once to get the discount, rather than paying monthly for a year. But now my spreadsheet says that I spent half a year's budget last month, and my average yearly expenses, which I use to calculate my FI date, is all out of whack.

Did the orthodontics folks react oddly? We did this and apparently it is rare here to pay it all down at once?


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #6668 on: September 24, 2019, 11:50:16 AM »
Had to pay for braces. Paid all at once to get the discount, rather than paying monthly for a year. But now my spreadsheet says that I spent half a year's budget last month, and my average yearly expenses, which I use to calculate my FI date, is all out of whack.

Did the orthodontics folks react oddly? We did this and apparently it is rare here to pay it all down at once?

I did it that way, too, for both my sons, using the HSA account.  Both times, the people at my orthodontist's office didn't bat an eye at the single payment, so either I'm not the only one doing it that way here, or they have good poker faces!


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #6669 on: September 26, 2019, 08:37:26 AM »
My USPS "Informed Delivery" this morning showed an incoming letter from the US Dept of Treasury.

Always a nerve-racking occurrence.

I logged into the website to view the 2018 transcript of my account. It looks they're mailing me an (unsolicited) check for about $175.
Apparently, when the IRS does this, they don't include an explanation along with the check.  Per some online forums, they send a SEPARATE notification in the postal mail (often weeks later) to explain.

2018 was the most complicated tax year of my life thus far -- many moving parts, sale of multiple rental properties, depreciation schedules, IRA re-characterizations, 1099-B's and amended 1099-B with dozens of pages of transactions, and more and more and more....

I really want to know where the discrepancy is!  I've been warned (by blog posts) to hold off from cashing the check.  If it turns out the IRS is in error, I'll owe interest and penalties if I cash the check.  MPP: Soooo, now I get to hold onto the check from today's mail -- and I get to wonder what happened for a few weeks.  And I have to waste more time to try to reconcile what happened.

Edit: And an open question I have -- that I can't seem to find an answer for online:  The check from the IRS is supposedly including "interest" on the amount that they owed me.  Will I then owe income tax on this interest income???  :D
« Last Edit: September 26, 2019, 09:02:37 AM by rantk81 »


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #6670 on: September 26, 2019, 08:43:29 AM »
Had to pay for braces. Paid all at once to get the discount, rather than paying monthly for a year. But now my spreadsheet says that I spent half a year's budget last month, and my average yearly expenses, which I use to calculate my FI date, is all out of whack.

Did the orthodontics folks react oddly? We did this and apparently it is rare here to pay it all down at once?

I did it that way, too, for both my sons, using the HSA account.  Both times, the people at my orthodontist's office didn't bat an eye at the single payment, so either I'm not the only one doing it that way here, or they have good poker faces!

We did it that way as well, both kids, because there is a discount both for that and not paying by credit card. So I think enough people do it otherwise they wouldn't be offering it.

MPP: number crunching the different dental plans to find out which one is the best deal for getting braces. It was close to a wash but one was 700 cheaper over the 2 year period so that's the one I switched to, and each time started the braces in Jan so I wouldn't have to pay additional dental insurance once the 2 year period was done.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2019, 08:46:02 AM by partgypsy »


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #6671 on: September 26, 2019, 10:25:59 AM »
Talking about braces etc. here is a very intersting article how it comes we all need them now, when not too long ago people didn't.

Bonus point: Charles Darwin on the topic.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2019, 01:59:37 PM by LennStar »


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #6672 on: September 26, 2019, 11:47:52 AM »
Talking about braces etc. here is a very intersting article how it comes we all need them now, when not too long ago people didn't.

Bonus point: Charles Darwin on the topic.
I'd love to read the article, but the link didn't come through. Can you try again?


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #6673 on: September 26, 2019, 01:59:52 PM »
Talking about braces etc. here is a very intersting article how it comes we all need them now, when not too long ago people didn't.

Bonus point: Charles Darwin on the topic.
I'd love to read the article, but the link didn't come through. Can you try again?


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #6674 on: September 26, 2019, 08:33:37 PM »
I spend so little, that I can barely make my credit card sign up bonus minimums.
Exactly! I want a chase sapphire card for the great rewards, but I can't do the spending to get the sign up bonus.

Just buy a giftcard at the grocery store you shop at for the sign up bonus minimum amount. You'll eventually use it on food!


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #6675 on: September 27, 2019, 06:34:39 PM »
I spend so little, that I can barely make my credit card sign up bonus minimums.
Exactly! I want a chase sapphire card for the great rewards, but I can't do the spending to get the sign up bonus.

Just buy a giftcard at the grocery store you shop at for the sign up bonus minimum amount. You'll eventually use it on food!

I'll prepay utilities. That way I don't even need to deal with a gift card ;)

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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #6676 on: September 30, 2019, 10:53:56 AM »
Having become a Mustachian I now walk the five to six miles a day to and from work rather than drive. This is obviously a good thing but comes with a Mustachian People Problem.

As a result of not driving I need to use the changing room at work. This has been ok up to now but in the last few weeks I’ve had to put up with others using the changing room when I do. It’s not my own personal changing room of course so fair enough.

However one of them thinks it’s acceptable to cut his toe nails in the changing room. Why wouldn’t you do that at home? Another one thinks it’s fine to fart like no one is around. You wouldn’t do this in the main office so why is it ok around colleagues in a changing room? Lastly a third chap spends the entire time in the shower making the most disgusting noises in his throat and nose.

If I just drove to work like a normal person I wouldn’t have to put up with this. So wish we luck tomorrow when I arrive at work, and I’ll have to see what combination of Farter, Snorter and Clipper I get to share the changing rooms with. Good grief putting it like that they sound like evil versions of Snow White’s dwarfs. I only need Scratchy, Towel Thief, Cougher and Aftershave Stencher to start using the facilities and I’ll have the whole set to contend with.

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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #6677 on: September 30, 2019, 03:11:47 PM »
Having become a Mustachian I now walk the five to six miles a day to and from work rather than drive. This is obviously a good thing but comes with a Mustachian People Problem.

As a result of not driving I need to use the changing room at work. This has been ok up to now but in the last few weeks I’ve had to put up with others using the changing room when I do. It’s not my own personal changing room of course so fair enough.

However one of them thinks it’s acceptable to cut his toe nails in the changing room. Why wouldn’t you do that at home? Another one thinks it’s fine to fart like no one is around. You wouldn’t do this in the main office so why is it ok around colleagues in a changing room? Lastly a third chap spends the entire time in the shower making the most disgusting noises in his throat and nose.

If I just drove to work like a normal person I wouldn’t have to put up with this. So wish we luck tomorrow when I arrive at work, and I’ll have to see what combination of Farter, Snorter and Clipper I get to share the changing rooms with. Good grief putting it like that they sound like evil versions of Snow White’s dwarfs. I only need Scratchy, Towel Thief, Cougher and Aftershave Stencher to start using the facilities and I’ll have the whole set to contend with.

Don't join the military then. All sorts of this sort of thing. I was happy to leave all that behind.


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #6678 on: October 01, 2019, 03:12:06 AM »
Having become a Mustachian I now walk the five to six miles a day to and from work rather than drive. This is obviously a good thing but comes with a Mustachian People Problem.

As a result of not driving I need to use the changing room at work. This has been ok up to now but in the last few weeks I’ve had to put up with others using the changing room when I do. It’s not my own personal changing room of course so fair enough.

However one of them thinks it’s acceptable to cut his toe nails in the changing room. Why wouldn’t you do that at home? Another one thinks it’s fine to fart like no one is around. You wouldn’t do this in the main office so why is it ok around colleagues in a changing room? Lastly a third chap spends the entire time in the shower making the most disgusting noises in his throat and nose.

If I just drove to work like a normal person I wouldn’t have to put up with this. So wish we luck tomorrow when I arrive at work, and I’ll have to see what combination of Farter, Snorter and Clipper I get to share the changing rooms with. Good grief putting it like that they sound like evil versions of Snow White’s dwarfs. I only need Scratchy, Towel Thief, Cougher and Aftershave Stencher to start using the facilities and I’ll have the whole set to contend with.

If you only walk and not run, then you probably don't need to shower? At least, I don't need it when I walk a similar distance to work. Is there then an alternative like a handicap toilet where you can change your clothes?


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #6679 on: October 01, 2019, 06:20:19 AM »
Having become a Mustachian I now walk the five to six miles a day to and from work rather than drive. This is obviously a good thing but comes with a Mustachian People Problem.

As a result of not driving I need to use the changing room at work. This has been ok up to now but in the last few weeks I’ve had to put up with others using the changing room when I do. It’s not my own personal changing room of course so fair enough.

However one of them thinks it’s acceptable to cut his toe nails in the changing room. Why wouldn’t you do that at home? Another one thinks it’s fine to fart like no one is around. You wouldn’t do this in the main office so why is it ok around colleagues in a changing room? Lastly a third chap spends the entire time in the shower making the most disgusting noises in his throat and nose.

If I just drove to work like a normal person I wouldn’t have to put up with this. So wish we luck tomorrow when I arrive at work, and I’ll have to see what combination of Farter, Snorter and Clipper I get to share the changing rooms with. Good grief putting it like that they sound like evil versions of Snow White’s dwarfs. I only need Scratchy, Towel Thief, Cougher and Aftershave Stencher to start using the facilities and I’ll have the whole set to contend with.

If you only walk and not run, then you probably don't need to shower? At least, I don't need it when I walk a similar distance to work. Is there then an alternative like a handicap toilet where you can change your clothes?

It probably depends on where you live (and how fast you walk).

If I walked more than 2 miles, I would need a shower. Today's high is 98F (37C), not to mention humidity.


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #6680 on: October 01, 2019, 10:57:33 AM »
My MPP: when the forums are DOWN for an entire day.

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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #6681 on: October 01, 2019, 10:59:37 AM »
I didn’t expect any serious help for this issue, it was just good to share, but thanks, you guys rock!

Yes I like to walk quickly so very much need a shower when I arrive. I’ll have to hope their use of the changing rooms isn’t permanent or vary my time slightly. I managed to avoid anyone displaying these characteristics today thankfully :-)


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #6682 on: October 01, 2019, 11:39:15 AM »
Had to pay for braces. Paid all at once to get the discount, rather than paying monthly for a year. But now my spreadsheet says that I spent half a year's budget last month, and my average yearly expenses, which I use to calculate my FI date, is all out of whack.
I modified my spreadsheet for things that are yearly or every five or 10 years, so it didn't mess up my projected monthly spend


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #6683 on: October 01, 2019, 12:52:36 PM »
I should wait at least another week before applying for the Southwest business card and thus starting my journey toward a companion pass for 2020-21, but the waiting is killing me.

I guess impatience isn't really a MPP.


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #6684 on: October 02, 2019, 04:01:12 AM »
Yesterday, when leaving from work, I put 2 kiwis in my bag, that were leftover from the fruit bowl from the day before. This morning, back at work, I still have them in my bag, as I forgot to take them out.


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #6685 on: October 02, 2019, 09:26:01 AM »
I spend so little, that I can barely make my credit card sign up bonus minimums.
Exactly! I want a chase sapphire card for the great rewards, but I can't do the spending to get the sign up bonus.

Just buy a giftcard at the grocery store you shop at for the sign up bonus minimum amount. You'll eventually use it on food!

Just be aware that Walmart grocery pickup doesn't currently accept gift cards, so if that's how you get groceries then you'll have to actually go in.  I have like $120 in WM gift cards that I've been holding onto for almost a year because I just don't wanna go inside.


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #6686 on: October 02, 2019, 01:03:12 PM »
We have been working towards a merger for the last two years. Today we were told that the merger will only last for 2-4 years. After that, they will probably split the companies again (depending on political elections). Having FU money and FU education, I don't see any danger in the changes, and am having the time of my life.
This will be a complete chaos: should we change all our IT systems to fit together, or should be not give a shit? Should we try to convince all the department to change their purchasing routine, or just the ones that we'll have to deal with later? There will be as many opinions about this as there are coworkers, and the top bosses can't say anything because they have to be loyal to the ever changing political majority.

The last time we were in chaos, some of my coworkers got mad at me because I didn't take everything seriously. Luckily, a lot of people are on holiday, but I'll have to try to hide my mirth before the ones who worry about changes get back to the office next week.


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #6687 on: October 04, 2019, 03:18:40 PM »
The old version of YNAB is going away and I don't feel like I use it enough to pay $7/month for the new version, so I've been building my own expense tracking spreadsheet on Google Sheets. I put together a working version a few days ago, but now my problem is that I don't have enough spending to play around with the charts and reporting to make sure it all works :( it'll take a month or two to get more than a handful of lines of transactions to report on.


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #6688 on: October 04, 2019, 05:11:35 PM »
The old version of YNAB is going away and I don't feel like I use it enough to pay $7/month for the new version, so I've been building my own expense tracking spreadsheet on Google Sheets. I put together a working version a few days ago, but now my problem is that I don't have enough spending to play around with the charts and reporting to make sure it all works :( it'll take a month or two to get more than a handful of lines of transactions to report on.

YNAB doesn’t let you export your data?  That’s something I do like about personal capital


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #6689 on: October 04, 2019, 06:15:32 PM »
The old version of YNAB is going away and I don't feel like I use it enough to pay $7/month for the new version, so I've been building my own expense tracking spreadsheet on Google Sheets. I put together a working version a few days ago, but now my problem is that I don't have enough spending to play around with the charts and reporting to make sure it all works :( it'll take a month or two to get more than a handful of lines of transactions to report on.

YNAB doesn’t let you export your data?  That’s something I do like about personal capital

It does, but I had decided to use this as an opportunity to start fresh. Although I could make a copy of the spreadsheet using the historical data just to make sure it's working fine. Thanks for the suggestion!


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #6690 on: October 07, 2019, 09:20:57 PM »
I have a new MPP based on my old MPP. I recently gave my presentation on FIRE for our corporate retreat break out session. Now I have a few people who want to meet with me to talk about their FIRE plans. I just created more work for myself.

On the other hand, it was quite fun, and there are quite a few people who specifically chose to work as expats to FIRE more quickly, so that was nice to find out.


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #6691 on: October 08, 2019, 12:41:39 AM »
I have a new MPP based on my old MPP. I recently gave my presentation on FIRE for our corporate retreat break out session. Now I have a few people who want to meet with me to talk about their FIRE plans. I just created more work for myself.

On the other hand, it was quite fun, and there are quite a few people who specifically chose to work as expats to FIRE more quickly, so that was nice to find out.


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #6692 on: October 09, 2019, 07:55:03 AM »
My MPP: when the forums are DOWN for an entire day.
That's nothing, my son has DOWN for his entire life!  But he's happy regardless ;)


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #6693 on: October 09, 2019, 12:28:41 PM »
I really want a blaze king catalytic wood stove. We had one when we lived in bush AK and it burned much more efficiently and cleaner than the one that came with our house. It would cost $3.5k for a new one or at least $2k used if I can even find one. MPP - I genuinely enjoy cutting and splitting firewood. I can't really justify spending a bunch of money to avoid work I enjoy...


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #6694 on: October 10, 2019, 12:22:06 AM »
A few years ago I sorted out threadbare and wornout bath towels to be used as cleaning rags. Yesterday we got the rags up from the cellar to clean the windows. I couldn't help but notice that meanwhile the bath towels for cleaning are in much better condition than the ones I am currently using in the bathroom.

So now I have to live with the fact that my cleaning rags are nicer than the towels that I use to dry my body.


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #6695 on: October 10, 2019, 10:46:48 AM »
A few years ago I sorted out threadbare and wornout bath towels to be used as cleaning rags. Yesterday we got the rags up from the cellar to clean the windows. I couldn't help but notice that meanwhile the bath towels for cleaning are in much better condition than the ones I am currently using in the bathroom.

So now I have to live with the fact that my cleaning rags are nicer than the towels that I use to dry my body.

LOL!  Can you switch them back again?  Or maybe it is time (gulp) to buy new towels?

I realized when I was decluttering before moving that I was using things that were not in good enough shape to donate.  Guess which items got decluttered?


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #6696 on: October 10, 2019, 08:20:17 PM »
A few years ago I sorted out threadbare and wornout bath towels to be used as cleaning rags. Yesterday we got the rags up from the cellar to clean the windows. I couldn't help but notice that meanwhile the bath towels for cleaning are in much better condition than the ones I am currently using in the bathroom.

So now I have to live with the fact that my cleaning rags are nicer than the towels that I use to dry my body.

LOL!  Can you switch them back again?  Or maybe it is time (gulp) to buy new towels?

I realized when I was decluttering before moving that I was using things that were not in good enough shape to donate.  Guess which items got decluttered?

No, that is not allowed.  Sorry, the towel laws are clear.


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #6697 on: October 11, 2019, 07:24:48 AM »
es I don’t keep it at work. It was the change in hours that altered my routine and my coworkers not being used to seeing me eat breakfast at work. If I kept it at work I would fear it would be kidnapped and I would be sent a ransom note.

Why are you posting the same text as never give up from a year ago?


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #6698 on: October 11, 2019, 09:14:16 AM »
es I don’t keep it at work. It was the change in hours that altered my routine and my coworkers not being used to seeing me eat breakfast at work. If I kept it at work I would fear it would be kidnapped and I would be sent a ransom note.

Why are you posting the same text as never give up from a year ago?
Probable spam bot. Report!


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Re: Mustachian People Problems (just for fun)
« Reply #6699 on: October 11, 2019, 09:38:38 AM »
es I don’t keep it at work. It was the change in hours that altered my routine and my coworkers not being used to seeing me eat breakfast at work. If I kept it at work I would fear it would be kidnapped and I would be sent a ransom note.

Why are you posting the same text as never give up from a year ago?
Probable spam bot. Report!
Probable Borg! Shields Up, Red Alert! It's right there in the name!....eerkkk.... Resistance is futile.